Wow, this really made me think.
I bet you Holocaust deniers feel pretty embarrassed now.
Wow, this really made me think.
I bet you Holocaust deniers feel pretty embarrassed now.
Other urls found in this thread:
>user got gold for that post
He got gold because of how thoroughly he demolished you idiotic Holocaust deniers.
>Yes goy give that man some shekels for defending our holocaust industry
>Holocaust denial is the same as black lung denial
>just trust me don't ask for any evidence
>ban anybody disagreeing with me
That has got to be the most kosher bit of ADL tier posting I've seen in weeks. This reeks so bad of pure kike I could almost see it being a Sup Forumsack shitpost, except it didn't contain contain one veiled hint or SHUT IT DOWN reference.
I believe the Holocaust happened, and it was a horrible and fucked up thing. But I think it's possible that the numbers could have been inflated. Although they seem fairly reasonable for the evidence. Same thing where people claim Hitler was Jewish or had a micropenis. Just things said to make the perpetrator look worse. The victors write the history.
>denying the holocaust is appealing to emotion
Oy Vey, your shit Shoah
>I believe the Holocaust happened, and it was a horrible and fucked up thing
This. Gassing thousands of people is fucked up, no matter what.
>this debunked image again
>your shit Shoah
This is now a holohoax thread
That post doesn't do anything to deniers.
You can call something "anti-knowledge" whether it's true or not. That's just patently emotional speech.
The thing which stops deniers is evidence. Same with moon-landing hoaxers.
That and the contention that there's not much point in modern times to belabor it.
I don't like 'moralist' censors though. It's a slippery slope when a government or corporation starts deciding what's true under enforced penalty.
>haha those dastardly nazis always asking for proof of other people's claims good thing we don't have to tolerate that any more thanks to google
The only thing that is anti knowledge is the destruction of it. No one has the right to judge what is noise or not. Though i suppose malicious spam could be the exception.
Are you one of Trudeau's personal shitposting spergs?
I swear ever since he got in, the Canadian content on this board has become complete and utter shit
Why the fuck would you deny the holocaust.
The point is that genocides have happened throughout human history. Jews aren't the only ones that were systematically exterminated and are far from the worst victims from it as some groups did not even survive.
Even during WWII there were peoples that died in much larger quantities than the Jews, for example Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, etc.
>no matter what
I used to be blue pilled too. You will come around soon enough.
i swear every leaf must be a filthy plebitor
Holocaust denial IS malicious spam. It's spamming ancient and debunked jpegs and baseless claims to confuse people of the truth.
I don't care if they censor Holocaust denial but it strikes me as an ineffective tactic to silence them. Deniers will never be a threat to mainstream historical research and it's silly for them to treat this idea like it's Pandora's Box that must never be considered. You're just giving a bogus theory more credibility by putting it in the shadows
the Holocaust happened, I think to a politically exaggerated degree and that's what they don't want to be openly discussed.
>Even during WWII there were peoples that died in much larger quantities than the Jews, for example Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, etc.
I wonder who committed those genocides?
True that. The Germans didn't even only gas Jews. The first people to be sent to the gas chambers were Russian captives, which the Nazis used as guinea pigs to test the gas chambers.
Good to see there are still a few Sup Forumsacks here amidst the recent JIDF resurgence
My point being that denying the Holocaust outs you as a neo-Nazi with an agenda to push.
>leaf makes a troll thread
Just stop trying to troll. We know you don't actually believe the shit you're saying.
>I don't care if they censor Holocaust denial
>it happened to a politically exaggerated degree
>that's what they don't want to be openly discussed
Cognitive dissonance and sheep mentality (i.e. bluepill); checked.
>people who disagree with me must be trolls!
>Google's business is in cataloging the knowledge of the world
>anything I don't like isn't knowledge
>let's not let people make up their own minds, we'll tell you what to think Goyim
Fucking kikes. Fuck Reddisrael too.
>and baseless claims to confuse people of the truth
You could say the same about a lot of things. Nonetheless, evidence is the only antidote, not censorship.
I worry that people would use this as a pretext to silence other, less disproven critiques, under 'moral grounds'.
>will never be a threat to mainstream historical research
Exactly. It's somewhat of a silly crusade. I'm not even sure how many modern people care either. They mostly get "okay cool" as a response.
This thread outs you as a anti-free speech kike
Fuck off JIDF kike faggot
I'm not against free speech, but when you have a corporation to run, I accept their choices for practical reasons. Free speech only applies to the state, not private institutions.
No, your attempts at argument are so obtuse and moronic, I'm giving you credit that you're in fact trolling, rather than actually being serious, and therefore functionally retarded.
i honestly don't care if the holocaust was real or not
americans faced their own tragedies (while also suffering under a commie) in ww2 and yet we're somehow guilt tripped by jews when the only thing in we have in common with hitler is our skin color
>trying to deny something with mountains of evidence
pol BTFO by reddit intellectuals
>violating basic human rights is okay because you run the server
Nope. It's objectively unethical and unjust and should be flatly outlawed.
>Free speech only applies to the state, not private institutions.
Private institutions are beholden to the laws of the state.
The US has just chosen not to enforce it as much yet, but probably will to prevent corps from controlling the internet too much.
I.E. Corps can't deny you food if they don't like what you say. They have some leeway, but not if they push it.
>deleting things should be outlawed
Fucking psycho
retard fucking leaf
You don't get it, user. Jewgle is just doing its part to adhere to the "Protocols", and not doing things "for business." They are removing holocaust denial on the internet because "those who control the past control the present, and those who control the present control the future."
This, the numbers were inflated, look at the number of jews according to jewish museums, the number of jews in Europe from 1900 to 1936 increased in 6 millions, after the war the number of jews decreased 6 millions, and from 1945 to this day the number of jews have only increased by 1.000.000~, even though they have their own country and protection.
>asking for evidence is shifting the burden of proof
>Free speech only applies to the state, not private institutions
When google starts deciding what can be seen and what can't for a billion or more people,then it becomes a problem, especially since they are openly biased. Maybe it's time the get the AT&T treatment (if you are to young to know, forced break up of divisions into separate companies).
>Fucking psycho
He's actually quite correct. You should be more careful about defending your civil rights.
Say your ISP wanted to silence posts about a certain topic, or your telephone company cuts you off if you say certain words.
Don't mistake choosing not to enforce certain laws with it actually being legal.
In the US, the ACLU will absolutely ram a corp into the ground if they go too far.
Violation of basic human rights should be outlawed, yes. Unethical and unjust mistreatment of people and information should be outlawed, yes.
Ready to admit you're only pretending to be retarded yet?
>shifting the burden of proof
Is he Russian or Chinese?
I'm a libertarian. I believe private corporations should be allowed to do whatever they want without government interference.
it is also a business run by lefties who employ a 50% diversity quota and gender quota
>I believe private corporations should be allowed to do whatever they want without government interference.
Then you're not a "libertarian", you're a 'plutocratic corporatist'.
Libertarians specifically demand that the government protect their individual freedoms as its main reason for existing.
>I'm a subhuman autist. I believe people should be able to violate basic human rights because they run a store.
Now who's the fucking psycho? lol
Also, the Civil Rights Act removed your ability to do this in the US.
holy fuck dude the jewcoaster thing is so ridiculous how does ANYONE believe this??
That's not even remotely true.
The Civil Rights Act was a mistake, and is anti freedom. I believe in freedom, which is why I support Google in this cause.
Looks like Bibi missed the "Hitler caused the holocaust" memo.
Maybe OP should focus on that and go back to his plebbit shill echo-chamber?
The holocaust is a conspiracy theory with dodgy claims and dodgy evidence.
You can without a doubt prove the Armenian genocide, it's so well documented and witnessed. But the holocaust doesn't have this.
If you bother scrutinizing the testimonies and attempts of 'proof' the holoconspiracy theorists throw at """deniers""" you can easily see why we came to the conclusion we've come to.
I myself am not a neo faggot nor a Hitler worshipper. I hate the Nazis, they were an enemy of my nation and did horrible shit (the internment camps and mistreatment of prisoners one of them), I will NOT stand tearing down my enemies with lies.
Why would you have to put doctored or misplaced pictures in textbooks to prove something that is supposedly so well documented?
Look up "typhus victims civil war" and tell me, have you seen that picture before? Well gee wilikers it's also used as proof of the death camps.
Just the foot of the hill.
Okay if you're so fixated on dated debunked jpegs then post some and why they're incorrect.
>The holocaust is a conspiracy theory
No, Holocaust DENIAL is a conspiracy theory. Keep up, idiot.
show this faggot an obviously photoshopped picture of dead "jews" and watch him sperg out.
>That's not even remotely true.
Nice 'refutation', dummy.
>I support the 'freedom' of people to remove the freedoms of other people and violate their basic human rights
Okay then. The only thing that will fix you is a gas chamber. Thread closed.
Reminder that your views are objectively, provably wrong, and harmful to human society.
>That's not even remotely true.
You literally said you want corporations to control whatever they want.
>I believe in freedom
Which you won't have if you trade a civil liberty protecting government for a non-liberty protecting corporation.
Your platform is basically that you want corporations to BE the government.
At which point, it's the corporate government removing your free speech.
Wouldn't you change your opinion immediately if it was the government doing that?
A corporate monopoly on your life isn't any different.
>1 Reddit Gold has been deposited into your JIDF account
Done, and done.
Debunk this, shit heads.
Fuck off leaf
>I believe in freedom, which is why I support Google in this cause
>I believe in letting a megacorp with openly biased leadership decide what is news, how it should be presented and when
Are you fucking retard or a google stock holder?
>No replies
Yeah, that's exactly what I though. Holocaust deniers are absolutely pathetic.
If you make a claim atleast have a fucking source
Here's the original, btw. Look at how the pathetic stormfag tries desperately to hold onto his ridiculous Jewish conspiracy theory.
Fucking checked, leaf BTFO
>exactly what I though. Holocaust deniers are absolutely pathetic
>doesn't even allow 3 minutes for someone to check his pic
>I win
Drink bleach cunt
You didn't even give any sources. You're just another disinformation agent as far as I'm concerned.
>the collection of names edited to the preferences of a leftist leaf
>still an oy vey worthy synagogue roster
So sad you won't get a (You) from this, you autistic freak.
I think since holocaust denial is a political movement, it violates their neutrality of search results.
It is if you claim that there's some council of ebil JOOS perpetuating the holocaust with malicious intent.
The most conspiratorial it ever got was when the govts of the allies and commies decided to roll with it and say "yeah guys look the Germans we were just at war with are EVIL so don't support national socialism or german romanticism"
They had a good reason to do it, but the lie is super shitty. Hell I'm not even sure if they knew whether or not the rumors were true or not, except the Soviets obviously who controlled the camps they claim are death camps.
Easy propaganda. No conspiracy needed.
But the holocaust. It's basically saying that every German/Polish/East European in general citizen were willing accessories to a genocide of civilian PoWs and that the German government cared so much about kikes that they were willing to expend more resources than they had to exterminate that populace as best they could?
Imagine, you want to eliminate all the chinks from Vancouver or Quebecois people. Would you bus them to camps on the other side of the country, corrall them, have them perform labors, and then jam pack them into a small concrete room and somehow introduce a pesticide into the room and kill them with it somehow, dragging the bodies up stairs to burn them in 1 man capacity crematoriums? I'm not even going to touch on the numbers and further logistics like room capacity, poison delivery and target ingestion methodology, time to burn corpses in coal crematoriums, etc etc
(and no the "they stacked bodies" argument is false it makes it take longer when you add mass to the cremation)
Okay you're a troll.
But for the sake of the newfags I'll bite the bait and dump information, food for thought.
That image you posted has, get this, NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ALLEGATIONS OF THE HOLOCAUST.
Post something that is privy to the holocaust.
>t. /r/the_donald subscribers
>knows what /trash/ is
Get back to your sheep.
>r/thedonald shills being against Reddit
You should fucking kill yourself. Seriously.
>Debunk this, shit heads.
Why? It has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. Your jew tactics are pretty transparent
To be honest, I'm a little drunk, and I don't have any Holocaust pictures saved. But there are TONS of images debunking them. Even without that, you can read this website to see how idiotic Holocaust denial.
Too sick to gas.
The Holocaust did happen but a McCarthyist no platform tactic will work against them, just like it has done with racism.
Come on dude, it's not like every single Jew was in on a plot to destroy/control Europe. Gassing a deli owner or a pharmacist is hardly justified.
>there are tons of images debunking them
Problem is, you haven't posted a single image proving your point. You have no traction. At all.
Rationalwiki is basically the Neogaf version of wikipedia. Thus because it is highly biased I refuse to take any materials from there seriously. Bring any materials you think are relevant and support your stance here instead of telling your debate opponents to go reference a material themselves. Laziness, no argument, makes you seem like you're really incorrect AND incompetent drunk or not.
>you could tell (who was being roasted) by the colour of the smoke
Yeah and? That's just how they signal whether or not a new Pope has been chosen
How in the name of kek is holocaust denial a political movement
Ever heard of 'The lady doth protest too much'? Nevermind I wouldn't expect a Sup Forumstard to get it.
Speak English
Link to the article please?
Have you ever heard of a liberal holocaust denier?
How is this even remotely believable?
>Damned Jew, I don't take orders from you
Fuck Reddit. I got shadow-banned for mentioning the fact that the plaque in front of Auschwitz got revised from 4 million down to 1.5 million, yet the Zhids still are making the 6,000,000 woe-are-we fraudulency. Try it yourself on the news sub-reddit. Shadow bans are scummy jewy behavior.
The sun rises.
The sun sets.
Leaf shitposts.
There have been plenty.