Amazing Atheist: Fedorah tipper 5,000

"If Christianity can change Islam can change."

What did he mean by this?

Christianity didn't change, they changed others to Christians.

>what was the reform of christianity

His mom must be a modernist

Wut? He's right though.

>hey Sup Forums what did [e-celeb] mean by this?

Holy shit fuck off. Mods permaban this faggot

Islam has changed. It turned from a regional scourge of barbarians into a global terrorist death cult.

Christianity had a reformation, Islam needs one.

he thinks he can get a muslim to stick nanners in their doopers.

jokes on him, they on a whole other level, they fuck kids and goats and like to blow themselves up.

A schism

He's saying Christians used to be just as brutal as Muslims up until modern times when we became more civilized. Idk if Muslims can ever become civilized considering most live in desolate shit holes but it's a possibility they can eventually modernize and become more moderate of a religion.

He's right, though. They CAN change. They won't, but they can.

Can Christianity change back?

We're already like 70% of the way to a crusade for the holy land, why not just paint some ornate crosses and make it official?

I need some evidence that Christians used to be just as brutal.

reformation is impossible in Islam because the word of the Quran is the unchangeable word of god according to itself. A reformation like that of Christianity is literally impossible.

Christianity shifted more towards humanism during the renaissance, focusing more on making religion private and allowing for personal interpretations of biblical passages. Islam needs something like that, a modernization and freedom of interpretation instead of ardent followers who'll slit your throat if you pray the wrong way.

The people who say what OP said don't know much about both Christianity and Islam.

I can find you Papal Encyclicals condemning each of those things

Fuck off TJ

He is wrong. The Bible is mostly stories about things that happened long ago to people who aren't you in contexts that are not yours. Very little is even claimed by Christians to be the word of God red letter Jesus quotes.

Also, there could still be more prophets. And much leway was given the church (whatever you interpret that to mean) to adapt.

The Koran is claimed to be 100 percent the word of Allah. Mohammad is claimed to be the last prophet. It stands as is for all time. Nothing that accepts it can ever supercede it.

Also the Koran isn't stories about stuff that happened to other people that may or may not be emulated, it states on the first or second page that it is a guide for all those who would guard against evil ( everyone ). What it directs it directs for everyone.

Unlike Christianity, Islam can never change. It is a toxic ideology that should be extincted.

Spanish inquisition is a good one

Salem witch trials

And what was so bad about the Spanish Inquisition?

We need to subvert Islam

He means to say that he's a huge banana fucking atheist faggot who doesn't understand what he's talking about.

The Quran is not the equivalent of the bible. The Quran is regarded as the direct word of God, just as the 10 Commandments are regarded as the direct word of God. If Muslims change the direct word of God, they in effect cease to be Muslims.

The reason Christianity has been able to ebb and flow is because the bible isn't regarded as the direct word of God but instead indirect divine revelation. The Bible is more similar to the Sunnah/Hadiths, but because of the precedence of the Quran in Islamic jurisprudence, you cannot "revise" the religion into something else. Quranic verses will always take precedence over the Sunnah/Hadiths.

This guy gets my meme. Props to you user.

it wasn't expected

People died. And it's what mooslims do on a daily business. I'm not Christianity is bad but let's not be hypocrites

he's right, the question is who will bring about that change, and how many lives will it take?

personally, I am not ready for Europe to take the brunt of their much-needed religious change.

If it's going to change, it has to be done by them in the shitholes they come from.

I think you'd be alarmed at the scale of those things in comparison to the death toll from Islam.

I've personally watched more people be executed in ISIS propaganda videos than were killed in the Salem witch trials.

I get it

I'm a secular Muslim, myself.

You also got it user.

then i guess we'll all just have to adapt to islam.
it'd be pretty peaceful actually.

He's right you know.
Christians used to be just as brutal and nobody forced them to change until they wanted to, so it would be hypocritical to demand that muslims change before they want to.

I totally agree with you, but I get what tj is saying.

So you think it's a bad thing that the Spaniards and Portuguese expelled all the muslims?

The Alhambra decree is the best decision they made

The true Church doesn't change. Heretics do leave the Church though, and many have.

>muh reformation
Like I said, heretics left the Church. The Church has never, and will never, reform. It cannot, as it was delivered once and for all to the Saints.




No it was good thing but I'm just pointing out Christians and Muslims used to be more alike.

we call that a triple double round here

>Salem witch trials

A textbook mass hysteria. It has nothing to do with Christian doctrine, and in any case, less "witches" were killed than fags in the Orlando nightclub.

Well until then we dues vult

Whether or not you think it was a bad thing, they still tortured people to convince them to convert.

So it's a good thing that lots of modern Christians are soft?

No, they expelled them and the purpose of the inquisition was to find anyone with muslim or Jewish ancestors who had not been expelled

These two get a gold star and at least 2 (you)'s

88 is my favorite digits and this thread has been keked.

That's like saying isis has nothing to do with islam

Catholics are heretics though. No Christians did that.

Isis isn't a mass hysteria. This term has a real definition.


wouldn't be an issue if Islam was soft. But you're right. We can't be soft when we have enemy's.

Doesn't change the fact that 99% of the bulls hit is in the hadiths

Doesn't change the fact that the second most valued books by Sunnis is the "Sahih AlBukhari" which is a Tafsir (interpretation) of the Quran

The main problem in Islam is how it is used to further certain people's interest instead of the people as a whole

Don't tell me Islam can't reform, that shit is being called for by a lot of people you just don't hear about it since most are underground

Christianity was as tough as Islam is now in the 1500's, buy the reformation still kicked off because it resonated with many people's silent beliefs that they couldn't express before

In what other shitberhamic religion have I smelled this sectarian bullshit before.

Does anyone have the angry Ron Paul with a knife image?

No but they do what they do in the name of their prophet. Christians believed witches served the devil and had to die. My point is their both being motivated by religion

Yes it would. Why do you think Western civilisation is in such a deep crisis right now?

>When a society is perishing, the wholesome advice to give to those who would restore it is to call it to the principles from which it sprang; for the purpose and perfection of an association is to aim at and to attain that for which it is formed, and its efforts should be put in motion and inspired by the end and object which originally gave it being. Hence, to fall away from its primal constitution implies disease; to go back to it, recovery.

-Leo XIII, from Rerum Novarum

>Who is Martin Luther

He's not wrong. Time to wait a few hundred years so they'll stop head chopping

This. He's absolutely not wrong in thinking that Islam could change. He is wrong, however, in thinking that it will happen in a big fucking happy circlejerk, where no brown people ever get their feelings hurt ever. If it is to happen, many will die, just as many died to modernize Christianity. The question is, who will be doing the dying? If we don't want it to be westerners, we must plan our policy re:Islam accordingly.

It means he doesn't have even an elementary understanding of either religion.

Additional thought: I think many leftists actually do realize this, if only subconsciously, and they do want it to be westerners that do the dying. The thinking being that nearly(?) ruining western civilization will be our atonement for our original sin of whiteness.

Kek proves only heretics were slain

Both have completely different doctrines. He is implying all religions are the same and can under go the same reforms Christianity had, that's nonsense.

Ah shit banana man, haven't seen him for a while.

Does anyone over the age of 14 watch his shit?

It's probably just going to be shit tons of radical Muslims massacring a bunch of moderates. Unless the Saudis want to false flag Mecca it's a moot point though because I've got no idea what the inciting event would look like.

Is there a New Testament version of the Quran?
Does it still have Taqiyya?

correct. only one of the "abrahamic" religions claims that YHWH has walked the earth in human form

The U.S overthrowing the Middle-East's governments and destroying progressive institutions didn't help, also continuing drone strikes and starting wars like in Iraq. If you want a country not to change give them an enemy to keep fighting against.

Except you don't have a monolithic doctrine with a history of open debate about theological ideas recorded back to it's earliest days with Islam. Islam is like Protestantism, every preacher/mullah says God/Allah told him how to properly interpret scripture on the toilet and everyone else is wrong.


>He's absolutely not wrong in thinking that Islam could change.
Based on what?

Islam can fundamentally change IF their religious scholars agree that the Qur'an is not to be interpreted literally or that it is not the infallible, immutable, absolute word of God. If neither of these things happens, and the likelihood of either happening is extremely small, Islam will not change.

Also, Islamic thought always relies on the example of Muhammad and his companions (sahaba) and also the so called pious predecessors (as-salaf as-salih) to interpret the Qur'an and determine what is orthodox Islam. None of these preached an Islam compatible with today's world, and so to get to a point where the Qur'an was radically reconsidered and reinterpreted one would have to throw away practically everything ehse people thought and taught.

I'm sure Islam will die off eventually, but it will not be reformed in the sense that there would be a new mainstream Islam with hundreds of millions of followers. There may be a lot of Muslims who observe some holidays and such without following Islam, sure, but that is not a reformation of the religion. It is practically impossible for a Muslim scholar to be intellectually honest and reject teachings x, y, and z while accepting teachings a, b, and c on the same grounds that logically compel him to accept the teachings he chooses to reject!

Salafism is a kind of reformation of Islam. They sought and seek to remove the cultural non-Islamic baggage to reach a purified Islam as it was practiced and taught by the aforementioned as-salah as-salif (which consists of the first three generations of Muslims). Needless to say it's not the kind of reformation that is even remotely compatible with a free and liberal society.

>if apples can change then oranges can change

percolated my gravioles

I don't hate him, he can make a good point even when hes being cringey as fuck but I don't agree with him all the time

For instance, he hates Hillary like she killed his dog or some shit and I can agree with that


It can't reform you filthy goat fucker.

Mohammad was literally a pedophilic slave owning war lord and THAT is considered the perfect representation of God under your disgusting third world religion. Christ on the other hand was some hippie that never harmed anyone, that's the difference.

He means that he's a cuck that will never willingly reproduce so he won't have to worry about the centuries of ethnic cleansing and oppression it will take for Islam to "change", if it ever does.

It certainly can.
Although considering how backwards it is even today it will probably take hundreds of years until it stops being inherently violent and oppressive.

We call that pic related

>2016 fuck off.

Only like 15 million died.
At least there were a lot of Jews and Moors in the bunch (of course they murdered millions of innocents).

>If Christianity can change Islam can change.
>I don't want to change them -- I want to get rid of them.

That's what he meant by it, OP. He says it right the fuck after that in the video.




>What did he mean by this?
the ridiculous hope that we'll be waiting decades if not centuries for muslims to get all this jihad out of their systems, hope they don't succeed and get used to frequent terrorist attacks in white nations

A nigger who got shot

A desperate attempt to stay relevant.

Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself yet. There's just no going back from that leaked banana cam.

It's true though.

Arabs were our friends before we became slaves to a jewish religion.

>checks flag
>not from straya

Nice shitpost

Yeah no, Christianity got hit by the renesanse and humanism and meloed out. Islam is still in the dark ages basically.