Explain yourselves, Canada. Maybe that Obamaleaf that comes here once a while can explain.



Other urls found in this thread:


>once a while

They didn't have Barack Hussein Obama, blessings be upon him, to BOOM their economy.



t-the budget will balance itself!

t. weedman

Maybe the Chinks will get tired of using Vancouver as a money laundering center one day?



Oh god it's you again


Damn, do you spend your whole life on Sup Forums? What a sad man you are.

Considering trump isn't even in office yet and he could save a single job let alone a thousand I'd say trump is still better

I'm out, i'm moving to the US after my contract with the army is done.

Fuck this piss poor excuse of a country.

Trump isn't even president yet, what the fuck?

just got on

>what is inflation


it's growth of emerging markets. we are a country of only 35 million people. we will certainly benefit more from globalism than the new asian serfs.

real median household income is inflation adjusted u fucking right wing retard

don't even start with your stupidity.

No you didn't. There's no fucking way you could be the first person to reply to my post and also be the only leaf I was referring to. You had to have been on here this whole time.

>what is +$10 trillion debt

ok, whatever you say buddy


Weedman basically squandered everything. The one thing that was responsible for economic growth leading up to the 2014 oil price crash was the tar sands. And instead of fixing it with maybe... pipelines that can bring in jobs and money to keep the infrastructure ready for when oil production becomes profitable again, Trudeau let the NDP continue destroying any vestige of Alberta's economy, blew money on one failed initiative (Bombardier) after another (Hydro One sale), and is now focusing on the important stuff like MORE IMMIGRANTS and LEGALIZE WEED.

The term "profligate" comes to mind.

Only grew the American national debt exponentially just to pull it off.

Essentially just kicked the can down the road and made himself look good. Whats worse, it looks like the bubbles are primed to pop right as he leaves, making Trump look like an economic disaster.

Well played Obummer.

They can take our Jew bux, but they'll have a difficult time taking our hockey and syrup

what happened to

>what is inflation?

That's a nigger for you

>nigger and spic neighborhoods

those are the worst

but hey, atleast they can assfuck eachother

Yamashitsu your debt to GDP ratio is over 200%. You should stfu.

Obama reduced the budget deficit by 75% and is the slowest spender since Eisenhower.

The national debt went up because the costs of Bush's fuckups, tax cuts, wars and recession don't stop as soon as he leaves office.


>le sell all our natural resources to China and the US country

it's been like this for a long time, I can only hope someone in power gets woke and diversifies this "economy"

We will take that loss.
We will learn from that leftist mistakes.
We will come back stronger than ever.
Vote O'Leary.

>weakest recovery ever

Longest job creation streak in American history.

>Saved GM
you mean he stole taxpayer money to pay out the Syndicates.

Your leaf face happened.

Pretty much. Dems end up taking credit for growth because the recessions were going to happen regardless. You just need to let it take its course. So essentially, it's like Obama did nothing to further grow the US.

But man, Canada is fucking itself.


Well first I may live in Japan but I am American.

Second, Bush's "fuck ups" were all continued by the Obama administration including the tax cuts. Furthermore, it was the bailout of major "too big to fail meme" banks without payback from the great majority.

This is not a haphazard "hurr durr more taxes would fix our debt" jump in debt, leaf. The national debt DOUBLED under his watch. So much so that we are just a few trillion away from economic insolvency.

What an economic hero. Throwing money at the economy until you reverse a recession, bailout banks and do almost nothing to fix the issues that caused the financial crisis in the first place. Except now we aren't in a position to do another bailout.

kek. The nigger fucked up YUUUUGE. Stop trying to cuck up to him. NIGGERS SUCK AT GOVERNMENT

thr s only 30 million of us
we can only win so hard
and the excesive shitposting may have cut into productivity some what

>Well first I may live in Japan but I am American.

Yokohama, you must be American because you have to be fucking retarded if you think the US national debt was $6.5T when Obama took office. You literally have to be fucking brain dead. I suggest you stay away from Fukushima, Matsuomodo your brain is rotting.

Name the last Republican president to reduce the budget deficit over their term. Go ahead I'll wait.

Canada used to be #1 in the 90s m8.

>so edgy
>get triggered

Part time or full time? You still never gave the website that cites the figure 95% of Obama's jobs were full-time jobs.

Where in the country were those jobs made?

Why is it that Clinton claims that the Affordable Care Act turns full-time jobs into part-time jobs?

>recessions are inevitable under Republicans

Top kek.

Economy crashes under Republicans.
Economy thrives under Democrats.

Right wing retards want the economy to crash so they vote Republican.


all those numbers are fake. Are we better or worse? Worse, simple. Talk to business owners, blue collar folk, smart people. King nigger ought to hang

But it was.

Also, about the deficits...

Venezuela's stock market

>user doesn't understand how inflation, artificially low interest rates, and Shiller P/E ratios work...

Forgot Pic.

>all those numbers are fake.

Fucking right wing retards.

Anything your brain can't handle must be fake so everything is fake.

The leafbuck is 73 cents but keep telling yourself the US economy is weak fucktard.

No show us the picture that breaks down how many full time jobs were created instead of 20 hour/week part time jobs.

>A strong dollar is always better
Have you even read into the subject?

Holy shit how fucking retarded are you? Venezuela has double digit inflation.

US inflation is 1%.

You fucking morons are full blown retards. No wonder Canada is so fucked.

Comparing Venezuela to the US? Seriously? You're such a fucking retard, even Americans should call you out.

>below Ireland

Canada is in the top 10?

Kill yourself

Here's the Donna Brazile quote to Podesta.

“I think people are more in despair about how things are—yes new jobs but they are low wage jobs. HOUSING is a huge issue. Most people pay half of what they make to rent.“


15 million "jobs" created under Obama
20 million more Americans under Obama
Seems pretty piss poor.

>The leafbuck is 73 cents but keep telling yourself the US economy is weak fucktard.
So is Trudaeu a republican?

Yes it is better for America you fucking retard.

What is purchasing power.

This is what I mean. You right wing retards think crashing the economy is a good thing.

Take your $1 USD = 116 Yen and shove them up your ass Hirohito.

The "jobs" figure is always misleading. They can take part time nothing jobs and throw it in the figure and act like they are rebuilding the middle class.

Sure no problem.

95% Obama job creation is full time.

You tired of getting btfo yet?

Cause I'm not getting tired of WINNING

>no more yous

Canadas oil industry will continue being strangled by dedicated green puritans, global "secular stagnation" will keep commodities cheap

Retarded incompetent government in largest most industrial region scaring off manufacturing and heavy industry and importing millions of Pakis Chinese and arabs

I'm pretty independently wealthy, I'm much more worried about the value of the Canadian dollar, I've taken a MASSIVE haircut in US purchasing power

Canada also has an extreme total level of private debt that will eventually need to deleverage (possibly violently) like in a housing crash

I almost feel bad for Trudeau, its not really going to be his fault but things could get very ugly in Canada if Trump plays Hardball

Nice fake news. Those emails were faked. Can't believe you right wing retards fell for it.

At this point I know for a fact you're either a jew, or a raging faggot. Niggerbama took a steaming african shit on this continent

95% full time retard. The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

>Russia hacked us and took our emails
>but the emails published are fake

>Americans really need purchasing power to that extend with such high GDP
Nigger what

There are many, many benefits to a weaker dollar. I am too lazy to spell it out for you, but I did you the favor and found you two good articles to read:

>US multinationals do better with weak dollar
>US jobs saved with weaker dollar
>China consistently manipulating it's currency to keep it weak to keep growth up



top kek that graph

Obama made the US flourish while China, Russia, Canada, Brazil, Israel, BrexitBritain, Europe all became crippled.

Don't worry Trump will turn all that around.

I don't feel sorry for incompetent retards. That faggot is supposed to be smart enough to see this shit coming and ease the pain or take advantage of a particular opportunity. He's too busy sucking off dykes and taking cum showers. Fucking homo

>At this point I know for a fact you're either a jew, or a raging faggot.

Lol I'm against Trump you moron.

we are talking about Canada in this thread, can you at least please spam things relevant to the discussion lol

>it would have been really hard to make up some emails and distribute them

>newfag detected
>not familiar with obamaleaf

Explain yourselves, Canada. Maybe that Obamaleaf that comes here once a while can explain.

Now I know for a FACT you're a kike

Mfw RWRs get Btfo

You can't queef on Obamaleaf

Kek has spoken

Is the DEVIL! The serpent speaks lies through his forked tongue!

For the love of god, take him if you want the man. We'll even pay you to get rid of this cunt.

He literally came at me saying a strong USD is better for economic growth.


Can you make your own thread instead of ruining this one by dumping you meme graphs and shitposting?

what do you think about Canada's economic outlook, how can Trudeau replicate Obama apparent economic genius?

No sorry I'm not Donald Trump or any of his children.

You have no proof that they're fake. No graph, no nothing.

Also, you didn't answer these last two questions:

Obamas jobs are part time jobs.

No one listens to you.

you're worse than the devil
you're a canadian

*smacks lips*

>arguing with a jew
just let it go burger

It's a sign of how strong the US economy is you fucking moron.

How is your weak ass Yen and GDP growth?

Seriously wtf is your right wing retards obsession with devaluing your dollar to try (and fail) to compete with Chinese wage slaves?

The US economy thrives on a strong dollar and cheap oil you fucking nimrod.

>8. USA
>9. Canada

I was referenced by OP. Take it up with him. He should not have summoned me. Now you all pay the price for your right wing retardation.

>6. Ireland


Obama hates oil.

He hasnt even obtained at least 3% rise in GDP since hes taken office. You know, lile every other president has.

I answered that question a million times.

Why the fuck do you morons think that Obamacare had anything to do with how BLS tracks full time?

Full time has been 35 hours+ for decades. That hasn't changed.

This is elite level right wing retardation. I'm dead serious.

Why don't you fucking retards know anything about your own country?

Have you ever read a jobs report in your life?

So you were on here the whole time, you fucking liar.

Stick to the economic graphs, you know not of what you speak when it comes to the DNC or Podesta leaks.