what's with all the WMAF and pro-jew threads? does user have an explanation?
>it's a Sup Forums gets raided episode
trump likes jews now. Sup Forums having no spine and being betas say they like jews now
>what's with all the WMAF and pro-jew threads? does user have an explanation?
slide tactics...
However, as far as slide threads go, having lefties spam pictures of hot women isn't that bad.
It's still forum sliding though....
What was that cuck? Are you delusional, fucksquat? Trump has always been pro-Israel, and there is nothing wrong with the Jews.
in an alternative universe where Trump praises muslim
>What was that cuck? Are you delusional, fucksquat? Trump has always been anti-Israel, and there is nothing wrong with the muslims.
>Israel/Palestine conflcit is in the news again
>anons tell other to pick a side between these two terrible choices
>uhm shit idk, jews on this one
JIDF is back again.
Listen Genghis, it is cause of the leafs and the aussies, they syitpost the proNOseman sh1t and now everyone is a zionist whiteboi
Reddit fags have come here in small numbers attempting to influence Sup Forums en masse to change from our dirty, bigoted ways. I personally think it began with CTR coming here to shill, both because Sup Forums was getting media attention at the time and some of the CTR cucks stayed behind once Hilary was bested.
I've also seen this trend on a few other sites that were targeted by CTR. Liberal posts spike.
It doesn't help that many trolls were and are copying the shills for (You's), but rest assured, many are serious Reddit fags trying to convert us.
Personally, I think and influx of gore and guro threads might help cull these invaders. i'm also hoping the abolishment of (You's), gay as it is, will help somewhat as well.
>gore and guro threads
No one is scared off by these anymore, this is not 2010
Also I support one state solution for Israel with Palis getting screwed so we have a precedent for removing the muzzies. Supporting Israel might actually kill multikulti
>one is scared off by these anymore, this is not 2010
Reddit tier plebs might be. These are the people who "literally shake" at the mention of something hurtful. Even if it doesn't get all of 'em, it might get some.
Jewish shills are upset by recent events. They want us to rehash bullshit issue. Racemixing is bad and so are Jews. This isn't news to anyone.
Jews really hate Trump. So use this image to trigger the shills.
A small core of shills paid by AIPAC with a smelly outer layer of shitbird Leddit that DOES IT FOR FREE.
They'll piss into the ocean of piss for a week until funding dries up, leave convinced they Corrected The Record™, and then check back in an hour to see that they had no effect.
(((They))) have noticed how fast and far we can spread the truth. And now they are shitting their pants, last desperate effort to slide this forum. TRUTH CANNOT BE HIDDEN FOREVER!
The problem with reddit is that they come here in such large waves that they don't need to adapt since they're bringing reddit with them, then they act like they think they're supposed to act on Sup Forums so you'll never get them. This is why they're so cancerous. Lurk moar is ded.
These and the demoralisation ones. Étrange how the tactics haven't changed
>Trump states he wants to leave NATO, UN, and other globalists organizations
>has been called anti semetic, has had anti semetic people within his campaign
>UN states they dont like israel anymore
>Trump says he wants to leave UN (a jew run globalistic organization)
Trump is just gonna keep playing 34d underwater chess on you guys. He has to pander to jews to play the fucking game retard, theres no way he would win if he was just hitler 2.0
>then they act like they think they're supposed to act on Sup Forums
Not entirely. They refuse to use slurs or say "problematic things". They make all of these left-centric posts and threads. You can spot them easy enough. The real issue is deciding what to do with them. I expect that if we just keep calling them out and nothing changes on Sup Forums (it won't) they'll either get bored and leave or have converted by then. It has happened before. But those are lengthy processes.
>Lurk moar is ded.
I refuse to believe that entirely. Sure kids finding Sup Forums are different and have less sense about them, but surely its not entirely dead.
To a Jew nothing is more offensive than the truth.
Yes entirely though, they act like how they think we act or what is 'cool' and that behavior is then reinforced by other redditors doing the same. It becomes a giant circlejerk
Same thing is happening in other places on the internet. It all started at the same time a few days ago.
They're trying to distance themselves from the left and ingratiate themselves with the right now that it's become clear Trump will be president no matter what.
I guess they don't think anybody noticed that all the fake news, all the anti-white articles, all the articles in major media calling the right every -ism they could think of and so very many of the names in the e-mail leaks ended in stein or berg
Breeding with Slavic or East Asians Girls is the best thing a modern white man can do
Just Slavs.
Leftypol. They're actually always here.