
Seriously tell me about him.

He is anti-west and anti-Israel in the same time.
Is he even Jewish?
Does he fight for the Jews?
Just against everyone?
Is he trying to achieve some sort of global utopia dream or just to build his personal empire?

What is he for?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's just a dick with too much money.

He fights for the sake of fighting.

super based and wants to eliminate his own people


>have sexy gf
Literally /ourguy/

He's not strongly pro-anything, just strongly anti-white/christian/western.

He apparently has some semblance of preference for Jews, but it doesn't seem significant.

>>have sexy gf

He's a Jewish project that went out of control and started attacking them too.

sam men just wont to wotch the wowd buhn

It's like this:
He's a Jewish billionaire who uses his money to support all sorts of leftist and degenerate crap.
He lived in France during the Nazi occupation, stating that "seeing the Nazi forces march through Paris made me feel good".
He has several similar quotes... Basically he pretty much enjoyed the Nazis even though he was a child while his people were gassed.

He has a pretty clear twisted vision, actually.
Anti-Israel, pro-left, pro-multiculturalism, for weakening the west...

WHAT THE FUCK! this is discrimination on an inordinate level! Jews are discriminated against by literally every fucking white male out there! They need our help! Giving them all the Central Banks in the world will just be a benign start!
Would you say he's outjewing your kind?

White male Patriarchal sponsored bullshit designed to divide and conquer all minorities and the such. George Soros is just a harmless old man who donates to Charities. What the fuck is wrong with you schizos?

Cut the crap. Here is definitive proof of his generosity and general human decency. Check your privillege.

>Check your privillege.
No, you should check yours, fucking white burger male. Remember:

Hey assholes, we OWN THIS SITE NOW! Antifa is back, and we are here to stay!

Stronger together! And Deal me In!

He's slippery as fuck and packed full of contradictions. He does shit that is anti-Israel and then blatant shit like this that shows bias TOWARD Israel.

He probably does contradicting shit to keep the weaponized autism off his scent.

My guess is that he's helping work toward greater Israel, due to his involvement in the refugee crisis into Europe. Gets rid of tons of undesirables in the area, weakens those areas, and he's also been supporting organizations that warm people up to the idea of taking these subhumans in like they are family.

You guys are fucking racists for not taking humble refugees! Where's your conscience you shit lord asshat?

Pic is me, and I'm not afraid!

This is really non sequitur

He wants to see the world burn

Refugees are all human! By Alleging that they are merely "immigrants" you are, in favt, lowering their position to your own perceived superiority! Shameful bigotry.

We cannot tolerate this no longer!


GO back to your cross burnings! You probably think that there can only be two genders too, right?

lets fug :D

Hey Carl?

No, fuck you! We are all one big human family! Borders are part of the white cishet patriarchy!

How the hell this kind of man became a billionaire? Obviously he has done something right, i mean it takes intelligence to become and continue to become a billionaire.

It is called "ALL way consensual correct sexual intercourse" not "fug" you caveman. And yes, are you kidding me? I would love to service you.

Get some sleep m8. Your shitposting is erratic and nonsensical

Yes? Need some help for you and your girlfriend? Remember, tolerance is a human virtue among ALL CULTURES! FOR THEY ARE ALL EQUAL!

he only cares about himself

he's a Jew who's so Jewish he doesn't even give a shit about other Jews

he's so god damn Jewish that in WW2 he sold out Jews hiding in the Third Reich so he could make money


hell yeah!

WE are the anti fascists! And we are taking the fight to the enemy! Tremble before our diversity you fucking neocon warmongers!

Good, you are learning quick, now drop that anime racism and we can start talking in a polite manner.

When and where, I will also pay you and your girlfriend for any supplies needed up to 100 dollars. Nice guys always win my mommy said.

>Is he even Jewish?
Yes, but he's also a leftist. What this means is that he's a leftist first and anything else second.
Leftists are only truly loyal to their cult's dogma and agenda.

Wait. Yoyre filling this thread with garbage so we don't talk about Soros, aren't you?

HE cares about the little guy, he only wants everyone else everywhere to be happy and safe, that's how he made his money afterall. By HELPING others, like the Bank of England!

Shes gone. He already stole her heart.

Ni, I'm showing you the truth you neanderthal altrighter. Soros cares about America, he is a bona fide progressive! You are just too bigoted to see that!

He dreams of a world where the middle class in destroyed and everyone is dumb and submissive. At this point I feel he is doing it for his kids so that they will be more powerful.


He has no honor or conscience, he is willing to do things most consider evil. Basically he is a psychopath.

"...while his people were gassed."

Come on now, you think he believes that? Those kind of tall-tales are for the goys.

Soros is a nazi who is systematically taking out all the countries that fought against germany and then hes going after israel for the same reason.

We already have an open society free of hate, its called Brazil and its a pretty shitty place. Mister Soros unsurprisingly has a lot of investments in that country.


It's his website, so it must be true! He is not a liar or cheat!

Brazil is the Gold standard for a free and fair society. Where there are no races to muddle up the equality. Everyone is welcome there!

He's perhaps the greatest investor of all time. He made a billion dollars in one day betting against the pound (and no, he didn't move the market himself, everyone thought he was a retard until his prediction turned out to be spot on)

This is a nazi:

Are you all edging that a Jew is capable of AIDING nazis? That's literally anti semitic and fascist in of itself.
Apologize now.

>Soros is a Nazi
>Taking out countries that fought against Germany
>But he's taking out Germany first via funding of migrant crisis
>A fucking leaf

Which he then donates to Charities to further good causes. Such as disaster relief in Haiti.
He is dreamy.

He sold out other Jews during WW2 as a business.

It's all a distratcion from our real enemy -The Federal Reserve.

HE is absolutely wrong and bigoted to believe that.
Now when are you going to apologize to Japan for killing their soldiers? Didn't you know that's racist?

You mean he ate it in a satanic ritual.

You can stop LARPing your shitty b8 m8 you are being way too obvious to get rage replies

Complete and utter bullshit.
Go some education from an ACCREDITED instution.

>>He wants to see the world burn
This could be it.
The apocalypse that was WWII had to make a strong imprint on the child's mind and, as he grew up, he realised he'll ever get quite the same kick again... that is, unless he makes one himself.

How much Soros is paying you?

Oh l, I'm sorry? Did I just point you out for being a white male in disguise? Why then don't you come and challenge me on my twitter profile?

Hes just jelly others will destroy the world taking all the credit from him. Some men just want to watch the world burn especially mr soros.

he is for moloch
thats his only allegiance
that and he thinks he can will "open society" into existance, by spending billions on idiotic leftist causes like femen

>Like Nazi
>And commies
>And multiculturalism
Does it mean he just enjoys destruction and misery?

Is he really the man who wants to watch the world burn?


He has a god complex

I think he just wants to make everyone suffer

OMG. I just realized what George Soros is doing! He's trying to turn America and developed europe into interwar Germany. Only in terrible economic condition and cultural degeneracy can totalitarian fascism rise.

Maybe he's not so fucking bad after all!


>anti-Israel in the same time.

This is a lie

>He is anti-west and anti-Israel in the same time.
you're all stupid if you think jews do what they do for "the jew race" or some shit. every person who's scheming or profiteering is doing that for his own personal benefit, maybe for their immediate family, sometimes, occasionally. there is no (((JOO CONSPIRACY))), only people scamming others. there are jews on all sides of battle and you stupid shmucks need to look at what's actually happening instead of pointing to (((MUH JOOS)))


He sold his own people for some shekels, he's the definition of a yidd, I'm quite ashamed we haven't hang him for treason yet.

Now if he'll die there's that Kike sone of his that will probably replace him.

What's with this destruction meme? It's absolutely retarded to assume people in power to be mad and insane, for how can insane people rise to a position that requires logic?

Checkmate right wingers!

His son is a retarded gay coalburner who will probably slip over in the shower or something

When you have so much money and so much power, you don't bet on just one team, you bet on both and you'll never lose.

He's playing 10Dchess and he's not even the final boss.

>we had the capability to nab Eichmann from Argentina but this cunt wasn't found dead in a muddy ditch decades ago


Left is an idealogical bio-weapon.
This is something you infect your opponents with and watch them wither and die.
You dont use it on yourself.

What is he using the weapon for?
For more money? To have power beyond nations? For or against Israel?

Read a history book. Are you claiming destructive people have never made it into power? Why are you assuming violent destructive people are insane?

He literaly sold jews to the nazis and watched how the trains take em to awschuitz. He is probably redpilled as fuck but so evil he literaly destroyes everything he gets involved in

He is a leftiat only as a facade and probably hates all those degenerates but knows they are usefull morons to keep people at bay while he fucks with the nations. He is literaly a marvel villain.

Globalists like Soros want you to be anti Israel, don't fall for it. There is a big difference between globalists and Zionists and Israel is pretty based

He's a fucking monster, but there is only one quoteof his that turned my life around
>rich people get rich by not doing what they love, they are doing what makes them rich.

Dont hate the player hate the game. Humans are a cursed race and while George is jaded hes also in turn exposing the truths giving us a fighting chance.

You ever watch star wars? jesus fuck. Everybody is irredeemable you reptile brain.

A year in the life of t. George Soros.

>Republicans call on Clinton, Obama to reel in Soros-linked ‘professional’ anti-Trump protesters

>Hillary Clinton Is Outraising Trump 20-to-1 Among Billionaires: Hedge fund billionaire George Soros is the biggest spender among donors on the index, giving almost $11.9 million to Clinton’s cause

>Soros: ‘Brexit’ Vote Must Be Overturned Or the European Union Is ‘Doomed’

>How the man who broke the pound bet the wrong way on Brexit: George Soros put his money on Remain

>George Soros Pledges to Invest Up to $500 Million to Help Refugees: All of the investments will be owned by Soros' nonprofit organizations, the Open Society Foundations

>Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests

yeah exactly
want to get rich? start making fucking money
>get off the fucking 4chinz

It's something like this:

According to the left, every person, group, or indeed any entity grounded in mankind is equal to the others in terms of merit.
This should imply equality of outcome, all else being equal.
If the outcome is not equal then it comes down to outside interference and other such factors.

Leftists are basically the kids in competitive vidya who whine about matchmaking, cheaters and shit teammates whenever they lose. In their mind, the ONLY possible explanation for them being beaten, and anyone's success in general, is an unfair advantage.

That's why they hate the rich. That's why they hate Western civilization. That's why they hate capitalism.

That's why they hate Israel. Israel basically copy pasted the Western model (capitalism, democracy, civic rights...) into a region of Islamic shitholes, and thrived. Western-like standards of living, winning multiple wars while outnumbered, blowing neighbors out of the water on every conceivable metric.
Every time the sun dawns on my nation the left is reminded that not all cultures are equal and in fact some are inferior by orders of magnitude relative to the Western one that they despise so much. This makes them sad.

> healthy
Isn't he on his 4-5th heart transplant? That demon should give up and just die already. There's a special place in Hell for him.

Indeed But I dont think Soros himself believes that bullshit.
He only uses them for divide and conquer because lol he is rich himself could redistribute his own wealth if he was a commie.

Ok Mossad

Nice kot

Damn thats one hell of a Jew...
> he's the Ultra Jew
> With his Highlander beliefs, there can only be one.

>he is rich himself could redistribute his own wealth if he was a commie.
He may or may not be a true believer but of course he wouldn't. Commies never do. He would probably consider it fair pay for bringing glorious commie utopia to the plebs. Or something else along these lines, if there's anything the left is good at it's rationalizing hypocrisy.

Evil. Pure evil and greed. He sold his father to the SS to dodge the oven

hes a true believer in his ideology of a open society while most jews are kike hypocrites.

He was literaly grown with nazi propaganda. He was probably pro jazi as well. He is smart as fuck and knows how to influence him to benefit his band of evils. He is certantly not a leftist. He just hides behind them and uses em for divide et impera.

>implying he's anti-israel

He cut funding to FEMEN when they opened a branch in Israel.

The rich are highly insecure and the thought of things like intelligent middle class people makes them feel less superior. Also like most creatures he is looking put for his kids, the dumber people are the easier they are to control. His dream will not become reality in his lifetime but it might in his kids.

>Heirs of Communist China's Eight Immortals 'have amassed huge wealth'

>$120 million bed-hopping hypocrite: He claimed he lived on $25 a month. But Castro had 20 luxury homes, a private island, an 88ft yacht - and mistresses galore

>Hugo Chavez’s Favorite Daughter Is Richest Person in Venezuela

>Kim Jong-un splashes out £14 MILLION on luxury cars while North Korea starves