H-heil Trump!

>h-heil Trump!
>h-heil muh people!
>h-heil victory!

You've really outcucked yourselves this time, goyim. :^)

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump played us like a dam fiddle

The good jews were the ones who went back to Israel friendo



You guys are fucking dumb

Trump is a Zionist, no fucking shit.

>not Jews

The with mutilated penises gave it away


Oh my, he is another Bush TOP KEK


Why does USA like to suck Israel's dick so much? giving ridiculous millions of dollars and giving support.

I don't know what you're talking about, since the beggining Trump was sucking the circumcised cock of Israel and jews. So, there is nothing surprising about that.

Spencer was anti Brexit and anti Trump until they won and then him and his loser followers tried to ride their coattails.

White Nationalist 1488 types do nothing but lose badly, the best they can do is try and falsely take credit for someone else's victories.

Look up the Samson option

Because US is run by jews

Looks like the literally hitler angle won't fly anymore with that lefty meme

Americans are niggers and niggers cannot function mentally without a strong leader.


>quoting richard spencer
he's a shill, a turncoat and a stormfag in white nationalist clothing

The left wing media said he was a jew hater and WN types are low iq autists that believe everything they're told.

When the left wing media said that stupid sheriff star was an antisemitic dog whistle there were 2 types of people stupid enough to believe it, hysterical sjw faggots and mentally deficient 1488ers.

I honestly don't see the big deal in this whole ordeal? I thought the whole point was helping one another just because they are Jewish doesn't mean that he shouldn't support them.

Which is funny since Hitler was a supporter of Zionists. He may not have been their friend, but he was 100% for giving them all the Jews in Germany and sending them someplace else.
Trump is playing another Hitler card, one that the Leftists can't even bitch about.

>Thinking Trump is gonna be a perfect good goy
He's already pissing them off by abandoning Syria as President and letting Russia and Assad keep control of Iran

Not wrong at all but I just like having Israel openly support him for the personal victory after all the attacks from dems this cycle, it becomes a bit confusing to them when one of the most controversial attempted genocides come out and say he's a good pres elect, he dindu nothing

I thought the Saudis did 9/11

What's that Sup Forums? You stand with Palestlie? I think you're at the wrong website, /r/politics is over there, plenty of upvotes from retarded liberals to be had, go get em!

wtf I love Eretz Yisrael now

Its leftypol trying to get people to support Obamas policies right now so if something happens and he declares marshall law the good stormfag retards who hate all jews will think its okay.

If you didn't know Trump was pro-Israel you should just off yourselves right now. He's been very open about his support for Israel.

>yfw a decently sized apartment in the shithole beer-sheva costs 300k

>attempted genocide

Reminder that Hitler was pro-Israel, and the idea of having designed Jew-land where Jews can Jew to their heart's content is not a bad thing.

Like it or not, "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" is a non-starter in public policy and pushing for it only alienates normal people. You don't beat the jew by being a bunch of turbo-autists who are too busy shitting themselves over DA JOOS to get anything done, you beat them by enacting policies to combat the globalist agenda.

the jew hate on this board is just a meme faggot, no-one sane really hates jews. its just like Sup Forums's love for trap girls, I post them all the time and I have fapped to them ironically a few times, but I would never go out there and suck a girl's cock even though I say I would all the time


I only voted for Trump to see SJW nu-male cucks, faggots, niggers and women cry and I am reaping the reward in spades

>be President Donald J. Trump
>build wall
>leftists cry
>shut up antisemites, Israel's doing it with outstanding results
>profile islamojihadists
>leftists cry
>shut up antisemites, Israel's doing it with outstanding results
>deport illegals
>leftists cry
>shut up antisemites, Israel's doing it with outstanding results
>stoke patriotism
>leftists cry
>shut up antisemites, Israel's doing it with outstanding results

The answer is right in front of you goyim, but you cannot see it.

I support trump because i hate muslims, why the fuck would i care about them. Hope Israel genocides them desu

Jan 20
Shit is gonna change.

He was openly very pro Israel throughout his campaign

I knew from the start that he was gonna pick Israel's side when it came to them vs. Muslims
>Lived in New York so probably spent decades working with Jews
>Several Jewish members of his family
>Witnessed 9/11 first hand
But I know that he's still a patriot and that's what separates him from Cuckservatives and Good Goys
He won't simply bend over for Israel, he'll take advantage of the situation Obama gave him and will use it to make negotiations with Israel and Palestine

America First!
But first let's take care of Israel!

is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1483014179671.webm

Also, occasional reminder that walls and aggressive profiling have been proven to work.

>B-B-Based Jews
amirite Drumfpkins?

This. He's just an edgy kid with a degenerate haircut. Back to stormfront alt right fags.

Fucking this all the way, the dumb stormfags on this board need to either realize that Hitler was a Zionist or fuck off.

Leftypol is trying to pretend trumps stance on israel is the reason any of us voted for him. As if it isnt an insignificant sideline issue compared to trade and immigration.

S-saudis are based and Islam is greatest ally of white man! T-they were brainwashed by JOOS!

Oh boy am I getting my money's worth on this:

I never understood this line of argument, if I'm honest. What makes people think the population will support an actual anti-semite, no matter how popular they are, without a major catastrophe where the attackers ended up being blatantly jewish in their nature (aka, WWI, the 1919 revolution, and communist in general). Attacking their source of power is, however, a very popular position and what should be pushed.

Additionally, what happens when Israel is abandoned by the USA? A bunch of muzzies get the holy land. Attack their power and you win, attack them directly and you allow them to shield themselves with the compassion of people who don't see how they are harmed.

It's like all these threads are concern trolling and don't actually think ahead even a minute.

When I warned Sup Forums that Trump was in the pocket of Israel and the Zionists I got flamed to Hell and back.

But this is how the Jews always win. Like some viper, they have embraced America in a mortal coil and won't stop until they've sucked the last drop of money and blood out of that country.

They sell your military secrets, they spy on you, they sunk your ship, they commited the worst terrorist attack on American soil, they steal your technology, they corrupt and debase your politics with their lobbying, and they get rewarded with billions in aid dwarfing any other foreign country, despite never having aided America on any war.

Truly insane.

Implying spencer has any real support from 1488 types. They can see right through that shit.

Nope. As usual your lack of information and low IQ have caused you to read a situation based on its semantics instead of the data.

The actual train of events shows that Trump has already blown Israel the absolute fuck out by refusing to get involved in Syria. That's twenty years of Kike planning in the trash, and a stronger Iran, stronger Syria, and stronger Hamas than ever before.

But remember Goy, because Netanyahoo SAID Trump is his friend, that makes it true. You're used to believing what the kikes tell you so your attitude doesn't surprise me.

Personally, the only reason I would remove isreal as an entity would be to take it back for christiandom.

Which is why I never understood why some people use the apartheid reference here so much: it would be just like South Africa, where a bunch of shitkins ruin everything for everyone across the world because the place they take over turns into literal shit.

I still want you out of everyone business, schlomo.

>i even fapped to them ironically a few times


i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...

See, it's entirely possible to support the continued existence of Israel as a state entity, AND want to reduce the amount of military action done for their benefit.

The USA and the rest of the world should do one last war in the middle east, destroy Saudi Arabia, and then go back to their own countries and start destroying the globalist power structure that allows the globalist jews to both shit on nationalist jews AND get their protection.

I have a rather simple question
What does Israel gain from sinking the only country that allows them to live? Without the US the whole muslim world could attack at the same time and crush them. And Russia would only get popcorn. Why would they kill their only ally?

You got rekt because it isn't true and you're a lying sack of shit with no data to back your retarded assertions.

You got your teeth pounded out (probably by me) and then crawled back under a rock to wait until some cuckolds' confirmation bias gave you a chance to emerge again and repeat your uninformed bullshit to impressionable people.

Trump is NOT in the pocket of Israel. Objectively. If he were we would be in Syria already. We would be toppling Assad and warming up to invade Iran, Putin be damned.

We aren't. Instead we've done the opposite. We aren't serving Israeli interests AT ALL. The closest Trump has come is giving the stereotypical Republican speech about the West Bank and Jerusalem. Who fucking cares? Which is more important, that some kikes get to move their capital or that Iran gets to nuke Israel in ten years. ffs people.

The best part of this pasta is the ellipses abuse.

6/10, the writing looks atrocious, so you just don't feel the need to read it, you just start, and then go immediatly go to calling you a lying kike.

The Zionists are after Iran, they don't give a fuck about Syria.

And guess what?


Lul at banking heeb shill threads trying to undermine support for Trump.

He only played the retards who couldn't look through his obvious facade


Also, this.

Why the fuck would I care if Israel chimps out and starts smacking sandnigger dick into the dirt?

>muh ww3

Weren't we all "ready" for it to start anyway if killary took over?

Make it a point of pride for jews to go back to israel and wipe out dune coons and kill 2 birds with one stone.

They're after Iran, but their actions in Syria have occurred because Syria is one of Iran's buffer states. The Yinon plan is (was) well underway. The Israelis have tried and failed multiple times to launch strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities because there are just too many interests in the region (and they keep getting leaked) for them to get them off successfully.

>huu huu the nuclear deal
Call me when something actually happens. Trump will end up taking some of the money back at best but if he wasn't willing to get involved in Syria, he isn't going to force anyone's hand on Iran.

Trump isn't in this to protect the Kikes twenty years down the line, he cares about being remembered as a good populist. To that end he will avoid wars and avoid immediate disasters. Until I see ACTION that suggests that he is a Zionist, and so long as there remains concerete action that suggests the contrary, I will continue to believe that he is not one, and I will continue to fight idiots who blindly repeat propaganda as though it is fact.

2016 = fearing religion.


Because their owners command them to do so

He didn't play anyone, you're just uneducateded Leftist cumdrinkers.

He is not even President yet, you are grasping at straws to justify what you voted but everything so far indicates Israel is pleased with Trump's victory.


It's a figure of speech.
They are not out to destroy the USA, just milk it for as long as they can.

we own your ass now for good

As other's before have mentioned, just like Sup Forums is more than one person, Jews are more than one person. Hitler's main folly was to equate little old babushka growing turnips in her kibbutz in the middle of fucking nowhere was the same as the kikes who try to take over Germany in the 1919's.

Israel is mostly composed of people in the former camp, and they have been actively trying to reject the ones the latter camp for the last 40 years. The kike "civil war" has little to do with us, both sides don't give a damn about us, but one side wants to basically hunker down in Israel and tell the world to fuck off, and the other wants Israel to be a base of operation for global meddling without consequences (to them, of course, they are fully aware that it will encourage terrorism but seek to improve Israel's public image, how many other dead jews happen be damned).

You mean the giant war effort where hundreds of Israeli special forces, tons of equipment, and outright bombings of Syrian troops when they began to succeed against ISIS was all a giant smokescreen?

And yet Americans still believe that they are in control.

Obvious bait is obvious

Oy another pro-Soros, pro-liberal, pro-communist, pro-social Marxism thread.

The Jew containment zone known as Israel will be maintained and they will take back their kikes. Let Israeli Jews deal with kikes who promote communism.

Liberals BTFO.
Communists BTFO.

Stormcuck shills BTFO for concern threads.

>They are not out to destroy the USA, just milk it for as long as they can
I am sorry but you said various times that they spy, committed a terrorist attack... I think that's not really logic. They didn't need the 9/11 to get USA on their side against muslim. they only had to ask if it was ok to fuck up the ME.
The way I see it, Islam is a cancer and USA wants to remove it, using Israel as their forward base. You keep saying Israel is milking USA, but why on Earth wouldn't be the USA using them to destroy Islam?
Muslims already proved to be a good way to fight an enemy country as a proxy with the Russians in Afghanistan. Americans are maybe fucking afraid that given the relationship of Iran and Russia islam could be used as a leverage to damage USA

I'm not grasping at straws, I am identifying actual facts. The facts show that Trump has acted against Israeli interests. Some people saying words suggest the opposite.

Which do you believe, facts or words? Especially after this election, you must be totally retarded to believe anything the news says instead of looking at the geopolitics that are actually occurring.

How does Trump staying out of Syria and letting Assad continue to bolster Iran serve Israeli interests? Explain how. The excuse to go in there and bust up another Israeli rival is now gone. Any chance of Israel stopping Iran from arming up has now evaporated.

But no, because Trump told the kike-run media that he's a friend to Israel, that makes it true. Fucking really guys.

Lol no. They hate Israel.

For now.
You killed God's son.
The reckoning approaches

It's very interesting. Sadly I'm really ignorant about jewish people. Is this "civil war" you speak of an actual thing? Or a Sup Forums theory? I'd really wish to learn about such things

He is not "staying out" since he is not even President yet. That's not an action, it's words.

Firstly nobody can take down the Jews without infiltrating the Jews. It's just not possible with the amount of power they currently hold.

Secondly he's not in of the common secret societies and they have said they hate him for it. Freemasons, bildeberg, skull and bones, etc.

Thirdly tons of his policies go against globalism hardcore. Obviously we won't know what truly is happening until he's in office for a year or so.

I myself will be the first person to go against Trump if he does anything fucked or doesn't hold true to his promises or helps Israel or the Jews an obvious power shift.

Just look at how master rusing is a core part of their religion. You think you can fight it when they're in power and not pretending to be a good goy?

Why does a parasite slowly kill it's host?
It's simply in their nature

He did. If you think Trump is only pretending to like the Jews then you're a next level of retard.

>Iran gets to nuke Israel in ten years
Oh fuck that, I don't want to have to have to reenact S.T.A.L.K.E.R. just to visit historical sites.

Here's the real secret of Israel: They aren't the ones that run the global kikespiracy, they just get manipulated like everyone else and they can't afford to say no because they're surrounded by enemies who are constantly looking for an opportunity to wipe them out.

They have to take their allies where they can find them, even if those allies turn out to be backstabbing globalist shills who support them on issues that don't matter then slip the knife in when it counts (Obama).

No, he didn't. You are just stupid. He never hid the fact that he was pro-Israel. He came out day 1 as pro-Israel. He mentioned it in his campaign announcement speech that you clearly did not watch.

>Take a look at the deal he’s making with Iran. He makes that deal, Israel maybe won’t exist very long. It’s a disaster, and we have to protect Israel.

Day 1.

It's like running insanely around a forest knocking down bee's nests to take their honey then saying you're the good guy trying to protect everyone from the evil bees when everyone starts getting stung

>Trump/Israel hate the iran deal
>They break the deal and Iran starts making nukes
>Trump has now a reason to destabilise iran and make place for greater israel

To be fair, the Iranian nuclear deal was terrible, as it was essentially:

"Why yes, Iran, pinkie promise you won't build nukes? I will give you a bunch of free shit and stop blocking your economy off."

Granted, the Iranian's have been building a nuke according to the kikes for at least 30 FUCKING YEARS. Note Iranian nuclear scientist have hundreds of years of combined nuclear training, and Iran has enough enrichment centers to produce enough material for at least 20 bombs a year. There have even been Pakistani nuclear engineers and people involved in the Pakistani nuclear bomb program in Iran for decades as well. Are we to believe Iran is so incompetent that they have managed to fail to build a bomb for decades despite the fact the Pakis, with less equipment and time, managed to do it?

I say bullshit.

Sup Forums observation is more like it. Just read about kike politics, with the assination of Yitzhak Rabin, and basically everything about Golda Meir's time as prime minister as good starting point.

And even after that statement cuckpol/ still supported him?
What a fucking cancer pol has become

>still thinking pol is a white nationalist board

Sup Forums is pro-Israel, globalists are the enemy many of whom are Jews but most Jews are not globalists, anybody who doesn't accept this is a butthurt bluepilled neonazi faggot

shillcunt faggots

Digits of truth!


Trump is playing 5D chess again, masking his opposition to the UN as pro-Israeliism, thereby getting all the neocons to support him and get on board with leaving the UN.

Will Trump finally destroy globalism?

No. Globalism is a force of good turned into a tool of control, much like capitalism, the banking system, public schools, and the rest.


"Hitler did nothing wrong"
~Benjamin Netanjahu

How do you like this timeline Sup Forums ?

This. Sup Forums is and always was a pro-Trump and pro-Israel board. All the triggered leftists can fuck off to their safespace

No it will change

We will turn into Japan pre ww2
Isolationism is the ultimate tool for a successful nation.