Media discredits pizzagate in blanket fashion

>media discredits pizzagate in blanket fashion

>Obama and UN lecture Israel on settlements

>Israel releases trove of classified documents on thousands of missing children since 80s

is this fake news?

Other urls found in this thread:

>since 80s
delete and try again, the documents are from the 50s

>is this fake news?
I doubt it. People in power tend to fuck kids. For whatever reason this has been a trend throughout recorded history.
I think the way that Scientology got tax exempt status in the US was by getting blackmail material on a bunch of government officials. They broke into tons of offices and stole something heavy enough for the IRS to give them religious tax exemption over night.

the documents are about events that span multiple decades

try again pathetic arab crack addict leaf

So someone has been military targeting children since the last world war
This is not only paedos fucking kids
Its military sabotage of posibly future targets
Asset negation

Targeting the uncapable

Whether or not pizzagate is real this definitely is and that sort of stuff is going on. Not just pedos - high level government people, "insiders" doing this stuff or having a hand in it.

They are from the 80's but cover events in the 50's.

It's okay to be scared, CTR.

Remember the Boys Town USA child abuse scandal? Major political powers were at the center of it, and miraculously all the key witnesses were discredited by the FBI. Super sketchy considering these children could accurately describe the inside of this mansion where these depraved sex parties were alleged to take place.

>login or subscribe goy for our premium kosher brand content
Fuck you.

But makes no sense to target your onw pieces
Why someone whould sacrifice his good pieces ?

We were very close with Pizzagate closer than Pedowood. However we would need an army of PIs and legit hackers to get hard evidence.

Been going on for a long time

Donald Trump's open comment at the fundraiser where he says Hillary took a village in Haiti leads me to believe that events far above our heads are at play. I think 2017 is going to make 2016 look like a joke.


This was for sure a veiled threat.

>Israel releases trove of classified documents on thousands of missing children since 80s

This should be viewed as threat.
Israel is releasing meaningless old info now to send the message
that they have more and are willing to release it as retaliation.

Bump for justice

I got so excited when he said that oh God

So are the minions of the left going to move from blaming the Russians to blaming the Jews? Is the left about to accidentally od on red pills?

who is this wankstain

>not saying pizzagate isn't real
>says pizzagate is trap
>msm sets up strawmen of pizzagaters to spin their own narrative with their combined network
>pizzagate is ongoing investigation
>btw its a trap

Would the kikes really go mutually assured destruction over this Israel vote?

does anyone have a deshekelizer for haaretz

I think the kikes are ready to nuke DC if they could get away with it. This UN bullshit gave anti-Israel special interest ammo for years to come.

If Israel had real proof of PG level stuff deep within DC and around the world for that matter you can bet your ass it will be on the table if anything goes down. Hate Israel all you want they are some dirty fighters and will fuck anyone that messes with them.

>George bush is a alien

Into the trash

There have been rumors of this floating around the Internet for a while now (Israeli intelligence having damning blackmail material on high level US politicians). I would imagine with the NSA, America has an equal amount of blackmail material on all foreign governments as well.

top fucking kek

I don't see the connection to pizzagate?

It's the only way they trust each other!

the real pedo place is Papa John's?

I heard this a few days ago in newsroom as well. Google Papa John's son Beau... the comment I heard is it has something to do with a spokesmen commercial agreement. This will be the 3rd "alleged" sexual assault on Peyton Manning... 1.) the college student at Tennessee, 2.) the underage teenage boy in Indy and 3.) now a younger boy while at Denver. Honestly even if this is true, I could careless... Pittsburg has its rapist, Baltimore had their murderer... as long as they win who cares, they can't be perfect human beings
C M ยท 2 years ago

As a threat to who? The elites and pedos.

The left and establishment fucks in power from wiki leaks.

This is a threat to the Shadow Government.

And yet we go look through the documents and they are all real, what is your idea of real news? (((CNN))) does your real news have to be controlled by commies to be real?

post pastebin fag

Boys Town as in the juvenile detention hall in Nebraska? Interesting. That always seemed suspicious to me.

What we are seeing is inner conflict with Marxist Jews and Nationalist Jews.

Similar to the inner conflict we saw with CIA and FBI in US election.

The schism is real, as the globalist Jews try to take over the Nationalist Jews. Hitting Bibi with war crimes and shit, trying to replace him with a shill woman.

The international Jewry is scared and lashing out.

Israeli Jews need to get the Kikes under control.

Full page in google cache.

People got bored of it and gave up. There's no "fake news" to cover because there is no news. It's just a conspiracy that Podesta was using code words in his emails that correlate to an underground satanic child rape ring by Washington elites.

What was that about?