So Sup Forums,what is the perfect choice ?

So Sup Forums,what is the perfect choice ?

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Everything else is inferior and fancyful needing some fairy spacemagic to exist.

>t. infinite negentropy

Immortality of course. I want to live out my current existence as long as possible. Recursion could be interesting as well, having a do over where I could perfect my life would be a good second choice


desu immortality would be hell compared to the others choices.

oblivion, because there are too many terms and conditions attached to heaven.

Why do people fancy immortality? On a long enough timeline you will reach the limit of knowledge and experience in this universe and you will be trapped, with no way out.

eventually the world will become shit and no one wants to live in that
what is the point, you would not know
no change
This is the best, this allows you to perfect your life to point where you are happy, but eventually, like in the movie groundhog day, you would get tired of living a perfect life and want to die
This is ok, but you are only an observer which sucks
The best choice leave the earth and become blissful forever

heaven because this world is wicked


Recursion > Immortality > Reincarnation > Limbo > Oblivion

>somehow bad

No idea why people imply the "hurr you're going to get bored eventually and want to die"

You're either really close minded or a very boring person, the world is a big place with a fuckton things to do.

This. The most important is to preserve your memories and experience. So reincarnation and especially oblivion are the worst.

>No idea why people imply the "hurr you're going to get bored eventually and want to die"

really? you can't imagine wanting to die after eternity?

>itt: idiots lacking any sort of existential perception

>The most important is to preserve your memories and experience.
why? I would rather forget everything today than remember everything:
>get to watch all my favorite media anew
>get to listen to all my favorite songs for the first time again
>the same wiring in my brain is reset for drugs, sex, etc

I prefer oblivion and reincarnation to fucking immortality, immortality would suck.

Heaven obviously. I'm pretty sure that it's not a state of total bliss and there is plenty of work to be done.

Recursion sounds nice, but if it happens to you and other people, does everyone recurr in a new world, including your parents? What if they decide not to have you in order to avoid some mistake? It's either a mess of time paradoxes or you have an unfair and undeserved advantage which will make you stop caring about anyone including yourself and you're stuck with the same same problem of being trapped as immortality.

not to mention
>all those cringey and emotionally traumatic memories that you want me to keep for eternity for some reason

did this fucking canadian just use "fancy" like a british person...

canada please wtf man just be normal

Oblivion obviously. All other options are suffering for the delusional.

With recursion, you would know exactly what to do to rule the world, do everything you want to do and how to do it, you can gain enough knowledge to advance the world 1000 times over within on of your lifetimes.

>aging is not >implied to stop, nor any healing applied; enjoy being a dried mummy with multiple organ failures, no teeth and brain degradation that will never stop being aware

>you've chosen this option the last 6,000,012,731 times as well

>you're here already

>when the novelty stops and you have to live the 18 years again to be of legal age and you already know everything of everyone

>infinite dream

>infinite dream, but you're on acid so you can't comprehend anything negative

The choice is probably between Limbo and Heaven (depends if you consider eternal bliss to be stripping you of anything - the heaven you won't regret it), because they preserve your mind

...but recursion lets you make ebin jojo pranks so let's go with that.

I am British on holidays in Canada.

>after eternity


Immortality would be perfect, but oblivion is what's real

We can never hit a limit of knowledge and understanding as long as there is human elements in the world/universe.

All humans are different in their own ways. Each culture and even person has their own interesting habits.

What makes me shy away from immortality is the fact that humans will not be around forever. At least not on earth for all eternity.

The most interesting thing in my opinion is human interaction. You can't predict it, you can't research it definitively, and it can change and you will never be able to learn the full extent of a single human, even in immortality.

I think the only thing that would make me stay completely sane is ignorant repetition of my life.

I live. I die. I live the same life again. I die again. I live the same life again. I die again. Without keeping my memories of each time of course.

What would drive me insane is the idea of eternity. Humans cannot grasp that concept. We live our lives expecting things to have a beginning and an end. Everything we do and say is based off of this notion that it ends.

I would only remain sane if there is an all powerful and almighty god that can effectively keep me sane for an eternity or I repeat my life without knowing forever.

Do I have some good news for you

I do want to believe in a god, I really do. And I'm not atheist because I think the possibility of a god is out there, but I just can't believe in one outright.

I don't have faith in me to believe in something like that. Then even if I did think there was a god, how do I know it's the Christian's God? How do I know the Muslims aren't right, or the Hindus, or even the Greek Gods?

I hope that whatever god is out there sees that I've been a decent person and would allow me into whatever heaven is there anyway, but I can never be sure either.

Thinking about the concept of an afterlife drives me partially insane.


>Obviously immortality.
>Kill politician
>serve the 10 life sentences.
>Walk out smiling.

Eternally grieving the loss of all your friends and family
This is actually pretty cool. Would eventually get really boring though. Also there is no way out once it does get boring
Terrible on every level
Wouldnt mind heaven.
Pretty much the same thing since there isn't really a link between your past and former self. Not a terrible choice.

I think I'd choose 3 recursion lives and after that I'd go for Reincarnation/Oblivion. Who wants to be conscious for all of eternity?

They're all shit

>So Sup Forums,what is the perfect choice ?
heaven, obviously

oblivion and possibly a version of recursion (repeat same life but do not keep memories from previous playthrough).
And that is only if the universe itself is repeating.

>The choice is probably between Limbo and Heaven
Yeah, heaven is too constricting.

We live in a computer simulation where the time line keeps subtly changing facts to keep us alive. While at the same time our consciousnesses are shifted out of realities in which we are dead, into those in which we are alive. These new realities and time lines aren't created by our minds, but rather -from- our minds. Everyone here is going to live forever due to quantum immortality while fearing death the entire time. It's pretty much ideal, f'am.

>Thinking about the concept of an afterlife drives me partially insane
Welcome to the club friendo

Heaven or recursion


Immortality without the aging body and without the insanity youd certainly develop in Recursion

We are born with no experience of Heaven. No experience of its presence.
As a human who likes entertainment, I'd like limbo to reincarnation


This is how religion became as immensely popular

If immortality then everyone on pol lives forever with me.

I choose that

There is not a link but if you could choose - youd know that you chose Reincarnation. It would make your life comfy not fearing oblivion.

If I could choose multiples Id do what youre doing but if Im going to final Id replace Oblivion with heaven
May as well feel good

Oblivion. It will be the one saving grace from what counts as existance today.

That's why I've been considering religion, but at the same time for the same reason, knowing that I can't join one.

If I were to 'find' a religion, I wouldn't wholeheartedly believe and love that god, I just can't. So I would be doing it for safety. For comfort, and it would be an insult not only to the religion, or the god, but to the people that do believe in him/her/it.

Infinite recursion until a singularity of perfection is reached. It might not be this time around, but one day, i'll raise you up and build an empire to conquer the stars.

>Immortality: You live indefinitely

This means you might live to 100 or you might live to 80, not that you live forever.

>you can now fap while spying on anyone you want

Reincarnation, although the best for me would be having a choice between recursion and reincarnation

The fact that no theologian in 2000 years has been able to describe heaven, let alone as a pleasant place, should concern you as to its true nature.

Recursion seems good to me; provides the most opportunities without the pitfalls of the others. Of course oblivion is the most likely and that's okay as well.

>next level: you shed your mortal coil and ascend to a plane beyond comprehension to do eternal battle with every living soul for possession of the Quassimar Lux.

Recursion is cool, reincarnation is accurate, oblivion is the best, immortality and limbo are hell eventually (recursion too) and heaven is oblivion (the "you" can't keep existing if it is in a state of permanent bliss).

Im in the same boat, i just cant believe wholeheartedly in something i cant see/touch. I wish i had the devotion others around me do, ive tried but i always end up at nothingness again.
Ive given up for now, but hopefully i can fins this devotion everyone has. (Maybe if your brought up in church its different, i wasnt).


Its too painful and we do it over and over again

fuck that

Here is a more terrifying choice than anything you can imagine.

>Universe reaches maximum entropy
>Entropy reverses
>Time reverses
>Everything resets over and over and over infinite loop.
>You do not keep memories.

Immortality, but only if you're able to eventually kill yourself

'A fucktonne' is less than infinity. There's several other issues with immortality as well and they're all far less pleasant than 'getting bored'.

>kill politician
>death penalty
>things are getting complicated now

you would go insane with the boredom. absolutely fucking bonkers

Let's look at what oblivion would imply. Humans existed for thousands of years, then one human was born that happened to grant me conscious awareness for a relatively short period of time, and when it dies I go back to oblivion, but humans and other forms of life continue to exist.

Why wasn't I in a state of oblivion the whole time?

I believe in reincarnation.

Wouldn't the first few years in a "recursion" live be boring as fucking hell? you have decades of experience on earth as an adult, and yet you have to live as a baby/toddler for years when you're born.

uhhh, no I think you really ought to reconsider that. I mean it ultimately depends on how existence itself works out, but I would not, for example, want to exist as a thinking being, if there is literally nothing to do.

With that said, it does give me an idea of a creation story. Imagine you're an all-powerful being (God), and you exist, but there is literally nothing. Nothing to keep you occupied. Nothing to watch, or think about.
What a fucking hell that would be. Having a universe is a much better alternative.

Personally I like the idea of reincarnation, but I mean - what's the functional point if there's no (you) that persists. Reincarnation seems to imagine that a soul exists and inhabits new experiences, but without any way of sharing such experiences back into the universe there is no functional difference between reincarnation and oblivion.

Obviously we also don't live forever, so immortality is out.

Recursion doesn't seem likely since there is only one 'first time' and infinite followups. The odds of being that 'first time' are pretty low.

That basically leaves us with Oblivion, Limbo, and Heaven. All three leave us with no impact on the universe we leave behind, but something to preoccupy ourselves with in the future. (though it's quite an assumption to say that 'future' is even a thing that would exist in such a state).

I'm partial to the idea that this is a simulation, but then the problem re-asserts itself once you leave the simulation. It does re-open the possibility of the other cases, since we don't know what the 'unsimulated' reality would be like, but doesn't ultimately resolve the issue a beginning and an end.

In all honesty it's pretty depressing to think about.

Recursion or Immortality.
Recursion would be pretty good because then I could slam the hot girls in HS with all the game I picked up.

This is me

I want to believe, Ive tried to believe, but I just cant
It isnt there

This faith they talk about isnt something I can have, I dont understand the concept of blind faith.

Oblivion, please. And Soon.

that way i could do whatever i fucking wanted every single day knowing there ultimately are no consequences

What choice, you get what's going.

you are the cuck oblivion is the worst of them all

Oblivion. I want to die already.

This doesnt terrify me. I find this to be preferable to
>Universe reaches maximum entropy
>Thats it lol

Heaven or recursion

Immortality would be fucking horrible

Recursion. Would be a lot of fun and lead to immortality eventually as you gain enough knowledge to make it happen in your lifetime.

Boredom is a function of the human brain. Since heaven precludes that it's functionally superior to oblivion

Oblivion seems nice


Oblivion. Everything needs an ending. It's better that way. A story that lasts forever is a boring story.

If your brain is fundamentally changed then it's functionally identical to limbo or oblivion. Take your pick.

Until the moment our sun explodes and u drift infinitly through space experiencing eternal pain

immortality is not invincibility

Why watch the world burn, when I can watch everything in existence burn?

So u can die?
In this case it is best choice.


>thinks will still be stuck on this rock by then
You're betting on shitskins taking over this planet aren't you?

This. Death is a meme. I guarantee you immortality will be invented oh so coincidentally in our lifetimes. Anyone who died before us was a false consciousness and history is fake; the world actually only came in to existence in September of 1993. The true redpill is knowing those who have died are really only "NPCs" for lack of a better term, and those of us who are truly conscious will never be killed. Consciousness can not be destroyed, it's basic physics

>all of your friends, family, and loved ones die as you watch helplessly
>being outside of the natural cycle so everything seems pointless

Recursion, I've had a nice life thus far and wouldn't mind doing it again.


heres your immortality

if immortality were real

>Consciousness can not be destroyed, it's basic physics

The level of stupidity that exists in the world is mind boggling.

it's either immortality or recursion and the problem with either is how long before you get bored
maybe if recursion involved alternate universes it would be better but who knows
>choosing heaven
might as well overdose on some heroin

"We" are immortal my friend. Just not in the third dimension, in this human vessel.

However, we are trapped - the idea of samsara, the wheel of life and reincarnation is actually a means of imprisoning our immortal "souls" on Earth to be recycled and used as an energy source, so to speak.

>itt:everyone thinks immortality means invincibility and you can't just kill yourself when you get tired of living

It literally says "live indefinitely", not "live forever".

I would love more deeply than I've ever loved, I would choose a person and perfect my life with them, knowing everything to say and do at the exact moment it is needed.

Maybe build an empire a few times, but really... I would just love as hard and as long as I could.

My sole purpose would be to make someone's life complete.

The saddest thing though would be seeing them in another life after I've loved them so deeply and knowing that their time is over and someone else needs me.

I would probably 'catch-up' with certain ones some life or another...

I feel like I'd have a lot of instances of suicide though.

>It literally says "live indefinitely", not "live forever".

1. It's literally being used as an alternative to other death states.

2. If you can die as an immortal, then you still have to pick one of the other death states.

Implication of the two facts is that immortality means that you cannot die.

Heaven, duh.
But that doesn't mean it exists.

Well reality is a mix of 2 and 5, if that's your question.

If it makes you feel better, you're guided to the same souls regardless. However unaware of it you are.
