Pansexual Turkish-American femanon here

Pansexual Turkish-American femanon here

Why do you guys think Trump can "drain the swamp" when his cabinet is literally the swamp?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong his cabinet is his bitch.

I didn't know cockroaches could be pansexual




Tits with time stamp or GTFO. You know the rules.

Because people like you have too many made up titles.

Have you ever thought about getting your head ultrasound?

stop shilling your autistic video in every thread

Get a load of this made up bullshit.

His cabinet is less swampy than Obama's, and a lot more transparent. At least we're not having plausible deniability anymore; our SOS is an oil CEO, so we know what our foreign policy is all about.


Back to tumblr you shall and should go.

Just kill yourself

>literally the swamp


Oh okay. No one told me. I'm sorry I offended you on /pol

I should check myself

>if u want a rematch from 1776 im ready to go You twat.

Do not tempt kek
He will take your queen

Timestamp your hairy armpit you smelly roach whore

You seem to miss a tiny detail:

where do frogs thrive and prosper?

Tits or GTFO

>tfw my cousin said she was pansexual at Christmas
>had to explain it to everyone
>said it means she loves somebody for who they are rather than what they are
>I couldn't stop laughing

I'd say post tits or GTFO, but given that OP only made one post I just wanted to say thank you for obeying the rules and getting the fuck out you useless cum dumpster. Sage bait threads you dumb faggots.

The best way to stop threads like this is to follow the rules OP shows tits or no one responds. People who are not total new fags would know that. Sage in all fields.

so you put pans up your vagina

Octogender polymorphkin furry user here. What makes you think your pansexual status means anything on Sup Forums? Everyone here is far more accepting than other places online. We don't need to know any of your many genders or orientations. All are welcome. Pol loves all.

The Jorts are hideous

Because its impossible to drain the swamp. At the end of the day, certain people are in power and its impossible to remove them. Trump lied when he said he would drain the swamp, he can't drain the swamp because his power rests on it.

Nice tits. When is secular turkey happen :(


is right.
Your video is just unfunny captions over some attack helicopter footage. "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter" is a stupid and unfunny meme.

>Oh okay. No one told me. I'm sorry I offended you on /pol
This is equivalent to sjws saying right-wingers need a safe space just because they state that they're sick of seeing degenerate shit everywhere.
>I should check myself
Yes please.
>>if u want a rematch from 1776 im ready to go You twat.
Get your head out of your ass, you stupid cunt, this kind of incessant arrogant meme insult why every non-American hates us.
>Do not tempt kek
>He will take your queen
Kek is stupid.