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Why do you blame us for holohoax when we were actually the victims?
>implying you personally were a victim
you sound like a feminist, fuck off
What are you doing in Germany?
I've never blamed anyone for the holohoax gzegorz
Just living life,trying to get by.
How bad is the German guilt?
has your family received reparations?
Is your nose big?
Not too bad,really. Sup Forums likes to blow Things out of proportions. Although there are some Germans who are really blaming themselves for shit like that,but that's mostly not the case.
Not a penny
Why do Jewish mothers raise their children so well compared to all other races?
Do you believe this mixed with the fact that jews prioritize other jews over non-jews is the reason your race is so ahead?
What if islam was actually right and I am going to burn forever for eating pig because thats totally what happens when you eat pig its nothing at all to do with spoiled pork killing ancient people.
Post a picture of your nose (jew id)
>Why do Jewish mother's raise their children so well?
I didnt really see any difference.
That'd be bad.
how do I get IDF gf ?
Bump because why not
1. Be attractive
2. Travel to Israel
3. Get a IDF gf
why dont you go to israel?
It's always a lot of effort to build up a new existence in another country.
Why do Orthodox Jews hate white people
I don't think they do honestly
Then again,I'm not an orthodox Jew,so I can't really speak for them
lmao i wish the soviets had raped you harder desu
ever been or had a family member threatened, bullied or assaulted by a muslim?
Do Jews have a moral argument for continuing to expand into Palestinian territory? Or is your attitude "fuck these Arabs. Who's gonna stop us?"
Never. Then again,we don't really go into contact with them
>Moral argument
Not really.
I'm starting to see a difference in the Jewish community. The globalist Jews seem to be separating from the Nationalist Jews. I hope that with this schism we can see the globalist Jews end their pragmatic approach towards the West. Hopefully in due time they realize that the Arab states and "Palestine" can be ended because they are the true detriment to a Jewish homeland and not the Christians.
>I'm starting to see a difference in the Jewish community
The globalist Jews,like Soros,and all the other nameless,faceless Tyrants,are not real Jews in my opinion. They're using their supposed Jewishness to gain immunity against critisism. And you know what sucks the most? It reflects on ALL Jews. It's the reason Jews are hated on this world. I hope that one day,we can purge those who try to destroy Europe and the West,side by side.
Look man for the most part Jews hate Jesus Christ due to religious text. That's fine, because we are sensible people and won't kill each other. On the other hand Muslims have about 13+ countries all completely Muslim and want Jerusalem well they can fuck off. As a Christian I believe it's better that Israel be a 100% Jewish homeland than anything else because Jews will not go out of their way to destroy the Holy Christian Sepulchre Church. I hate globalist Jews because they bring degeneracy through Hollywood, Finance, and Education. I hope they realize they are destroying the wrong people because if we fail so will Israel. Saudis and the rest of the Arab states need to be nuked off the face of the planet.
How many circumcisions ended with the babies having herpes?
why are you such a fucking cuck and don't live here?
>Jews hate jesus Christ
Not true at all. Atleast not from my experience.
I do agree that Saudi Arabia has to be nuked off the face of this planet,though.
Hi fellow chosen one. Why are you such a fucking retard and don't understand that it's hard to build up a whole new existence in another country?
I'm curious do you have any idea why Left leaning Jews think? What are their motives?
is your name reuven?
Why don't you abduct all the leftists Jews here? Plz, fuck we'll pay you to take them.
I'll be honest with you,most Jews I know are right wing. I guess most leftist Jews in Europe just got indoctrinated by the general leftist propaganda like everyone else
>Chosen people
>Is so disorganised that he can't even arrange his affairs in order to move country
>Can't BTFO a bunch of coon dunes from the holy land
You guys are a joke
Orthodox Jew here
My grandmother has
It was during my Bar Mitzvah in Jerusalem
So clearly there is a distinct rift between Israeli Jews and Sephardic/Ashkenazi Jews who live in the West. Because predominantly the Jews I've met in America have all been left leaning and very much against everything American.
short sighted, like all european jews
I am sincerely disappoint
A very huge drift in fact.
Whatever Shlomo,see ya next Year when I'll visit you
Why do Jews hate Europeans?
Seems to me that Jews couldn't get along with any of their neighbors in the Middle East and North Africa so they had to leave Asia and Africa entirely because they ruined their reputation on two continents and then they settled among Europeans for the next two or so millennia. But it seems like Jews hate Europeans regardless of being refugees from their homelands where they made enemies with everyone surrounding them.
>Why do Jews hate Europeans
They don't. As simple as that. "le Jews want europeans gone" I hate that meme so much.
You're an Edomite and rabbinical. Not a Jew.
OP do you realize it wouldn't be anti-semitic if Germany kicked your Jewish ass out?
For what exactly
For the general misanthropy of your tribe, schlomo.
Self-preservation isn't anti-semitic.
So, then how we do stop Globalist Jews that, use their identity for their benefit. Because the west and Christians will always support the Jews over Muslims.
>I support Jewish ownership of Israel
You couldn't be more of a heretic if you fucking TRIED, you cuck.
Hand over your cross.
>be regular citizen
>literally no connection to Judaism or even globalist Jews whatsoever except for blood
>Just try to get by
>Get kicked out for misanthrophy of tribe
We purge them,side by side. Sadly there doesn't seem to be alot of Jews willing to. Seeing the current development,there will be.
Justice is imperfect, and I already see that you speak for all Jews in Germany. Classic Jew-speak, eternal jew.
Is every jews goal to have Soros levels of influence and all the shekels?
>dont get kicked out for misanthrophy of tribe
>misanthropes pretend to be non partisan like you
>jewish destruction
all the advantages!
So, what we hand over the Holy Sepulchre Church and all of Jerusalem to Muslims to let them trash it and make it another Shithole like the rest of the middle east. They don't deserve Jerusalem. Atleast the Jews will allow us Christians to make the Pilgramage to the Holy Sepulchre Church. While Muslims would rather blow it up.
Can you give me some of your gold?
I'm not speaking for all Jews in Germany. Some of them truly deserve the Boot in the ass. But many don't, you know.And just throwing every single one out,even if they haven't done anything,meh, any mentally sane person would see how that's wrong.
i support jews whites are gay.
are Jew holidays any fun? like Purim and such?
I'm actually a poor kike,believe it or not.
>Hand it over to Muslims
You just don't fucking GET it, do you, shortbus riding mongoloid?
Do you literally know ANYTHING about the region itself and its history?
Why would I, a Christian want to hand over some of the most holy of land to FUCKING KIKES AND DUNECOONS, YOU DUMB FUCK!!!
I did not imagine American stupidity could make this assravaged, but you fucking got me.
Kill yourself.
>hand over some of the most holy of land to FUCKING KIKES AND DUNECOONS, YOU DUMB FUCK
you're not handing anything over, autist. kikes and dunecoons already have it.
Have all the middle eastern Christians come and settle. The numbers aren't strong enough and never will be. The middle east is a highly contested area. So, what's your plan then?
Kill yourself?
This right here.
Despite our historical difficulties, europeans and jews now share a symbiotic relationship. The racial and cultural decimation of Western Europe and the US will inevitably result in the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people too. As a Dutch person forced to live between islamic people, i seriously have never met a muslim who wasn't a total anti-semite.
Do you like the "jude" word?
Any good Jew would know that justice is imperfect, and there's no flawless way to remove the eternal Jew. That you would deny Germany the right to defend itself as best it can speaks volumes about (((you))).
Because Christians allowed it to happen. They only had the power we chose to give them.
This is not about the middle-east
Go suck on the barrel end of a shotgun.
From your general lack of reason and intelligence, you have led me to believe you are in fact a Muslim. Have fun
How do you feel about the muslim refugee situation in Germany? Do you still feel safe and plan to stay?
why do you hate us?
I don't feel particularly safe,really,but I plan to stay,as I have nowhere else to go,but Israel. That would require money,though,and I'd have to,again,build up a whole new existence in a whole new country. So no,I'm planning to stay.
I don't hate you,bong-chan.
Do you sweat and water at the mouth when you see a penny on the ground?
Israel will give you financial support to move you to Israel. It's for the best, OP.
Found a photo of OP when his father taught him how to fish
But I like it here,mate :( and I live in a based region with almost no Muslims at all. I'm also amidst studying right now,it'd be bad to just end that
Why the world hate the jews?
Wtf delet this
inferiority complex
It's Jews who have the inferiority complex. It's why the whole Chosen thing is so seductive, and it's why you can't break free of your cult and become just another German goy.
Jews are short, ugly, weak (and fat at the same time), uncoordinated, slow twich muscles, and they're so inbred that they all need glasses, and have sky high rates of mental illness (all of the mental illnesses).
Being "Chosen" is the one thing they can feel good about, besides hoarding shekels.
When you're ready to become a good Jew, OP, you will become a former Jew. But that task will likely be impossible unless you have some other basis for self esteem, like decent looks, high IQ, or sense of personal accomplishment.
You replied to the wrong guy,mate. That's not OP.
Really? I would have say because jews in history are damn rich
lol this kind if wild, wide-eyed invective only condemns the person saying it. sort yourself out mate, it's practically guaranteed you're not who you want to be or where you want to be.
Is there a more subtle way to detect a jew besides asking my date a bunch of questions about her mother?
I take it you know that all I say is true, and it stings.
And if I show a Jew that does not, in fact,look like that? What kind of argument is that?
i'm not jewish but i've met enough that don't fit your caricature in the slightest. and a few that do.
i hope you do sort yourself out though. the west needs people who can do more than say mean things on the internet.
You're talking about half-Jews, or quarter-Jews, or Mizrahim Jews. Or perhaps some Sephardic Jews. Not 100% Ashkenazi/white Jews.
Sure there are a few exceptions, that only prove the rule.
Test Joo
At what age are you let in on the great Jew conspiracies? And what do you do to keep them secret?
SAGE THIS POST. Jewish-religious advertising. This opens the door to Mormons, invites them to do the same thing.
We are working on it.
Jews have looked down on manual labor since the 6th or 7th century A.D., when Arab cultures first employed literate Jews to help them run businesses, and Jews first became a business class. Ever since, Jews have held great contempt for manual labor, and they have bred not for beauty, or strength, or athletic ability, but rather for Torah/Talmudic scholarship or shekel hoarding/business ability.
Jabotinsky hates his physique, and those of his fellow Jews, and he held great envy for the big, strong, naturally confident Europeans. He wanted to create a new breed of Jew that was similarly strong and physically capable. This New Jew dream was a big part of their plan for Israel, where Jews would engage in agricultural and other manual labor, and a new Jewish pride in their bodies would eventually develop.
>Because remember!
>Every Jew thinks the same,acts the same,and essentially is the same!
I'm really tired of that shit.
>Jews are nothing but one big hivemind
"A pogrom is when the goyim say 'enough is enough'"
- Former Jew Gilad Atzmon
just because i can find a dozen self-hating white people who say racemixing and white genocide is the way forward because white people are evil doesn't make it true.
btw the guy you're quoting is a multiculti antiracist.
How can you even be a "former jew"? You're born one.