i choose russia because they are not insurgent terrorists who destroyed the empire.

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Neither. Let them destroy themselves and we shall build the empire from the ashes


you mean an islamic empire?

I choose Russia, just because I have no idea what the US' fucking problem is. You'd think they wanted trouble. I wouldn't mind conscription or death for a just cause but no way am I fighting and dying for no good reason.


Safe and not worth attacking.


Some Russians truly are as bad as gypsies. They lie, cheat, and steal.

Keep your mouth shut you backwards monkey.

Russia - they are coopersting tho

Democrats are just going mad because (((they))) betrayed them and the next puppet regime is fixing it anyways

Fuckin Limey....

t Abdula


Russia - Before Jan 20th
USA - After Jan 20th

Dont you dare insult our texas like that you inbred island prick

>a bundle of sticks


I think after the mass of genocides and failed government systems they truly want to have some form of peace on earth and have been trying their hardest to achieve it


I sure as fuck ain't going to fight and die for a cause as shitty as this.

kek, I know now how you yanks feel when some barely developed shithole in the middle of nowhere that has 0 history, 0 accomplishments and have never won a single war tries to insult you,


>mfw obama is sinking the ship as much as possible within the next two weeks because he lost the election

fucking monkey


>says Brazil

USA, but I'm not fighting Russia, I'm gonna fight he Jews that subverted our country

jews making all the decisions in government here, they definitely want trouble

straight up

>Destroyed the Empire

Hey pops, we ARE the empire.

I choose Russia because some FSB shill told me too :^)

>implying obama represents the USA

>defending King nigger

America always.

Fuck the commies.


Top zozzle

Fuck the communist. American imperialism forever.

>Implying this is anything
Obama throwing a shitfit and trashing the house because he got evicted, typical nigger. Russia won't act on this because they only have to wait until Jan 20th for the USA to stop acting retarded. Military wouldn't fight Russia because they see through this shit.

But modern gommies are Americans.

>Nigger trashes the place before being evicted

kek confirms

Going with the US. Russia didn't hack the US election but they have been screwing with Eastern Europe. Also Fuck RT

Its not just Obama. Its the establishment you autist. Youre falling for the Russian propoganda.

I choose Trumps side.

This is retarded. They are trying everything to postpone trump becoming President. It is so blatantly obvious. The left has lost it's mind.


How the fuck can you postpone it?

Hahahaha y'all dumb crackaz thought Drumpf would be confirmed president just cause he got enough electoral college votes. Fucking white people...

I never implied they weren't one in the same. What Russian propaganda, the one that pointed out the system is corrupt?

king nigger monkeying around again.

Have you retars forgotten Trump is President in like 2 weeks? Those nice KGB fellas will be invited right back.

ITT: detect the Russian disinfo agents browsing Sup Forums

Fuck off, ruskis.

Start a war and declare a state of emergency.

Trump is making his followers terrorists little by little....hope you see this

By starting a war

Russia at this point. Obama administration hasn't presented one shred of evidence to the public, besides "Trust us".

Russia because the people trying to boogeyman them are the actual problem

Jesus Christ. And people think that Trump is the one who is going to cause WWIII.

I've yet to see any actual sort of proof that Russians hacked anything, let alone the Russian government. And if they did hack the emails? I fail to see the problem. They merely forced one of our political parties to be more transparent. Americans were still the ones who voted. We decided who we wanted, not the Russians.

It pains me to say it, but I'm leaning towards the Russian's side in Obama's America.

With this and with Syria. Most of the Syrian citiizens want Assad? Well too fucking bad. Evil Hitler according to Obama's administration. USA-armed rebels indiscriminately killing Syrains citizens? They're freedom fighters, not terrorists.

I can't believe it's gotten to the point where the very thought of America brings out such negative and conflicting feelings.

Why do niggers always make a scene on their way out the door?

My choice is the UK and the USA.

Hahahaha and you call us paranoid for being scared of Russia.

Homeland. Fuck russiaboos.

You guys can't even take care of your teeth, what makes you think you'll be able to build an empire?

Russian liberals are the worst type of human scum

>Treason because the president is black
>makes sense

Russia hands down.

They are actually doing something about rampant degeneracy in modern civilization.

Like what?

>He can't even wash his foreskin so he just gets it cut off

You're not scared of Russia, you're trying to show your usefulness for the western masters by demonising Russia.

USA. Russia is a fascist shithole and must be nuked.

It is not corrupt you retard. You only think so because little snippets of the whole email are taking out of context so of course they look bad. However, people having opinions does not mean our whole system is corrupt.

>being this delusional

I agree. Because I'm a Tory. I don't like the Russian politics at all, it's a shit.

Fuck Obama. I'm not participating in WWIII because he's a douchebag. The Russians haven't done shit to us.

you are literally 2nd grade russians

I can't speak for the politics but the intentions of the public definitely aren't that.


Kek wills it.

The left is slowly becoming more retarted

I don't think we need to worry. Russia knows that Obama is just being a child.

It isn't fascist, it's subhuman due to the underdeveloped Slavic mentality.

Jailing sexual deviants and crybaby liberals.
Putin also doesn't take shit from anyone.

I would go into significant detail but only a troll would be this purposely misinformed about how Russia is basically ready to start the next crusade. They even have Orthodox priests blessing their military equipment and arms.

Pretty obvious which side you were planning on shifting this thread to, OP.

Suck on sakashvilis micro penis georgian faggot

Nice proxy faggot

oy vey

I look forward to the reunification of Korea under the Xi dynasty of China

I hope you yankees learned your lesson about electing a nigger?


Capitalism will always defeat communism in the long run. Always.

Just look at the space race. Russia had a huge head start because of incompetent US administrators refusing to employ Von Braun. Despite Russia's huge head start, capitalism won out in the end. It always does.

>defending a corrupt govt that hates its people

May be you talk to the wrong people. The majority of Russians don't give a fuck at all, they just drink vodka and think that they're superior.

Fuck off. You are probably chechen or buryat.
Дa чтo ты гoвopишь.

We accomplished more in our 250 years of existence than your entire nation has in its history

I mean you're literally our bitch nowadays think about it

Got to be USA. Russia has had so many of their freedoms revoked by Putin. Rooting for the Russians is like supporting white trash on foodstamps. Pusing is far more savvy than Trump, so backing America is the underdog story.

They are homophobic, I'll give you that.

However I don't see how prosecuting the opposition and creating photo-ops for the sake of populism are good things.

>Making the DNC primaries just a show when they already decided who would win
>Using other "candidates" as just a voting ploy to try to get millennial votes

Clearly the system is perfect, no corruption here.

So with no evidence whatsoever, the US government is destroying another nations economy and forcefully deporting people who had nothing to do with what they're alleging.

King nigger is leading the world into WW3 based on a conspiracy.

well everyone knows pootin's "diplomats" are all part of the Russian hacking international network


Agree with you completely.

And I 'd like to add that four or five years ago I actually did like Obama's character and policies, but goddamn, this nigger is so salty that his successor lost the election that he tries his hardest to fuck it for Trump.

Dont worry. The leftist scum are just trying to leave Trump with a mess. When he gets in on the 20th he will fix it. He will back the jews to defeat shitskin muzzys, he will make nice nice with the ruskies again. every thing will be great.
the left is BTFO beyond all measure and this is there version of Clausewitz.

What is this diplomats shit?