Who created God?

Who created God?

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It's not relevant, read Pascal.


Who created this eternal truth? That is who created God.

Muslim logic





in his own image

this is what jews / materialists actually believe

Why you think that way?

wow so deep



Humans like you and me.

the creator of god

Who created Man?



Some jew.

you think you've figured this whole universe out don't you pablo , you think you are quite something special don't you, sitting there with your oversized cowboy hat and bean burrito, you think there's nothing more complex or greater than you out there. After all you know beans are made out of atoms and so are you and theres some gravity and electromagitismibob things in the sauce right

Find me an ant that knows the dirt its carrying was formed from erosion

Kek and Haruhi.

On Judgment Day you will be let into heaven depending on how many doubles you got and how many times you fapped to Mikuru.

Nothingness since God and nothingness are equally zero to create a perfect balance with the universe.

>who created the uncreated/eternal being
what a deep, profound thought-provoking question

but what was there before 2+2=4? was there just nothingness? then somebody had to have created 2+2=4. or did it just magically appear out of nowhere? 2+2=4 isnt real. stop believing in magical fairytale theorems

a reptile?

Stand and deliver!

He could always have existed, he didn't need to be created.

the titans

so you're saying there was no beginning of time

like the universe.

Perhaps there was the concept of "beginning" is flawed and humans aren't to smart

read, niggers! read!

we have evidence that it isn't

No one, as god is just an abstract concept of the mind, a spook

It's not a "truth", just an equation, which is an artificial construct that explains the qualities of the physical world

It is possible that God is so focused on everything it created that it has forgotten it's origins.

God isn't finished yet by the way.

that knowledge is not for us, it's beyond, wouldnt be if it was.

God did. That's the entire point behind infinite regression of cause and effect. There needs to be something that lives outside this paradigm and there can be only one original cause and that is god.


what do you mean by this?

>literally believes the beginning of time , matter and energy was a random jewish explosion of everything out of nothing for no reason randomly, uses the argument that there's no god or spiritual element because it couldn't come from nothing

>Who created God?

Big God.

what did he mean by this

God is eternal. The alpha and the omega the beginning and the end. You cannot conceive of Brahman or YHWH as having a start or stop because they are all the is and all that will be.

You are in the cave watching shadows. It is beyond you to stare into the sun.

The universe might have started with the big bang, but the particles that spawned it already had to be there.

So maybe the universe didn't always exist but the pre forms of it could have.

God is the universe, which created itself.
Just like how you created yourself, the you that you are now.
The universe started out small and with low entropy, just like we do.
Then over time we grow and become more complex.


It's really amazing how "philosophers" can use so many words to explain absolutely nothing

>The issues here are deep, though, and there is much room for further philosophical inquiry concerning the relationship between various sorts of necessary beings.

No, concept of God doesn't need time to exist, he is outside all that, physical laws.


The big bang created space, matter and time. God existed before there was time... no ends, no beginnings... just being. God = Mind.

Literally nothing and eternal time.

>The universe might have started with the big bang, but the particles that spawned it already had to be there.
material causation vs efficient causation

look at this cake

gods dont need no laws n shieetttt, they be creatin dat shiett like my nigga tyla the creata n all. u feel me cuz?

two of us cant shitpost same time
go back to forum ge internet contraband

human imagination

universe existed as singularity, big bang was just a transformation.

>Triggered diabetic patient

there's no unambiguous consensus as to what god is. God's a mirror that broke into little pieces a long time ago. Those pieces are everyone and everything. When you look at another piece, you're looking at yourself, you're looking at god and you're looking into infinity.


but deus vult and praise kek anyway

>Find me an ant that knows the dirt its carrying was formed from erosion
Humans are as insignificant and they understand the universe around them.
Brainlets trying to sound deep are cringe worthy for actual high IQ people like me

How did the singularity come into being?

>kek confirms its existence

by not being nigger like you are

Not even religious but at least the people who believe in a god are trying to put some order to the world.

Nothing wrong with being scientific and being religious. In fact the two can fit together in beautiful ways.

all the current scientific evidence points to the universe being created at some point long long ago far far away by what only could have been an explosion. Now if you have evidence that contradicts that besides some dusty book written 2000+ years ago in the shithole that is the middle east, please share that with me

Break it down for us low iq folk oh massa pls

always was there, was created by shape shifting aliens, another universe memed into existed I don't know and nobody knows or will know for a long time or even forever.

i have never been there

Humans understand what they "perceive" to be the universe around them


That shitty book from the Middle East stated how many dimensions there are and modern scientists proved it to be true


we need that blade to cut off some of the fat religion has amassed

>The idea of a soul moving into the fourth dimension and being eternal

some great stuff tbqhwy senpai, but how did scientists prove this to be true. enlighten me

Edgy as fuck

i think youre missing the point nigger


And what is God but a construct used to explain the esoteric?

>they "perceive"
We dont perceive half the shit we know

stupid american create god because stupid american think they be best at every thing

Ever hear the phrase "Holy Mother of God"?

What's the source of everything?

God is the creator and uncreator. Existing and unexisting. Both no more than the other in a perfect space and unspace. God is everything and nothing and everything in between and everything not in between. He is not us and us. He is the universe and but one man. He is the blinding light and the black hole in equal proportion. He is the void's void that compels an obvlion so immense that life may flourish for but moments and forever.

The mystery of faith.


Science suggests that from single elements, in the most minimal proportions, created everything. We can not replicate this, and we have no theories as to how it could happen. If some element exists to be found, then it hides itself from its own creation, as the sole foundation everything needs in order for other elements to build upon. If this certain element is that rare and hard to find, even as it being the basis of all biological constructs, it behaves how the gods of earth behave, and hides itself in a shrowd of its creation.

The mystery of faith.

How is Pascal's Wager Muslim logic? If you believe in God and repent and he is real you go to heaven, if he is not then it doesn't matter. Literally no risk in believing, whether you have faith or not. I see no way that makes you a mudslime.

That's brainlet "logic".

>Literally no risk in believing, whether you have faith or not.
>no faith

What religion are you talking about?

>most likely scenario is hell or rebirth.



>Who created God?

This man. Jake Rojas of Pawtucket RI.



He is talking about the god his parents believe. Because only that god is the true god out of 10000+ gods.

So who baits the Reptile?

>deus vult
>praise kek
Pick one.

we need a philosophy board

Source plz ?

Also, bump cause I an really interested in this topic

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

In your post was the word salad.


There's no risk in believing Santa is real either but that doesn't mean you're not a fucking idiot