Meanwhile, on Roman Sup Forums...
Meanwhile, on Roman Sup Forums
Buna ziua frate
Romans killed Jesus
Roman Sup Forums has always been pro-Hebrew.
Don't mind me. Just another generic plebeian. Hail Jupiter
WTF I thought we sent Titus to end Judaism not for us to become it? Just fuck my empire up, Saturn.
>be me
>Legionnaire in Legio XVII
>fighting a war for homo emperor in Germania
>Head to somewhere called Teutoburg Forrest
>shit eating barbarian scum ambush my cohort and slaughter my mates
>fucking Germanics
Titus did nothing wrong newpleb.
When's the campaign to Judea getting back?
I want to get to the slave auction and find a qt Jew gf before that piggish man Sabrinus buys them all out like he did with all those fine Scythian birds!
He even ignored my letter asking for one, we used to bathe together!
What're your plans anyways fellas?
>Implying the barbarians aren't marblepilled
Read more Tacitus
romans get out of iberia.
Roleplaying is gay
> Be me
> 20 y/o pleb
> Getting up there in age so I decide to get myself a qt boipucci slave to ravish at the market.
> Save up all my Denarii working at my uncles ranch
> One day Uncle takes me to slave market to get my twink slave
> Get mugged by some Celtic migrant (ugh, fucking Copper heads)
> Get local guard to crucify him
> Get back to market, sun is going down
> mfw all the qt slavic twink slaves are sold to the senate
> mfw all that was left was smelly nigger twinks.
This is what ancient roman shitposting looked like
>Romans killed Jesus
and Used him for political meme and became one of the stongest of the Abrahamic faiths.
Hey guys, any suggestions how to end this boredom? Hadrians wall is absoltely worst assignment, the girls suck, pict raids arent even fun anymore, theyre just tedious. I want ot get back to Londonimium where theres some common sense and decency but isntead....stuck on Hadrians own shitstack. Also courier service up here is SLOW.
Hannibal did nothing wrong, Scipio a shit.
>Implying Celts don't have the right ideas
Into the bogs you go, homo.
>falling for the celtic-bluepill that germanics are our enemies
Stay cucked pleb
I live right next to Hadrian's Wall. What do you wanna know?
I.7.8 (bar; left of the door); 8162: We two dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.
how it being cucked by spaniards?
who else /irish/ here?
what's going on romecucks?
still can't conquer us strong celtic men?
>tfw no cvtie ancilla
>A fucking christian
I'm tired of hearing your social justice being preached out into the forum.
>Muh savior of all races and classes
>Gib Denarius for the good preacher
>Jews God > military service and gravitas
Day of the cross when?
Those Israelites sure are a pack of niggers. How they could ever gain political and economic power is beyond me.
Also any other anons studied Roman history? I took studies in Late Republican-Early Prinicipate history & worked under an exhibitions officer for 4 years. Best job ever.
Pretty damn fucking good. They gave us our legal system, and gave you (the United States) your form of government aka a Republic & Senate (which is essentially what British parliamentary democracy is but w/ a monarchy).
Plus it cut Scotland off.
The hebrews are pulling the strings of the senate.
Caesar tried to warn us, and he got stabbed by a curved knife for it. Marcus Antonius is a desert whore lover join young Caesar now, #MakeRomeMarble
you mean when it was completely normal to fuck boys?
>muh elephants
go home Antiochus
Remember that time we raped your leader and her daughters by an entire legion?
Fucking northern dindu.
Caesar is going to make rome great again!
"King of Kings" yet he only lasted 33 years before the true Emporer put him down.
Why don't you try playing a silly game with the natives user?
Find a gladius and wedge it to a stone. Let them try to pull it out for an argentum
Ave! Brothers, I find myself curiously attracted to Inceni Boys. What can I do to cure myself?
When are we going to deport all these barbaric snowniggers? These barbarians are unskilled savages that only know how to shit and chimp out.
found the barbarian subhumans
We tried this, poor Lucius lost his scrotum when he wasnt strong enough and the gladius bounced and chopped him.
Who follows Rough Roman memes on Jewbook?
>Hadrian's Wall
Looks to be a fairly poor shape. How do you keep out the Picts now?
Fucking Picts. Someone should build a wall.
>implying us northern people aren't going to win in the end.
Don't forget they drink blood in their rituals
We two dear men, friends forever, were here.
Knowing they've been dead for this long but were best friends gave me unexpected feels.
We have a wall, im standing on it right now.
Antoine was a cuck though, couldnt hold his wall for more then 20 years.
Try Greece? They atleast like it down there.
Fvck the Persians!
Stvpid oriental scvm.
Parthia worst day of my life!
Ave, Centurion. How goes the warfare against the Shitsk... Sassanids?
>not blaming the Hebrews
I am shaking my head at your nonsense.
>be me
> be getae
>enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like pillaging and destroying greek colonies and raid Moesia
> suddently some roman faggots in skirts start building a bridge
>mfw those pastaniggers are invading
>mfw the bring ballistae
>mfw we don't have ballistae
>mfw we are kill
>those faggots build schools
>we have to go to school
>we learn some latin words
I don't care what people say, Pontius Pilate was a based governor.
ave trv to caeser
>blaming desert niggers for forest niggers
Imperator Donaldus Trumpus!!
Long live, let him crush our enemies so we can finally close the doors of the temple of Jupiter!!
rome larpers are even worse then stormniggers, pagan runes worshipper cucks and dues vult faggots
>i don't know roman history: the post
Spotted the Cartheniggerian.
Who thought it was a good idea to let all these Germanics in?
They are rapists, criminals, and liars, some of them I assume are good people.
The only argument the imperialist cucks give is "They are going to do the jobs romans don't want to do." I don't care if they all become foederati. They don't assimilate, they stay within their own communities, they worship Wotan and instill their own laws, and they even have stolen land from honest Romans! All of this while our legionary vets who served in Parthia are out in the streets!
A barbarian pagan sausage-eating illiterate Ostrogoth was teaching a class on Arminius, commander of the battle of Teutoburg Forrest.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Arminus and accept that he was the greatest military commander the world has ever known, even greater than Julius Caesar!“
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Praetorian Guardsman who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decisions made by the Roman Senate stood up and held up a pair of pants.
"Why do you wear these, stulte?”
The arrogant professor smirked quite barbarously and replied “to mount cavalry you stupid Latin”
"Wrong. the Roman cavalry. If it was it was so advantageous to wear, as you say, pants… then we should be invaded by barbarians now"
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his string tied trousers. He stormed out of the room crying those gothic crocodile tears. The same tears senators cry for the “foederati” (who today live in such luxury that most on the right bank of the Rhine) when they jealously try to claw justly earned land from the realm of the emperor. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Theodemir Amali, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist Arian clergyman. He wished so much that he had a gladius to stab himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them!
The students saluted and all joined the Exercitus Romanorum that day and accepted Valentinian as Augustus. An aquila named “Senatus Populusque Romanus” flew into the room and perched atop the Roman Standard and shed a tear on the chalk. The sacramentum militare was read several times, and Jupiter himself showed up and built a road network across the empire.
The barbarian lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague of Cyprian and was tossed into the river Danube for all eternity.
>implying the republic isn't just a symbolic joke
It's about fucking time gaius puts an end to that fucking charade of an institution you fucking youngfags don't know shit
You weren't around during the third servile, my grandparents were killed by pro-Marius senators
No joke FUCK the senate, fuck Cato, fuck all of these republic faggots. They are all talk, I seriously un-ironically wish thos barbariawins try to do something to ceasar just so I can laugh and lick up their tears.
Senate loyalists will get BTFO
>Forest niggers
>Implying they aren't based
Keep fucking your slave boys, plebian, and stay out of real mens' affairs.They fought like true warriors.
et u
Carthago delando est
My ancestors helped drive out the last kings you populare faggot. Why don't you go back to distributing money to the poor, pleb?
Since when did men from Oriens come to Britannia? Still not as bad as Boadicea though
>implying you aren't the descendent of one of hannibals rape babies
Ceasar isn't a gracci he isn't just handing out money to the poor and redistributing land. Ceasar is a man of the people he is going to Make Rome Great again
Sorry your corrupt equestrian family won't be able to cheat the good citizens of Rome out of house and home. Drain the fucking Tiber
>bvri senccena afkortsta
Cerssevonn oriol newfag
Iudaei et Negri, mali nuntii
Guys, I don't see why we can't accept Germanic families trying to escape poverty and war. I'm sure they can assimilate properly.
Vh gvys?
On top of that, what is with these "Christians"?
>Be Titus
>Crucify Jews in the Judeans Wars
>Second Temple of Jerusalem BTFO
>Jews calling themselves "Christians" preach about "equality for the classes and a God saving every race regardless of their glory in life
>We are slowly being conquered from the inside because we didn't have the heart to just get rid of that damned province and everyone in it
Fucking Titus, at least the barbarians would've finished the job.
>tfw no qt Numidian sex slave
Weak minded fool. Caesar is a charismatic Sulla and nothing more, you fucking plebian, and will one day stand trial for tyranny, illegal warfare and bringing his soldiers within the sacred boundaries of Rome.
Why wouldn't he stand for my brothers in the Senate?
Looks like shit MRGA
>North Africans get out REEEEEEEEE
Adamaverit puer puellam.
Possent confiteri deus ex machina cum donatur a puellae phone numerus. Ecquis umquam alienis code statim convocat et quod habet talem invenire contundito in illum.
Sed postero die, cum priore die confessionibus narrat puellae tantum spectat oratio cum flentibus. Post quaestionem invenit quod puella dicebat se non amavit puellam. In facto, non in hoc mundo sunt. Alternis universo par est puellae, quae sui diligens MC AU ipse qui eam quoque ignaro feliciter tollere.
Multum dare percusserit eam consequuntur hijinks duos exhibito sibi vicissim, ornare ut intime secreta alterius indigeant armis vincere cor ipsos cetera. Dum haec propriis alienos amores, fabulas sequitur amare incipiunt interroga pro se rationem amoris.
Chaírete, my name is Kýrios Kennius.
I’m a 27 year old Roman Hellaphile (Greece fan for you barbarians). I sculpt amphoros and make mosaics on my floor, and spend my days perfecting my art and reading superior Greek literature. (The Iliad, Plato, Oedipus series)
I train with my dóry every day, this superior weapon can poke clean through bronze because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my spear license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak Greek fluently, both Doric and the Ionic dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Greek history and their arete code, which I follow 100%
When I get my Greek visa, I am moving to Athens to attend a prestigious Tutor to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a potter for the Senate or a bull jumper!
I own several togas, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Hellas, so I can fit in easier. I offer my ass to my elders and seniors and speak Greek as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in Hellas!
That's what happens when you leave something outside for 2000 years.
Legionaries Yuri was right, the Christian Subversion is complete.
What can we do fellow citizens to quell the (((Christian))) uprising? If we don't do something the barbarians will surely collapse our society!
Not attila's and not an empire. This is classic Jew and Christian bullshit revisionism
>reminder that Attila would have raped the germanics for us
>daily reminder that Attila could have been our ally with a simple marriage
>daily reminder that the east Roman fuckers screwed us over
Fucking Greeks and semites man
Ceapa, varza, barza, branza, barbat
>get out
Mobile north africans were destroyed.
Now to finish our meeting, Carthage must be destroyed.
I'm fine with that you, it's you that wants to bend over and take patrician cock all day.
The senate your defending isn't the senate of old, it's not. W senate of the social war, its corrupt to the core.
Your defending something worse than the kings of old; May Jupiter strike down your wicked house
You have to go back
These roleplaying threads are gay and cringey and belong on /his/
That's right, goy. It's all the fault of the Christians. It's got nothing to do with Diocletian dividing the empire, the constant recalls of coins to reclaim silver, political corruption, thinly spreading too few soldiers in the provinces, constant border wars and letting huge amounts of barbarians across your borders.
Focus on the Christians. Put them in the spectacles and your empire will reign eternal.
>t. Paulus Barbarus