Master race doesnt exi-


Randy Travis is Moot's biological father.

OP is a faggot.

Yeah, it does. It's certainly not whites tho.


i honestly cringe when i see their faces like seriously wtf

REEEEE why do you keep making these threads???
I hate seeing those horrible faces

When they were young...

What were they on to cause this?


I don't know why but I love these threads. These freaks always get a kek out of me. What's their endgame though?


Who then?

they injected pure master race fluid into their veins. they have ascended past even the aryans

they're French cucks.

i thought this was chris hansen for a second.

Their cloaking devices are slipping.


The Bogdanoff Brothers.

Some say that they communicate solely in hexadecimal...

...and that they have six toes on each foot...

>French name

Wtf is that they look like something from a betheseda game developers nightmares.

French Royalty that is

What went wrong?

>tfw too intelligent not to know who really runs the world.

I like how they've adjusted their hairstyles to compliment their fucked up faces

Is this a new show from Cartoon Network?

2nd panel should show them by an oven with a Jew in it

Rumors day they belong to the Illuminati and use their telekinetic powers to create a new world order and ayy lmaos.

plastic surgery in 1990

someone photo shop the dude on the lefts face into a potato

No, they were the extras from that one lazy town video.

this really made me think...