How does it feel to have a clown as a president controlled by globalist interests?

How does it feel to have a clown as a president controlled by globalist interests?

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Sorry, wrong photo

A good Spic is a DEAD SPIC.


Let's check out Trump's historic climb to the presidency:
Obama is against Trump ... Check
The Media is against Trump ... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump ... Check
The Pope is against Trump ... Check
The UN is against Trump ... Check
The EU is against Trump ... Check
China is against Trump ... Check
Mexico is against Trump ... Check
Soros is against Trump ... Check
Super Pacs are against Trump ... Check
Illegal immigrants are against Trump ... Check
BlackLivesMatter is against Trump ... Check
MoveOn.Org is against Trump ... Check
La Raza is against Trump ... Check
Koch Bro's are against Trump ... Check

And Trump is still climbing to win the White House! TRUMP 2016!


Donald Trump: "A moment of reckoning."

>When you don't get the joke
Today I kekd

See ID on post

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.


Maybe the reason why they voted for him is because of that, seeing how they're much, much worse off, financially, than they were 30-40 years ago, cuck.
Well, it's a good thing they don't let 95-IQ NEET losers with large anime girl picture collections run states then, isn't it?
Do they let you buy a scooter with your disability check Cletus? Must be really nice for getting around Walmart at your weight.
Why? They're harming themselves more than they're harming any of the 1%
Can't wait until Trump cucks social security and all the losers in the red state start to starve, LOL
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>who comparatively produce nothing of value
I like how you argue against the facts and figures (i.e. real data like GDP) and use your feelings instead.
And you say liberals are the emotional ones.

This isn't an argument unless you can provide data to back up your assertion.
Sorry retard.
>citing a science fiction author as proof
Not an argument bud.
Cite some real evidence or fuck off. Your "argument" holds about as much weight as me citing womens studies literature about how you're a cishet guilty of othering me.
Present some real evidence of your claim or fuck right off with your faggot bullshit non-argument
So Trump voters make more while producing less in terms of real GDP?
Not really helping your case bud.
Citing fiction isn't an argument. Try again.
>Just because a business is registered in a city doesn't mean it makes all its money there, and it definitely doesn't mean that all of the people working at said business live there.
Do you have a single shred of proof for this assertion or are you just baselessly speculating because the facts hurt your feelings?
The fact is that the counties responsible for the majority of US GDP voted for Clinton.
>saving pictures of cocks on your computer
I bet you think you're "straight" too.
>there's a trend
>just give it another 20 years, then i'll be right!
not an argument
too bad so much of that is going into social welfare programs
Do you have a single shred of evidence to back up your assertion or are you just talking based on your feelings?
You said you went to Harvard, I asked for photo ID proof and told you that if you didn't post Harvard photo ID I wouldn't respond to you, you didn't post Harvard photo ID so why do you expect me to respond to you?
Go away now, I won't be responding to you again

I laughed spic

You've been accepted to a no-name school in California and you're attempting to transfer to Harvard (and will probably be denied given how you see citing fiction is an argument)
That's not how evidence works. And you haven't even presented any evidence at all. Can you prove the connection between income and effect on GDP?
I don't see any evidence that high IQ people voted for Trump. You should try looking at the graphs instead of arguing with your feelings next time.
You really shouldn't use terms if you haven't learned what they mean, user! It makes you look stupid and pseudointellectual
Not an argument
Why do you hate free speech?
Also, not an argument.

>clown president

I thought the hair gave it away.

He is one of the most unstabled and uninformed potus of all time. But hey he's a white male that's all that matters.
That's /pol logic.

ahhhhh ahahahah

i dont care if your trolling that was good

It's starting to look that way. See Richard Spencer's twitter timeline from last night.

I'm not Mexican, I wouldn't know

Don't worry, Obama will be out in less than a month.

>fireworks captcha

Hey leafbait, my IQ is 133, my wife's 154.
The day of rake is on the way.

Wait...did Hillary win?

It feels great desu. I was never a stormfag though. Trump won't destroy the US with refugees so that's nice.

wetback wetback wetback wetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetbackwetback wetback wetback
beaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beanerbeaner beaner beaner

MFW drumfpets got tricked

How does it feel to live in a failed state?

>Oh Trump's gonna make America great. Ok, but how?

uh oh mexico hates trump looks like #imwithobongo now