Nigger Girls Ride Stolen Car into Pond and Drown, Running from Cops

3 Black girls drowned in a stolen car that one of them was driving, running from police. Right into a St Petersburg pond in the darkest night.

Police blamed for chasing stolen car, by Blacks.

BLM protesters are blaming the police for not rescuing the 3 teens from a water wreck in alligator infested Florida waters in the night.


>3 teenage female dindus steal car
>run red light
>chased by cops
>drive into pond
>car sinks to bottom
>cop expected to dive in after them despite it being pitch-black.

Blacks Upset As Hell, Irrationally Blame Police:

>On March 31, 2016 the Pinellas County sheriff’s department defiled what was supposed to be a no-chase policy and chased these three girls and pushed them into the water and drowned them.

Other urls found in this thread:,

Imagine being a cop and contemplating going into this at night.

Choked with vegetation; impossible to see. Not sure if the driver is going to attack you if you do manage a miracle and get them out.

And always remember that every pond in Florida has at least some alligators.

Pic is the car.

>Poor car. It died amidst the panicked screams and thrashings of 3 female Black teens.

Shit like this makes me hate black people.

this is old..



Pick one.

where's the dashcam?

Is water racist? It keeps discriminating against blacks, why can't blacks swim in water!?

>March 2016

Wassamatta OP?
Tired of being laughed at because you helped Russia install a Jew-loving fat, senile old man?

Sheriff had a Press Conference to discuss. Got the silliest of questions but he handled it well.

Oh boy it's THIS story again
The video that everyone shows off is a cut version, it shows the cops in their undershirts because they'd already tried to save them but couldn't do anything. The chief or whatever for that town have a perfect A+ grade speech on it.

Is it the same sperglord who posts the same shit every fucking day?

This is old as balls, fuck off.


>Let us take a few seconds for the poor dead car.

>The car died in the panic and the dark and the female nigger teens screaming.

Their screams got louder and shriller as the remorseless unforgiving water rose higher and higher in the sinking car.

Until the screams began to die out.

And all the car heard as it sunk to the muddy bottom was -




And the thrashings of hungry alligators all around it.

Pic is a typical florida pond at night.

Blacks are busy trying to get those school supplies in Florida.

Pic related.

That's great, maybe if they didn't want to drown in a stolen car while running from the police they shouldn't have stolen a car!

It's always hilarious when liberals defend blacks who commit crimes, they're just showing their ideology is one that supports criminals and despairs justice

How do they know the cops can swim?

I remember that
>"... how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?"
God damn niggers are stupid. Instead of trying to rob some poor house, why not just work instead? But the word "work" doesn't exist in their vocabulary.

Every nigger expects every white person to be superhuman in all ways that don't involve a ball.

God is great!

So that nigger thief forced an old white lady to deal with the emotional consequences of killing a person, even if that person was robbing her house.

It will fuck with her head. Even though she did the right thing.

>Florida niggers are the worst

>Florida Niggers

Lincoln wanted to send them back.

He had a plan.

Would have saved a lot of whites from a lot of horror.

old news
still enjoy how they omit the girls stole the car, ran from cops, it was night/dark out, and the waters had gators

poor car
RIP car

Three young Queens...

>Poor car

It had to listen to 3 negresses drown while it died.

See: Then:

I remember reading an animal book about animals that can swim and they talked about how apes can't swim. So given the usual comparison of Blacks to apes, that's no surprise and you can see the connection even more vividly clear.

Yes..we knew about it the day it happened..? why now ?

>those names


wtf why do their moths glow?

generations of future criminals and welfare babies were wipped out. those cops should get a fucking medal.

What's funny is as they were drowning I imagine they had hope the evil police would save their lives. Haha. Good ridence.

nigger logic

99% of the time
>fuck da police

when they need help
>why dey aint hep e nuff dat raciss

Niggers LOVE to blame.

And they are as afraid of responsibility as they are of water.




that's their eyes you dumb fuck

Wtf, this is super old

Bruh, we had this thread months ago

>knockout game
>gang shootings
>stolen cars, high speed chases

Why do niggers think real life is GTA?

Cops aren't required to risk their lives to save you especially in a obvious Fire and Rescue situation.

Cops don't have floatation devices and a in water rescue without one is highly dangerous.

I realize most European police officers are probably cross trained but only a few cities like New York City do the same.

Your book was wrong.

Niggers really looks like satan's creatures.

Interesting. To be fair, the book was made back in the 90's so I giess this is a new discovery or something giving what's said in the article.

So some apes are superior to niggers, then?

because san andreas

>Those names

Didn't Koko the gorilla even had a higher IQ than many blacks? I remember reading that in this board with articles/screencap.

This is old. Already been covered.

Why's everyone recycling threads? Okay, I'll abandon EAS threads.

Please tell me you're trolling

Fucking niggers didn't even get the full story he did try to save them he just couldn't see the car in the water and you die from drowning in like 10 minites

I know a black who fucking loves to swim.Maybe the hoodrat ones are unable to swim.

Koko has a higher IQ than HALF of all blacks in sub-Saharan Africa.

Seriously, half.

i love the smell of dead nigger in the morning YUMMY

Smells like panic and the belly rumblings of frustrated alligators (negresses were still in the car so the gators could only swim around the car and stare at the underwater meals).

It's a fact that none of the great apes can swim...

Their eyes glow when light is shone on them

When is the last time you saw an ape swim?

BASED Cheff.
Shot niggers.

Niggers gonna nigger

That's how I'd want to go

sauce on the vid


Here is a CNN compilation of them fear mongering the people of the nigglet riots/attacks across the nation
"Where are their parents?"


But the alt-right of that time wanted to keep them here instead

>cucks i tell ya.

Why do you guys insist on constantly reposting old ass articles? Seriously, it's like you have nothing else to talk about.


nigger reaction images should be banned

Yeah, the closer accurate comparison to niggers are Chimps. The already check off half of the list in the niggers category.

Very fucking old. gtfo with this shit.

>half of the list in the niggers category

Niggers really are another species.

How could they not be, when they were separated from humans by 40-50 thousand years?



That is a hell of a list to be so young.

Where were the parents?


what happened to the (you)

we didn;t pay enough shekels for yous. he'll probably make it a Sup Forums pass feature

Get it together Hans, damn.

Resisting an officer without violence is a crime?

>Resisting an officer without violence

I wonder what this was? Was she just giving the officer attitude (ie being female and a nigger at the same time)?

Wow fucking niggers


Note that that "green field" beyond the reeds and before the road there is vegetation infested swampy water.

i don't want to watch nigger-tube.
can someone green text the dumb questions and answers?

And lots of hungry hungry alligators.


My friend lives in St. Pete and he said the black community there goes on about this story all the fucking time, saying the cops essentially killed these girls with their inaction. They don't see the fact that they stole the car as a point even worthy of discussion.

>They don't see the fact that they stole the car as a point even worthy of discussion.

Well, niggers wouldn't would they?

Did niggers evolve from monkeys?

Or did monkeys evolve from niggers?

I get that the poloce could not have done much to help, but the whole BLM blaming of the officers has some reason to be angry, according to, the police had stated that they tried to help while infact, they did nothing but watch. (I do agree that they could have done nothing but the officers still lied in court). Pic related is an officer standing by the scene.

They did do something, there were 15 officers on the sight and the media is playing one snibbit from a long footage.

Some of them tried to go in, they even had a dive team guy with them who told them not to because viability was determined to be 0%, alligators probably in there, and the weeds could easily wrap you up and trap you under water. Niggers aren't worth dying for.

The narrative being pushed that they didn't even try is a disgusting lie. Most of the officers didn't do anything in the footage because ones from earlier already tried and failed.

Its not even Rockfish Season yet!

>DeKendrix stepped in the water

>JaTavious went in to try and rescue him and died
>Takeitha went in to try and rescue him and died
>JaMarcus went in to try and rescue him and died
>Litrelle went in to try and rescue him and died
>Latevin went in to try and rescue him and died
>LaDarius went in to try and rescue him and died

>DeKendrix was then rescued by an old guy walking by with his dog

You can't make that shit up

To be fair, you also die in GTA when you fall in water.

>Niggers aren't worth dying for.

Really, this says it all in a nutshell.

This happened months ago. It was dark out and the cops would have had to wade through waste deep mud before entering into a lake and diving under to provide assistance that likely wouldn't have come in time to help.

I don't think police should have to risk their life to help anyone, if they want to be heroic thats great but I don't see it as a necessity.