Uh Sup Forums, what did they mean by this?

uh Sup Forums, what did they mean by this?

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>uh Sup Forums, what did they mean by this?

I am going to do a roadtrip to LA this summer

Kids in CA can suck dick for money without fear of getting arrested now.

Kids can prostitute themselves, but the people soliciting it is committing statutory rape.

>This does not, however, mean that child prostitution is legal. It is still illegal for men to hire prostitutes (child or otherwise), and sex traffickers will still face consequences if they are caught prostituting children. The new law simply means that children involved in sex trafficking or who are coerced into prostitution will be treated as victims, instead of criminals:

In theory it means that child prostitutes can go to the police and be rescued without going to jail.

In practice it means more child prostitutes.

nice link, wanker

>believing jews

>literally believing the guy who divorced his wife and bought a prostitute as a wife to replace her.

sounds fine to me

What if both parties are underage?

Children are now free to sell their bodies for money, but adults are not free to buy it.

Does that mean that it's legal for women to hire underaged male prostitutes?

Expect the streets to be lined with scantily clad 15-17 year old black and Hispanic girls trying to sell their bodies while police can only look on for adults to arrest.

Literally free trade

Statist fuck off

here they come the flood of amateur teens videos now

Sup Forums caught lying again and look how Fox just blows diarrhea out their nose

This is the type of shit that makes people think Sup Forums is some tinfoil hat club. Does anyone actually think (((they))) would just legalize child rape?

It's plausible since the UN agenda is to eventually bring down the age of consent to 13.

They've gone full AnCap

It's still illegal to have sex with a child.

It's making certain the child can not be prosecuted. the pimp and the customer are still breaking the law.

It's not exactly making it legal.

But a child prostituting herself is now legal. It's misleading wording, yes, but it's not untrue.

There must be something more this is how it starts

>Drugs consumption decriminalized
>Medical marijuana is legal
>State legally sells drugs under medical surveillance essentially human experimentation
>Private shops can sell drugs
>Legalization of other drugs

>Prostitution becomes legal
>No it just means poor prostitues won't be jailed
>Prostituion becomes regulated and fully legal

Its just the groundwork

Prostitution is only illegal because the government can't tax it

nice repeating numerals, m9, that's pretty much all this post is worth tbqh famalamadingdong

post the actual resolution

Headlines like this are why fake news needs to be policed.

You cannot have a functional democracy when 50% of the countries genuinely believes the other 50% wants children to be legal whores.

>HA! You thought you could stop the Pizza, goyim! Guess what? It's legal now!

of course that's all it means


Oh fuck off you absolute 'tard.