Are we witnessing the last racists of history on Sup Forums? Will racism exist in 20 years?

Are we witnessing the last racists of history on Sup Forums? Will racism exist in 20 years?

Will logic exist in 20 years?

holy fuck that faggot is fat.

>All this bananaman spamming the last few days
Fuck off

If other races won't exist, can racism exist?

Sage nigger threads
Ignore niggers
Also, fuck off

As long as identifiable races and cultures exist there will be racism.

It's his high potassium diet

this is the calm before the storm

I wouldn't bet on it not existing in 100.

It'll be worse. When people start to realize the govment has poured billions into trying to convince blacks to not be so degenerate and they've just become more degenerate there will be backlash and demands that the programs end. Blacks will claim racism. Everyone else will be like, "your race is fucking useless".

Racism exists because racial tendencies exist. This will never change no matter how much you try to sweep it under the rug.

That's the funny thing about racists: you might not like what they have to say, but they're usually right.

You will witness the rise of the Mediterranean, lad
We will come back, we will conquer Mohammedan, Nordic and African nations

Does logic exist now?

But monty python is great.

That will happen eventually, but we are in no hurry. Let's take a siesta and drink some ouzo first.

Your ID says DXn. DXn what user? You got something to tell us hmmm?

cute cunny

WN cucks should self-deport to Stormfront, they'll love it there with their inbred cousins.

It's [current_year]. Why are we still calling the truth racism?

As long as eugenics is real it will always come back.
Can't deny science.

Who /oldguard/ here?

>tfw racist
>tfw anti-semitic

>tfw /r/the_donald ruined my board

In 1.5 million years, when blacks finally have a 100 average IQ there will be no racism. Wait. What average IQ will whites have by that time? Never mind. Racism will still exist.