When will humans realize that we have but one planet...

When will humans realize that we have but one planet. and that we should come together under communist banner to the building of a just and fair society?

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>Communism works

Citation needed.

>just or fair
Don't you commie faggots already have a thread up in the catalog? Fuck off.

come commies to my thread

Come together in our hatred of Communism maybe,

Human nature forbids it.

>Just and fair
>everyone is equally poor, regardless of capability
Yeah. Sure.

human nature is changeable

Slabo zanęcone milordzie. Popraw to. Dam dwa punkty na dziesięć.


With the communism revolution should come edducation revolution. I highly recommend the book "Deschooling Society" by Ivan Illich.

Thousands of years of history say otherwise.

How can you pass on knowledge to the next generation without creating hierarchy? That's the most basic and inevitable thing in society.

thousands of years = thousands of human nature types

Thread is over you commie faggots


Communism is antithetical to human nature and will never work among other issues.

Bullshit. We can build a new type of society with the our rules. Everything is inside our brains.

People get bored. They will find oppression in this system. Hell, people today find oppression in a first world country where most people live better than kings two centuries ago.

Of course communism works - by the end of 1980s my family earned millions per month. Then those dang American spies came...

describe the term 'human nature' please

But Islam will never accept communism under any circumstances.


we dont have communism in poland but state cappitalism

Saddam, Assad and Gaddafi are commies

the cancer of commie idea

>state capitalism
>no competition between companies

>we're on a Vietnamese knitting board
>communicating virtually from the comforts of our homes through an information highway that would be considered magic by anyone 100 years ago
>this nigga here is talking about "human nature"


competition between other countriest. And we were exploited by cccp

Are there lots of comrades in Poland? Only time you read about Poland in international news is when you are prohibiting abortion, eliminating democracy or chopping down ancient forests, so I'm a bit surprised

we have a lot of young and clever commies here. Sociallist party called "Razem" is growing stronger year by year

Communism demands that human nature work in concert for the good of all. It also demands that human nature work in concert to promote equality across as many diverse spectrums as possible (resources, status, etc.)

Human nature is:
Hierarchical, that people will attempt to use whatever necessary to become better than their peers.
Efficient, in that it seeks to accrue the greatest amount of resources with the least amount of effort.
Self-centered, in that themselves and those in their immediate group are given primacy over others.

In a communist system, since resources are distributed evenly from those who can accrue much to those who cannot do as well, those that have greater ability have to work harder to acquire the same resources as those who do not. Therefore, those with ability are encouraged not to work hard in order to achieve the same level of resources.

Communism can only work if eugenics are implemented, tyrannical laws enforced, and human social groups do not rise above 100 to 150 people.

>haha things suck now but if we just had one massive bureacracy controlling the entire world from DC then things would be great for everyone

i love college kids larping about how they would be some high up party leader and not just some pawn in the fields

this is total bullshit. our society have power to build new type of society. Read the "Deschooling Society" writed by Ivan Illich. Its too hard to describe, but school are making our society as this are now. Change the edducation system = change the human type

I agree, it is inevitable
Man is a finite being. It has limited time, thus limited abilities. It needs other men with different skills. This create hierarchy. One man has more power over the other. Power is not a moral issue. It is how you use it. And by using the power in certain ways you can improve that power aka inventions or discovering knew knowledge. This creates hierarchy. This knowedlge and power must be passed down. Teach and student are made. Hierarchy is created. Man needs hierarchy because man cannot do everything. Hierarchy is good when it is student and teacher. When a master blacksmith is above in position from a beginner. They only system I can see working either from capitalism is a guild system, whether it be strassrism, or national Syndicalism. It expresses individualism through skill to serve the student so that the student can improve and teach their student.

Thinking in getting one artist to draw a yandere /leftypol/ constantly bothering Sup Forums to join her in a lost cause. Should she be flat chested?

yes, as undeveloped as possible

You can teach children anything and they will believe it. Just because they believe it doesn't change the truth. Commies believe that god isn't real. Churches teach children about god. Does that make God real? Commies believe in magic if they actually believe you can change the fundamentals of reality by changing how people think.

Whoah.... so this is the power of the free market....

Flat chested it is.

That goes against almost every single scientific study that i have read about human nature and human relationships.

You sound like the doctor who fucked with David Reimer.


Societies that prosper are the ones that best reflect the motivations of human nature and curb the self-destructive tendencies of human nature.

And the greatest motivations of human nature is accrual of resources, establishment of hierarchy, and tribal identity.

That is why concepts such as civic nationalism, globalization, etc., break down in times of stress. In times of stress or lack of resources human nature reverts to the above.

Fucking polacks at it again.

gommunism will win

>Living under the same banner with niggers, gypsies and leftshits


>when you criticize communism for "never working" but support an ideology that has actually never worked

>implying you're not living with all of those under capitalism

Communism, with a privately owned central bank.
The jews would cheat it.
Regulated capitalism, end the fed as Ron Paul said.

fuck rightshits.
This is totao bullshit. Stop talking like a intelligent because you are not.

lel, there would be no money nor banks in communism only labor vouchers or something like that
we'd have to wait for more automation for FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY COMMUNISM

Soon enough Comrade


Waste of digits

Why dont you go get shot by ISIS commie?




Rich, coming from people who shoot and starve people who disagree with them. Real fucking humanitarians.

>inb4 fascism doesn't work

Not a fascist. Eat a dick. Otherwise you'll probably go hungry.







hahaha funny meme xD

> When he believes there's a difference betwern the two

>when somebody asks you why did the chicken cross the road but you have no idea what a road is

There's no funnier meme than gommunists calling each other "comrade."



zabij się ty cioto

communism no pasaran!



ja pierdole jaki dzban




Not bullshit.


refers to the fact that humans can only maintain stable social groups of about 150, and that restrictive laws are needed for larger groups.


explains the concepts of evolutionary survival traits and behaviors in human societies as a concept (long read, but it relates human behaviors to the business environment)


Evolutionary psychology further defined, as well as concepts about human behaviors.

Theres more, but I don't want to start puling up science publications. Those things are a slog to get through.


Daily reminder that communists can't even take a plane trip without fucking up and getting everyone killed.


>complains about government corruption in capitalist economies
>wants to give the government absolute control over the economy


>communism is muh big gubermand
Read the fucking bread book.

This, o irony of ironies. They create their own bourgeoisie, except give them totalitarian power, and everyone else is either shot or starves. It's fucking hilarious.

The version of communism that will lead to mass starvation and economic ruin the slowest is marxist-leninist. That should tell you how shit communism as a system is. Anarchy is a children's fantasy.

>implying modern Russia is Communist

They just suck at capitalism

If they were competent at all, they would have never resorted to communism in the first place.

>[citation needed]

Yeah, instead they should have continued suffering under the Tsars instead of becoming a global superpower, amirite?

Nice strawman.
>posts Juche
Oh yeah great example.
>hurrr the divine right of kings is human nature


Juche is based on Marxist Leninism you mong.

>human nature is hierarchical and self-centered
But that's wrong, you fucking moron.
Also, those who have greater capabilities didn't have to work harder than lazy people even in the fucking Soviet Union.
Nice meme.

>implying they didn't suffer 100x more under communism

O i am laffin.

Aren't you the krautbro who made this? I love it.

Capitalism Kills all Whites with low Birth rate. Why would I want to change that? Let them suufer with no health cares, kick each other sons at daughters out at 18 and pimp each other while rest of the world has 20 babies.

Equality doesn't work because humans aren't equal. Human will always find a reason to be jealous of something.

White males rather collect 1,000 video games and complains about immigrants babies. Let capitalism sink them further.


Do you ever say anything in response that might be more than stale, canned fagsnark, or are you really that intellectually bankrupt?

North Korea abandoned Marxism-Leninism a while ago. They admit that.

>one planet
>laughing martians.jpg