What the hell happened to the black community? Why do so many of them live in poverty?
Why do they vote Democrat when they used to vote Republican?
>pic sort-of related
What the hell happened to the black community? Why do so many of them live in poverty?
Why do they vote Democrat when they used to vote Republican?
>pic sort-of related
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President LBJ invited them all back to the plantation to live as slaves forever and they accepted.
The End.
Low intelligence, easily handled and controlled.
Isn't he a real person?
>trap music
The Jews helped them.
Damn son where'd you find this?
The democrats pander directly to them and then do nothing to help them.
>its a "layers of irony" episode
Damn son where'd you find this?
I don't even know what's happening.
This. The welfare system has fucked the black community. It's just another form of slavery. And no one seems to care. No talk show host. No celebrity. No "activist". Nobody.
Whole scene is pure gold
So if group A is forced to work to fund the lifestyle of group B, who does absolutely nothing, then group B is enslaved by group A?
If you kill your enemies... they win?
The Democratic Party promises then welfare in return for votes.
Think about it: does it benefit the Democratic Party to make them successful? No, it's to their benefit to keep them poor and on welfare so they keep voting for them.
>black power movement
>1980s crack epidemic
There was much less niggerdom in the pre-1960 black community. They had the desire (and the need) to work so they did, they had normal names, etc.
The guy who does the voice for Ruckus is the wheelchair kids dad from Malcom in the Middle.
That's him in the video too I believe.
Both groups are slaves. Group A is forced to give their income to other people for no benefit of their own.
They got the right to vote then the state replaced the father as head of the household.
What you see today is a result of that.
Over-expansive government is also another reason.
They keep niggers in one spot and the niggers think they live a good life because of muh benefits n programs.
Has them brainwashed to think they cant succeed without assistance.
That and they are naturally lazy with no ambition or goals short of sticking their dick in something.
nigger slang trap doesnt mean what it does here
No it's much worse than slavery.
It turns what little productivity the blacks would have into babies which grow up to make more babies or kill each other.
It's a negative because it creates more criminals.
It creates more blacks, and stupider blacks because they pay them to procreate.
The taxpayer fits the bill to practice dysgenics on blacks in america and create criminals just for democratic votes.
You heard that sick, new track bruh?
It goes like this. I love this song.
"Big nigga fuck titty ass hoe in the club, stacks, ya nigga shit hoe ass fuck, nigga. YAAAAA, I GETS DA MONEY N SHEEIIT IN DA CLUB, NIGGA. Muh dick, muh dick, sheeeeit".
You ever heard that one?
Black people are easily brainwashed. Niggers fucking loved Trump for decades then all of a sudden he's hitler now, just because it gets repeated over and over again on everything in niggerdom.
>What the hell happened to the black community?
We stopped enforcing laws in their neighborhood, we stopped "oppressing" them with segregation.
>Why do so many of them live in poverty
Because they are Africans who have not lived under civilization. Anarchist Hunter-gatherer brains in a lawful-industrialist society. Meanwhile whites have transitioned from 5kya to now under agriculture, then fuedalism, and to industrialism, psychologically evolving to survive in each until now.
They have IQs around 85 (by the most favorable measurements) and have behaviors and thought processes totally alien to our lifestyle.
I believe trap refers to the place in the hood where drugs are sold.
Group B is then forced to vote Group C into office or the flow of money that Group C steals from Group A gets shut off.
Low IQ happened, and they were convinced that ooga booga was a better way of life than crudely imitating the stable culture of the white man.
Niggers are stupid to start with, and leftists insist on nurturing their worst traits
they had the same rate of dual parent households a whites
>thousands of years ago
>Niggers sitting around eating weeds and laughing at nothing while one of them tunelessly bangs at an animal skin stretched over a pot
>niggers sitting around smoke weed and laughing at nothing while they listen to inane and tuneless drumbeats
They never dreamed a sail, user. But civilisation gave them fire, which they used to light their weed.
It's why I have a lot of respect for niggers who actually pull themselves up and get a job, and a position of merit off their own backs. And you'll notice they have nothing but contempt for these nigger rats that sit around on welfare all day