You say the N word a lot here

Are you all black?

Other urls found in this thread:

No of course not I'm just a racist also gas the kikes.

When you look at the facts the only logical outcome is blacks are inferior to all other races. We can't change that and it pisses us off. That's why we say nigger all the time.

Zulus and Nigerian animists are awesome

Liberal tactic. You want to talk about blacks in general or subgroups?

Talking about blacks as one separate race is false. Only stupid theories can come from it.

Pygmies are the same race as Nubians? Nah.

fuck kanye and fuck black people


So is there a black race or not?


The blacks I know are teachers, professors, councillors and successful business men, so I don't see the point in following your spurious logic with calling them all one race and saying it's inferior.

Because you talk about a general group you can also talk about that groups attributes. If you want to talk about individuals that's completely different. In the group of blacks there are plenty of good people. The fact is there are more murderers, welfare queens, sexual transmitted disease hosts, people with a lower than average IQ, robbers, drug users etc by percent of their population than any other race.

Niggers Wuz Kangz


Sup Forums is a diverse group of multicultural individuals.

Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Death to those who slander the good name of Sup Forums

Hahaha. Found the muzzy.

Yeah, it's the vocal black minority on /pol

Pre-eminent content creators

No, black skin tone != race

you're dumb and probably underage

My favorite rapper said it

If there's no such thing as race then whites never enslaved blacks it was just people treating other people bad. So you can shut the Fuck up about "muh white oppression" fucking libtard.

Slavery really happened.

I'm no expert, but I think your idea of a black race might have been instilled a lot in the past because of slavery.

You never answered me snaggle toothed Brit. Does race exist or not?