How belivable is this?
Thomas Wilson
Other urls found in this thread:
Bentley Powell
Connor Allen
total baloney
Sebastian Sanders
Next you're going to try and tell me that the holocaust was real.
Jaxson Young
But how do you refute this?
Gavin Sanchez
>NYC flooded
>implying it's bad
Let it happen. All the degenerate coast cities like LA, San Francisco, NYC will be gone.
Jayden Long
If it was. New York would be just the new Venice.
Christian Sullivan
lmao who cares
James Hall
Climate change deniers were never taught about earth science so it makes sense why they don't believe it.
Man made climate change is real and it's going to be humanities biggest problem in the later part of the century
Mason Perez
Seems like Climate Change is going to flood away all the shit in the world. How can we speed up climate change?