How belivable is this?

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total baloney

Next you're going to try and tell me that the holocaust was real.

But how do you refute this?

>NYC flooded
>implying it's bad
Let it happen. All the degenerate coast cities like LA, San Francisco, NYC will be gone.

If it was. New York would be just the new Venice.

lmao who cares

Climate change deniers were never taught about earth science so it makes sense why they don't believe it.

Man made climate change is real and it's going to be humanities biggest problem in the later part of the century


Seems like Climate Change is going to flood away all the shit in the world. How can we speed up climate change?

Yanks will say that`s why they built skyscrapers

I might take them seriously if, oh i don't know they came up with a climate prediction that has actually been accurate. Seriously these asshats have been predicting ocean rise, 2012 stile shit since the 60s. They even predicted at the time that this would happen in 10 years, it didn't so they said another 10 years it didn't, so another and guess what it did not happen. This is cult shit lads.
They said we would be out of oil by the 90s that didn't happen either. Nothing they have claimed has ever happened. So until they can come up with something other than a model, that was design by people with obvious political stances on climate and what that means for government, they can fuck right the fuck off.

Think about how much more mold will grow from that! The taxpayer cost of all that water damage alone makes me sick.

go get a cup of water and freeze it, then check on it in 24 hours, the ice will have expanded to much larger than that of the amount of water it took to freeze it

the majority of the ice caps are underwater

when it melts, what do you think will happen, knowing what you learned from freezing water?


there's way too much rainforest

i think man made climate change acceleration is real and i believe that the only solution is the extermination of third worlders below a certain iq, lets say 110. this world cant hold 7 billion industrialized people and we all know it. we will ruin the soil, poison the rivers, and devastate our air quality if we keep playing the compassion game.

how about this, if you live in an area with electricity and still shit in the open on a regular basis, you dont need to exist anymore.

Reminds me of AI.

You can be taught something and not accept it as being necessarily true.

They've been wrong for decades and decades now, and I have no reason whatsoever to believe they won't be wrong for decades and decades more, especially since they have an obvious motive for stirring up a panic - they can steal your money for themselves.

I agreed a eugenic cull is the only way the human race will survive, the question is will it be human controlled or not.

degeneracy isn't tied to these locations, it's the people that live there that are degenerate. when the water level rises and jew york shitty is underwater those degenerates will just move to the new coast

Why does it stop in 2005? Thats over 10 years ago

Comfy af to be honest with you

well, whites are too compassionate. maybe (((they))) are pushing all this anti-male, anti-white rhetoric to remove this compassion....

Obviously we need to implement a carbon tax and ban the use of fossil fuels.

>the coasts get flooded
>all liberals drown
It's all part of his masterplan.

Ten years ago, all the global warming alarmists thought New York was going to be submerged in oceanwater by now... it isn't.

People just need to shut the fuck up about global warming.

funny how everyone ignores the fact hat its industry that pumps out far more gases then anything the average human does for living/pleasure

aint gunna stop as long as pol needs their dragon dildos

>shut the fuck up about global warming
Not enjoying that steady diet of AGW doom propaganda?

The AGW meme is to provide cover for something far scarier, fossil fuel depletion. Under that later scenario it would be impossible to convince first world peoples to hand over control and rationing of depleting hydrocarbons to an authoritarian bureaucratic global fascist regime in return for inefficient 'alternatives' and promises to save the world from some excess CO2 molecules. Don't wait for Doomberg to spread some enlightenment though.

>How can we speed up climate change?
With tons of methane in the atmosphere. Eat more meat, the cattle is a big producer of methane.

get a brain morans

AGW could be argued back and forth because climatologists are shitty scientists. They methodology is sloppy, their models are inaccurate and so their conclusions are extremely suspect. Peak oil is going to be a real thing though. Sure we have oil sands, arctic reserves, deeper well tech, ect. but there will come a point when we simply won't have the ability to get any more petroleum out of the ground. This is why if I get enough money from the lawsuit I filed (check archive, its gonna be yuge) I may just privately fund LFTR research to get a commercial reactor design.

A majority of sea level rise is projected to come from ice sheets on greenland and antarctica, they've already accounted for that fact.

I'm going to laugh my ass off if the ice sheets melt just enough to disrupt the thermohaline circulation and cause an ice age. Imagine how butthurt all the liberal fags would be if their skinny jeans and faggot shorts suddenly couldn't be worn. Lots of the hipsters also wouldn't know how to properly deal with ice in their beards and would have to shave.