Is he right?
Is he right?
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He's a dirty kike
Is there anybody who think this kike is relevant after he endorsed Hillary?
for 18 years and then what? what an idiot
Kek, "Underwater in a few years"
They have been saying this since the fucking 70's if not earlier. People saying this shit over and over and it never happening really makes me skeptical.
I guess they hope all the retires are dead by then.
>What is hyperbole
Are you just playing dumb or do you take everything literally?
Glad you finally admit global warming is hyperbole.
Yup, still a step up from denying all together like a tard.
What about additional retirees? And 18 years means that it's going to be broke for me when I am eligible. I should be able to opt out now and be compensated for any money I paid into it.
climate change will be interesting, trumps trade wars with china are the best method of stopping it though.
as for social security, fuck that jewish scam and fuck that kike bernie.
>It can pay out full benefits to every retiree for 18 years
>18 years
Bernieheads still do lol
liberals are scared of some warmth what pussies
Just like they said about shit being underwater ten years ago. Or acid rain. Or the rain forest. Or ozone layer. Or ther bullshit. Also, Bernie, you faggot old Jew, 18 years is not far away.
>It can pay out full benefits for every retiree for 18 years
I like how socialists always use this kind of talk, as if the money just comes from some "other" source. They never want to say that they want to tax everyone up the ass, take everyone's money to fund all their shit.
You're right, we should introduces more taxes on the middle-class.
>Don't believe what Republicans say about Social Security. It's not going broke. It can pay out full benefits to every retiree for 18 years.
"The Trustees project that the combined trust funds will be depleted in 2034, the same year projected in last year's report."
It can pay out full benefits to every retiree for 18 years... and then it can't. It's not Republicans saying this, it's the actuaries at the Social Security Administration.
>Mr. Trump might want to think about starting to believe in climate change, considering his resorts will be underwater in a few years.
And the Arctic ice cap will be completely gone by 2013.
isn't it time he was carted off to the nursing home yet?!
He'll be dead by then, he doesn't give a damn.
>Is he right?
Trump filed a bunch of requests for permits to build sea walls at his resorts to combat rising sea levels.
He knows it's real. He just also believes all the poor people deserve to die.
>his resorts will be underwater in a few years
Didn't Gore say some shit like this during the 2000 campaign?
Is Trump right?
What do poor people do for society other than take from it?
Incorrect on both counts.
>pay out full benefits for 18 years
Yeah thats really great, all of the young people get cucked into paying for the previous generations retirement and then get the shaft.
The bottom retards are too dumb.
The world leaders are probably getting ready for a mass pruning of some kind.
I only expect 3rd world shitters to die like venezuela and brazilian monkeys.
>social security is not going broke because it can pay full benefits for the next 18 years! oy vey!
>what about in 19 years
10m+ sea levels in a few year
wew really makes me think, looks like i'm a #socialist now
>for 18 years.
>not going broke
Is this a joke? Then what? What happens to all the people who are 41 who have been paying for it their entire lives, but don't get anything back? Fuck Social Security, I don't want it.
what happens on the 19th year?
>18 years
I'm pretty sure that's what every repub is saying, that it will go broke by the time Paul Ryan retires.
Well, the issue comes where it isn't the poor people that are the problem. The poor are largely unrealized potential.
It's the willfully stupid that are the problem. And they're spread across all classes.
>his resorts will be underwater in a few years.
i'll wait...
>in a few years
does this retard have a clue about anything?
>it's cool to criticize the current president
No I'm in California and it's really cold, getting real sick of hebrews.
We will just privatize it goyim. Better hope you don't have a stock market crash when you retire hehe
>Trump wouldn't hire the finest dam builders and land reclamation experts to prevent this
>Trump has no foresight whatsoever
>Bernie has won the election
Gosh it's all so similarly wrong.
>not keeping all of your money under your mattress
banks are a scam
I'm sure he believes he is
lol, his tweets are so hypocritical it's so funny.
Is Bernie really willing to doom the next generation who are going to be fucking wrecked if Social Security goes broke in 18 years? That's something much worse than the climate possibly rising in the next 50 years.
The retirement age being 65 was made when the average length of life of the average American was much, much, much lower. Now with better med technology and better food standards, it's common to see people live up to their 80s.
>tfw you realize that stock market crashes are just another jew trick to amass more money
Seriously, it's like one of those fucking toys'r'us runs back in the day where the kids got to run through the aisle and get everything for free that they could carry.
Except a stock market crash the rich people get to play victim, capitalize on "losses", all the while amassing more wealth on the cheap.
Oh and the people below them get fucked, even if they don't have money invested in the market they still get fired, or pay cuts--but no, the rich must be protected because they lose so much! It's fucking crazy.
>Don't believe what Democrats say about Social Security. It's going broke. It can only pay out full benefits to every retiree for 18 years.
>Mr. Sanders might want to stop believing in climate change, considering his government subsidized housing won't be underwater in a few years.
He's right ONLY as long as we keep importing shitskins to artificially sustain population growth so that the proportion of people paying into the big Ponzi scheme continues to exceed those collecting from it.
>Don't worry goyim it's not bankrupt it's just going that be that way soon
Zoom out a bit on that graph. Climate changes drastically over large amounts of time regardless of human activity
Chile seems to be doing pretty well.
Could always put money into curing aging.
And with regard to sea level change, no, he's not right. Even if you buy the whole thing hook, line and sinker, the IPCC itself only projects about a foot of sea level rise over the next 50 years.
>Retirees continue to collect for decades instead of dying
That's a sure-fire way to drive the program towards bankruptcy, or at least major restructuring.
It's nice to see that this geriatric kike's concerns for the future only extend to the likely end of his lifespan.
Fucking idiot. And fuck anyone dumb enough to buy this shit.
I guess boomers will be the last generation to retire, and everyone else will slave away until they die, just like in the gulags. Oh the ironing...
>It's the willfully stupid that are the problem. And they're spread across all classes.
Except most of them are at the bottom.
he was right about everything except the fucking race shit
What happened to the coastal cities being underwater by 2015? Why is it always 10 more years?
>The poor are largely unrealized potential
You are wrong.
Because they'll vote for muh democrats if a man in a suit tells them so.
>it won't go broke
>we can pay retirees for 18 years
Does Al gore ring any bells
Cuz I'm still alive
Fucking leaf, it was recently bumped to 75. Stick with maple syrup.
What happens to those to retarded to figure that out? They get Darwin awards.
18 years is a long time to figure out a solution other than "fuck everything up, make off with the spoils, and die before the poors kill everyone".
>18 years
So they're banking on people dying much sooner than that on average.
I don't know how it works in burgerland, but social security is pretty much a scam here.
>work 40 years
>pay something like 35% of your income to SS
>when you retire you only get something like 80% of the NET pay you used to get
>statistically, die within 20 years
>earn X amount a year
>0.35X*40 = 14
>0.8*(0.65X)*20 = 10.4
>after 60 years you end up getting LESS than what you """invested""" and you get it in dribbles rather than in a lump sum like any sane investment
Might as well have stuffed that money under the fucking mattress.
>I don't want it.
then die
>Might as well have stuffed that money under the fucking mattress.
This desu, I tell my mom instead of buying dental insurance, just put a small portion of your earnings into your savings anyway, then you can fill cavities or get whatever root canal you need, I got a root canal when I broke my tooth and afforded it because of my genius.
Spending money "Just in case is fucking stupid of the actual service isn't pricey.
The problem is you cannot opt out of social security.
If I could I would in a heartbeat.
In 2 and a half years of working I've already contributed around 25K to (((INPS))).
They're clever though, in your payment sheet you only see about a third of it because the rest is paid directly by the employer and you never see it.
Most people have no idea just how hard they're getting jewed.
With that kind of money I could have paid most of my fucking mortgage off.
>meanwhile disability payments are already flat broke
Fuck social security
He means in 18 years the payouts will exceed the income brought in from payroll taxes. This is easily solvable by increasing the payroll tax ceiling.
What the fuck.
Who in his right mind would work until they were 75?
Honestly hope that republicans fuck up social security like they have promised. Some people just wont learn until their face is ground into the dirt.
someone who enjoys their job
What the fuck is he talking about? Is the old man going senile?
no, mostly because he is under the delusion that there is any way to stop man-made climate change if it is real
youre actually retarded. Insurance is not the same as social security
Insurance is only a scam if you dont use it regularly. Regular dental check ups, doctor check ups etc
Plus you get the safety net in case of emergency
>underwater ina few years
They're going all in, huh
well obama has a weather machine according to them so its probably extremely likely
Literally Baby Boomer thinking. In 18 years I'll be dead, it just needs to last until then.
Why is Bernie such a terrible kike. If I was Trump I'd take out killer flood insurance policies on my properties and sit back in my SUV with engine running.
Y'know what that's probably Bernie's plan (if he doesn't die by the time the nonexistent flood occurs). He just doesn't want Trump collecting all of the floodbux.
>18 years
>implying that's a long time
fucking bernie just trying to convince trump to not fuck up his social security until after he dies lmao
such a fucking jew
>in a few years
>in the future
>b-b-b-but it'll happen eventually!
kek every single time
They were saying a new ice age was coming in the 70s.
The numbers aren't real, friend. They are all compromised.
Climate change? Or is it global warming?
That doesn't mean using oil and coal caused the change, ya big dummy.
Yeah, it's all a conspiracy. Yawn.
Where do you get this shit?
so much this
Yes, but Trumpy isn't just planning to defund things relating to man-caused climate change. He's defunding EVERYTHING regarding environmental degradation and climate change. So even if it was natural and required us TO change it, Trump's plan is to have us be blind.
Makes this part of me deep inside want to go medieval on his ass. Punishment for trying to blind humanity should be something like hot pokers in the eyes, right?