>If you bash gays, then you must be gay yourself
How do I counter this?
>If you bash gays, then you must be gay yourself
How do I counter this?
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If you bash homophobes then you must be homophobic yourself.
You say "That's fucking moronic".
>tfw no homophobic Sup Forumsbf to bash me cutely
Theres no real logic there but its true, most closet gays lash out at other gays to try and hide their shame.
tfw you have been pozzed by his tingles
>if you bash racists, you must be a racist yourself!
It's like asking how do I counter a monkey throwing poo at me.
Level of argument.
If you bash them with your dick, you probably are
faggots cannot logic
Same with racists; they're often racists themselves when accusing others of racism
Well for me, in public I say I think theres something wrong with trannies, and I think they are gross, and make fun of them.
But i'd totally fuck one (only if it's passable).
if I bash niggers does that make me black?
>if you bash jews, then you must be jewish yourself
>its a stealth tony thread
WHO /poopsies/ HERE?
>if A is B and some is C, then A is also C
Most of the time it's true. People only bash gays to prove to themselves that they're not gay and counter any gay thoughts or feelings they've had. It doesn't mean they're gay, but it still stems from the need to counter those intrusive thoughts out of insecurity.
I can live 5 seconds without demanding the death of "those damn evil straight people" and getting triggered by people using the word "fag" near me.
What's your excuse?
If you hate niggers, you must actually be a nigger.
It's called tu quoque or an appeal to hypocrisy. Juat point out that trying to turn the argument around on the accuser does nothing to refute the original point and only makes the other side look desperate.
But its not true.
I know some hateful folks that bash gays and they've either got gfs or are married.
That entire closet gay meme is just that, a meme
I'm bi-sex and I call fags fags when they act like fags. Does that make me full homo-sex?
inb4 no such thing as true bi-sex just attention seeking faggots
Nah mate, I'll fuck yer mom and give your dad a nice working too. Then again check the flag, i'll probably try and suck off the puppy in the house as well. Afterwards i'll see if I can get a snake to act like a dildo.
At the end of the night i'll have a strong glass of Who Gives an Honest Fuck?
Jokes aside. Humans are some sexually fucking wierd creatures. We have more obscure sexual pleasure rituals than any other species on the planet I can think of. I mean birds ruffle themselves up and dance wierd, but we surpassed that shit a long time ago.
The trick is descerning when it's time to make the sex, and when it's time to work until your fingers break. I like to make it a healthy 10%-90% split. More work as apposed to sex.
You dont like getting your nuts stapled? Then you must like getting your nuts stapled.
By admitting you're an enormous faggot, get AIDS and then die.
>If you bash niggers, you must be a nigger yourself
there's something homophobic about the 'YOU'RE SECRETELY GAY!' bullshit
like, if there's nothing wrong with being gay, literally nothing wrong, then this shouldn't be a legitiamte point
it's like, ok and? being gay is perfectly fine right?
Why bother? Whoever uses this argument is mental. Therefore any counter would be pointless.
Maybe because rational people think it's fucking disgusting.
If I see somebody eating shit, I can say that's disgusting without secretly wanting to eat shit myself.
Moral and cultural relativity are the excuses of people who cannot defend their beliefs.
>theres no real logic there
>tries to apply logic
I just meant that it can be true in certain circumstances turbo nigger.
>If you bash pedophiles, then you must be pedophile yourself
You beat the living shit out of them and say... "Fair enough, but you are a fucking fag too otherwise I wouldn't have fucked you over like that."
If you bash cocks into assholes, then you must be an asshole yourself.
Well, that's generally true. Black-on-black crime kills more nogs each year than every lynching since the Civil War combined.
false, there's simply no correlation, the percentage of gay bashers that are gay is probably similar to the percentage of non gay bashers that are gay. Worked in psych forensics for over a decade and discussed this subject with my boss (40+ years as a psych forensic), he claimed it's a movies thing rather than based on reality
If you bash racists you must be a racist yourself.
Basically some people can't out of ego and can't into humiliation. Projecting harder than ... well they project their insecurity within themselves out pretty hard on everyone else.
"You're acting pretty faggy eh?" - Straight Guy
"Wow Homophobe. You must be a secret closet gay!" - Gay guy
He felt a sting of humiliation because he has not dissolved of his ego and become comfortable in his body, so he tried to project his insecurity onto the straight fellow by completely flipping the tease. Thing is....
"What? Don't get your panties in a bunch, it's just a bit of bants ya fag." - Straight guy.
Straight guy isn't insecure within himself (in this case scenario, there are many straight fellows that are insecure as fuck, but that's another point in another abstraction), so the gay guy's insecurities are not felt even in the slightest by the straight fellow. If that at all makes sense.
>If you bash moslemss, then you must be moslem yourself
>If you bash pedophiles, then you must be pedophile yourself
By fucking my gf in front of him.
How the fuck is that even an argument? Replace gay with hitler and see how he reacts.
Mount him to establish your dominance
Ask them they think about pedophiles
"Irrelevant. I am still right in what I said."
Anyone who for a second believes that bullshit stands as solid argument deserves whatever happens to them. It's like with those social workers who let two sodomite pedophiles walk free to continue to be around their kids because they were scared of being called (((homophobic))). It's like when a judge let a pedophile off because the accused claimed he was (((transgender))).
Sodomy was always an erroneous fetish that was normalized and created new ways to cut off dissent and easy ways to manipulate the justice system.
reporting in!
By bashing harder.
If you were literally beating a man in an alleyway and he called you a faggot, what would you do?
Activate your almonds or kick him in the teeth?
Suck his dick.
THAT'll show him.
>How do I counter this?
All muslims are gay?
>if you smelt it you must have dealt it
okay, sure fagboi. airtight logic there
Not gay enough to do anal and poz myself.
AIDS is a disease of sodomizers.
This is Scientologist logic. They believe that if you accuse somebody of wrongdoing that means you did it yourself either in this life or a past one. Accusing somebody of theft doesn't make you a thief and being repulsed by a persons behavior doesn't mean you secretly like it.
Ask them if they feel repulsed by child exploitation.
all arachnophobes are secretly spiders
go away, pedo
Say no homo afterwards
Being disgusted by sweaty men fucking each other's shitholes doesn't mean I secretly like it.
The gay lifestyle is dirty and hedonistic and disgusts me, they're all mentally I'll in some way.
If you bash fascists, you must be fascist yourself.
"Not everyone is gay so it's impossible that everyone that has problems with gays for whatever reason is gay, I mean is it stupid? yes Shallow? yes but don't draw hate filled biggots into a gay community by giving them such a fabulous gay-card"
>How do I counter this?
suck more penis
>How do I counter this?
only bash fags if you have a qt gf
otherwise there is no comeback to that argument user.
Accept that you're a faggot. If you are preoccupied with gays, it's probably because you want the cock and can't stand to admit it.
what the fuck? and pol shills this degenerate
this man is from FYR Macedonia
considering how high black on black crime is compared to white on black crime is, it's likely
why was he used for the OP's pic
oh I see
>1 post by this ID
Ask him if he hates pedos, if yes, call him a pedo.
Gay sex repulses me, but so does the idea people eat things like haggis. I'm not about to stop anyone else from doing those things if they aren't hurting anyone else or forcing me to partake.
You guys, on the other hand, obsess about gay sex and other "degenerate" things all day. Of course people are going to think you're projecting.
why else would you care so much about other men fucking each other in the ass?
>I'm not about to stop anyone else from doing those things if they aren't hurting anyone else or forcing me to partake.
Are you also a civic nationalist? These actions do hurt other people, and that goes without mentioning the media's forced acceptance of homosexuals and other more deviant freaks.
Oh fuck, I'm English??
tell them to suck your dick
It's homophobes who are obsessed with it and constantly rant about it... the ones who doth protest too much are the ones likely to be gay.
FPBP. When the left uses retard logic, just turn it back on them.
Anybody else used to watch this guy back when he was a gay guy and not an over the top faggot? I used to feel kinda bad when I saw mean comments on his videos. His videos progessively got faggier and faggier and I stopped watching because they started making me uncomfortable as hell.
How does it hurt other people? Sauce on that other than fundamentalist Christians?
bash him like a man
>I point out the black on black crime rates it doesn't make me a negroid.
The first step to solving the issue of being accused of closeted homosexuality is to actually attack their degenerate lifestyle choices with facts and hit the root of the problem.
From there you can easily counter with
>Cut the horseshit, address the argument. If you can't address the argument then there must be some basis to it.
Knock him out and fuck him
>Civic nationalist
Sorry, I'm not into fascism. You guys rail against the liberal nanny state and then cheer for some bizarre daddy-state that will dictate morality and social norms from the top down? Fuck that garbage.
Qt gay canadian boy looking for nice attractive redpilled bf aged 21-28.
No creeps, fatties or niggers
wtf im literally gay now
I don't obsess with sex.
The gay lifestyle and it obvious degenerate reprecussions can't be ignored however. These guy have been given an inch and now they want 9 more in black silicone penile form and are proud of it.
I protest because the normalization of degenerate life styles including homosexuality have historically been linked to the demise of civilizations.
It comes down to normalizing immoral behavior, spreading political correct dogma and devaluing the nature of man and woman.
Those things are intrinsically linked, in order to normalize the abnormal, normality itself must be demonized.
>die cis scum
>my gender, your gender, gender me this
You can't progress a movement that defies conventional decency because the obvious consequences are blow back from the conventional camp.
So you need to undermine convention and that bleeds into other avenues of life.
Homosexuality is only one deviant act which I oppose.
>why was he used for the OP's pic
I frequently troll his YouTube channel and it was the first gay-related pic I found.
>if youre obsessed with gays youre probably a faggot
Fixed that for you.
>closet gays are making actual homophobes look bad
>mfw this makes me hate gays more
That's bullshit. I bash gays because I view them as childish, self-destructive & narcisstic. One thing I have noticed is how the media tries to convince you that you're gay. Supposedly, having too much tetosterone makes you gay. Or being too built is gay. Everything makes you gay now, or at least that's what's stated by the media. The media is just trying to control how you think. Don't dare say shit about gays, or that makes you gay too!
Kinda funny, aren't they themselves implicating that no one actually wants to be gay since they're also using it as an insult.
The only good thing about gays is that they're genetic dead ends and they often take other fags to the deathbed along with them because gays are so self-destructive that they pass aids to each other & call it "The Gift."
Nah, they still accuse you of being closet-gay. It doesn't matter how many pretty women throw themsleves at you or how many women you've fucked, you're some how a crypto-gay because they said so. Look at Trump, leftist shitstains constantly call him gay.
It's similar to the "Russian spies!" accusation. You're a spy simply because they accuse you of it and they're god so everything they see is beyond question. It's just another Leftist "NO U!" argument. Hillary's campaign was hillarious because her entire platform was nothing but "No U!" accusations. it was actually her who turned the election into a joke, not Trump. Trump was actually talking about real issues that the MSM didn't want to talk about so they just called him racist, another No U! tactic.
>I protest because the normalization of degenerate life styles including homosexuality have historically been linked to the demise of civilizations.
Like when?
homophobia is the most overblown "issue" in the country right now. It's only used for political purposes.
No one cares that you're having sex with another guy, stop building your personality around that meaningless fact of your existence
They're insulting you, a white male, they must be internally white males themselves.
The essence of the problem is not at all complicated, no where near as complicated as the details or scope.
It is impossible to normalize something without altering the definition of normal. Essentially devaluing and reconstructing normal into a new definition.
When you open the doors to one state of decadence the rest follow. Pedophilia is on the rise in the West. I have, myself, met two women who have come out to say to me that they were pedophiles. No fear of reproach.
The last days of Caligula saw pedophilic, homosexual and other depravities in spades, with oil drenched orgies.
Canada has ostensibly legalized animal/human relationships. While straight up fucking your dog is still illegal, sexual experimentation with animals is NOT illegal. You can get a blow job from your dog, or suck a dogs cock without any legal repercussions if caught.
These are the signs of decay in a society when moral standards fail.
Dog fuckers and pedophiles all claim the same excuse the rest of the degenerates claim "We were born this way"
Indulging one give claim to the other.
Now I know this is a "slippery Slope" argument. But we've seen that slippery slope progress over the last 30 years. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that, like in the 1970s, we'll see a resurgence of pedo-sympathetic people trying to legislate for child/adult sexual relationships.
It is a disgusting time to be alive and that is why we must oppose ALL acts of bestiality and depravity including race mixing and homosexuality.
Do you still work there? Can you ask him about films and video games, how do they affect people?
Also what do you yourself think. It's impossible that they do not affect at all, they must have some affect on people's minds on their worldview.
>If you bash trans, then you must be trans yourself
I am most definitely not trans.
Read Gibbon's "History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
>if you bash nazis, you must be a nazi yourself.
>How do I counter this?
The gay rights movement was about not telling other people who they are supposed to love. Are they not telling you who you are supposed to love when they claim that you are gay also?
Are they not also engaged in a type of orientation bigotry? For instance, you might be asexual. How would they know? Is it not bigoted to assume?
Are you male? Did they call you gay? How do they know that you identify as male? Isn't it transphobic to assume this?
All of their points are based in absurdity. What you have to realize is that their morality is actually well structured as an internal framework, even though it is still bullshit. What you want to do is learn how this framework fits together and then pit them against each other using their own absurdities. You need to beat them over the head with their own deconstructionism while also holding them accountable to their own morals.
Let me tell you, doing that is one hell of wild ride. It basically shits up their ability to argue anything because they are forced into a defensive framework whereby they cannot argue their main points.
It is glorious.
55% og homos ADMIT to being pedos, I wonder how many are but don't admit. many such cases, sad
Tell gays they act like vegans: they don't ever shut up about being gay and liking the cock