>Live in normal Swedish city
>Crime rate is kinda high at 500 right now here
>Go on Sup Forums
>Almost feel bad because its true
>Look up Americas crime rate
>Its at fucking 2500
>Kinda spooked, start looking up other things amerishits always banter Sweden about
>Sweden has around 15% immigrants, most of them white from countries like Finland and Netherlands
>In america, whites only make up 60% of the population, and in your censuses you count hispanics and latinos into this category as well
>The plot thickens
>Look up cuck porn statistics in Sweden, lo and behold its not even in top 50 of searches
>In america, its currently at number 9
>Okay surely this can't continue....
>"Oi Swedish women love immigrants look at this pic i sifted through gigabytes of cuck porn for and then slapped a Swedish flag on!"
>According to CSB, the Swedish statistical bureau found last year that interracial and "Multicultural" relationships are actually both decreasing, and are hovering around 2% 3% respectively.
>In america, interacial relationships are increasing and at 10-20% depending on what source you look at
Is this amerishits trying to shift focus to a small country so they look less pathetic or is this ((( Them ))) trying to make them blind to their own impending doom?
Even if all these dank memes posted about us where true, why kick the insignificant guy lying down instead of putting scrutiny on themselves?
We might not be great, and we might even be shit, but how come countries objectively worse don't get any attention?
On a fun note: Our foreign affairs minister was put on the top 10 list of anti-Semites by Israel this year.