Live in normal Swedish city

>Live in normal Swedish city
>Crime rate is kinda high at 500 right now here
>Go on Sup Forums
>Almost feel bad because its true
>Look up Americas crime rate
>Its at fucking 2500
>Kinda spooked, start looking up other things amerishits always banter Sweden about

>Sweden has around 15% immigrants, most of them white from countries like Finland and Netherlands
>In america, whites only make up 60% of the population, and in your censuses you count hispanics and latinos into this category as well

>The plot thickens

>Look up cuck porn statistics in Sweden, lo and behold its not even in top 50 of searches
>In america, its currently at number 9

>Okay surely this can't continue....

>"Oi Swedish women love immigrants look at this pic i sifted through gigabytes of cuck porn for and then slapped a Swedish flag on!"
>According to CSB, the Swedish statistical bureau found last year that interracial and "Multicultural" relationships are actually both decreasing, and are hovering around 2% 3% respectively.
>In america, interacial relationships are increasing and at 10-20% depending on what source you look at

Is this amerishits trying to shift focus to a small country so they look less pathetic or is this ((( Them ))) trying to make them blind to their own impending doom?
Even if all these dank memes posted about us where true, why kick the insignificant guy lying down instead of putting scrutiny on themselves?

We might not be great, and we might even be shit, but how come countries objectively worse don't get any attention?
On a fun note: Our foreign affairs minister was put on the top 10 list of anti-Semites by Israel this year.

Other urls found in this thread:


When the first post is the BEST post

Lol faggot. Hey Sven I think I hear Ahmed raping your sister again.

Kill yourself.

>Amerishit can't read
The surprise is real!

Your poz is a lot more visible, and the media and government seem to be really eager to convey the image of a cuck country.

You were literally a perfect whiteopia and you ruined it by bringing in violent muds.

Hi denmark!
Nah, that's probably the sharia patrols in your capital that literally means they don't serve alcohol there anymore:

You don't actually think that your average American has the attention span/reading comprehension necessary to read all that, do you?

Trust a swede to post something like this

Again, what do you mean "ruined it" ?
Have you been to Sweden? Or are you talking about the memes or sherry picked images you saw online?
Sure malmö and certain parts of GB are bad, but even those places are whiter and safer than the average american town.

Nice argument Australia! Knew i could count on you guys!

Are Asians allowed in based Sweden?

WTF? What time is it over there in Swedistan?

Do you not realize that these threads make you look even more like a weakling?

>Boo hoo, someone said a bad thing about Sweden

Whatever you say Ahmed

go back to paki-land

>A country of 9 million having a lower crime rate than a country composed of 330 million
What a surprise.PS you still do have more crime than us.

>what do you mean "ruined it" ?
>Sure malmö and certain parts of GB are bad
what's hard to understand?

perfect country soiled for no reason. why do you bring america into this?

America has always been cucked by niggers
The difference is Sweden used to be a perfect white paradise and you fucked it all up

>at 500

500 what.


2500 what?!

Probably because Americans are so used to the cuckedness by now that they don't even see it. But they read about these statistics from Sweden and they think "Wow that's bad". Just a lack of self-awareness, really.

Don't get me wrong, it's fucking bad, but you are right, it shouldn't even register to an American.

it's fucking banter obviously you have it better there as far as non whites go. Hopefully enough to open your eyes up to how horrific multiculturalism is.

Do you think this is funny Åke? Your country is being literally invaded and you sit on Sup Forums making jokes. What can you do anyways?

>Our foreign affairs minister was put on the top 10 list of anti-Semites by Israel this year.

That's because your country is overrun by Hamas apologists.

Paki scum.


We got soiled early with slaves.

Sweden should have zero problems, especially with plenty historical lessons available to you.


Kek, you're alright broder. You're alright.

>He doesn't understand how statistics work.

this, also sweden is a smaller country than the US, you have to take proportions into account.

That's like asking whether i would like to inject some neuro-toxin: Not enough info.

>Pol avarages at about 1.4 sweden posts per minute
>I refute the point
At least we still have an economy.

>Amerishit doesn't understund crime rate is per capita

Nice dodging the question there burger.

>German doesn't even know what the international crime rate standard is
Dear god people on pol really are uneducated aren't they?

Precisely, were in deep shit but the pendulum is swinging back, look at denmark and norway opening their doors for example, whilst sweden currently have more immigrants leaving than arriving!

>Said the norwegian who's country is currently who took in in triple our all time top refugee month in September

And not to mention the fact that they don't seem to care one bit
If they ever elect SD, you will be partly redeemed but right now you only seem eager to continue to let muslims fuck your country in the ass.

You do understand that's in relation to population?

God. What have I done wrong to have to suffer Americans?

OP is confirmed for truth. I have been to Stockholm 5 times over a 10-year period, and still saw plenty of native swedes hanging around in the touristy areas, which is not even half of what a typical Sup Forumstard expects of Sweden. The swedes gotta accept that an average Sup Forumstard has never actually been to Sweden and believes any kind of crap they get their hands on. Sweden is having some bad developments in terms of accepting rapefugees and feminism in their country, but compared to Germany or France, they are doing pretty OK.
Have you ever heard of a swedish terrorist attack, for example?


Good for you. Do you want things to stay that way? Spread this videos to your Swedish friends.



if everything you say is true

then why wont you listen to the americans who are telling you to not follow in their footsteps?

if they are the end result of where that path leads to, 2500 crime rate, cuck fetish, mullatos etc etc, then why are you not doing everything you can to fix that?

raise your birth rates, expel the shitskins and become right wing for fuck sake. you have the perfect opportunity to have a pristine country and amazing living environment, instead you are becoming malmo the country

dont punch down

you didn't even specify if it was per capita or whatever

You're an idiot. Your country is literally being taken over and what do you do? You go on some x board and point the finger at others.

>In america, whites only make up 60% of the population, and in your censuses you count hispanics and latinos into this category as well
The 60% is non hispanic white.

Look at how fucking pissed these sweeds are.

Memes aside Sweden has a point

We are sending them out, and our politicians is based as fuck in comparison to wtf you have. Good luck voting in SD and Kristendemokratarne. (Israel muh love)

You'd have to be a retard to think that a person would compare the flat amounts of assaults when the populations differ this greatly.

>Hey guys you are so cucked!
>I'll get right back to you after China stops ramming our economy hahaha its better though they have smaller dicks so what if our young are homeless hahaha

You disapoint me broder, you should know basic statistics, i.e how crime rate is internationally calculated, its basic stuff if you want to discuss politics.

Not according to your census

this is why we fuck with you. It's like picking on the nerd to force him to man up. You guys can sit here and say we are all Swedes we have no culture whatever but in reality if you get a fifteen+ % of fucking Africans or Muslims they will always cause problems and they will always identify as outsiders. What we see coming out of your countries is almost complete approval of this immigration shit it needs to stop.

>The Majority ... Are Now Minorities


What the fuck are you autists even screaming about anyways.It's clear you're trying to cover things up.

This is the response american gives. Damage control much?

America is almost a lost cause. Maybe Trumpo will help, but I doubt that. They don't you wan't you to suffer like they do.

>Assault deaths
Jesus fucking christ America what are you doing?

Not really sure why Europeans revel in this fact. If anything it should be a huge warning to you all. Three generations ago America was 90% white and the remainder was blacks and Indians. Now we've just passed a demographics point of no return; in three more generations we'll be minorities. Don't follow our lead.

>You'd have to be a retard

You sure would, Sweden.

>crime rate is at 2500
niggers mainly

>cuck porn
America has a population of 300mil, yours is 9.5mil

>interracial relationships
>trusting the statistical bureau of Sweden of all people

Actually, we are throwing them out faster than we are taking them in.
Don't try and act like your right wing parties are loosing ground, and we all know about the immigrants you take in from the south: Its where all the refugees are going now that Sweden as closed their doors.



Notice how the americans aren't even trying to refute the original statements, because, you guessed it, i didn't even have to make them up.

this is what im saying

the swede shits all over america with true points but then fails to grasp that his country is heading in that exact direction, canada is as well (we might be too far gone though).

its like hes too stupid to realise this though

Why don't you go get run over by a truck or something, Ahmed?

>largest ever was 88.5%
>our education

You're the reason why non-burgers hate us.

Because he's tired of being the meme of cuckoldry, and he wants us to take the mantle. Except we aren't thrown in jail for being too male or being racist.

>pic related

you shouldn't be so honest. you're gonna break some americafag tonight if you keep doing this.

let them live in delusion.


im confused. is this sören or antoine?

How does population size matter when comparing popular porn searches by country?
All it means is that a larger percentage of Americans like cuckolding than Swedes.

>Yeah you see its totally reasonable that the 100% open statistical bureau faked the numbers and fooled all international statistical gatherers as well seeing how the numbers matches up with theirs

>Yeah i read it in a meme you see so its true

why are finns so murderous

>Can't tell if American education or memeing

>trusting the statistical bureau of Sweden of all people
This.The swedish government has performed several coverups with this recent wave in migrant crimes.

I was under the impression that lots of crimes don't get recorded by the police that are committed by rapefugees for fear of looking rayciss.

where did I imply we don't have problems too, at least we voted in Abbott, where as you keep voting in the cucked leftist parties

just keep talking

But they have been taken in the account. You have a huge criminal and minority problem, even compared to your size.

This person actually read all of op's post, but got butthurt and thought that the most effective argument he could make was to claim he didn't read the opposing argument at all.

For shame my fellow 'mericunt.

yeah well we voted in Trudeau so take that

>why fight back if we have a small amount of migrants

I don't get this image, sure it's suppose to mean we have more rodents. but doesn't mean euros should sit down and not do anything and become like us.

It's the cold, dark isolation combined with social anxiety.


But it is true. Almost all cuck porn is for americans.


Warrior blood + alcohol + kinda depressing economic standards + cold dark winters

The right wing block are teaming up with the Swedish democrats has been confirmed for the next election, whilst your abbot administration is loosing ground fast as all hell.

Love them boat hate commercial thingies though, those where truly based.

Not everything that breathes deserves to live.

lol didnt even win the election

Right.. Even if they get their asylum application rejected you cant just send them back. Either they have none IDs or their country wont accept them. Sweden is cucked beyond dimensions and wont recover unless a shoah.

It was 89.8 from 1940 to 1950.
>hurt durr people hate us cuz u rounded .2%
Kill yourself.

You are so butt hurt, who cares?

Must be bait

>mostly niggers
>implying that is a good thing

I know you meant Gothenburg, but most people will think you are talking about Great Britain.

We are the cucks, now

Alcohol, depression and introvert culture

You know it.

We've all got shit we have to take here. Burgers are fat and stupid. Swedes are cucks. You're trying too hard. I'm sorry that you can't shoot back Muhammad's, I really am.

Is it a bird is it a cuck well yes it's a a cuck it's Captain Sweden

Dada naaaaaa danana naaaaaaaaaaa

Able to swallow Mudslime cock in a single gulp

Yes, Swedes don't have a negative opinion of Asians.

America is also fucking gigantic.

Shitty black cities like Chicago likely account for most of that crime.

They had 400+ murders this year in that one city alone.

You should kill yourself beaner. At least I live in Pennsylvania a state that's whiter then all of Sweden. Where do you live cuckafornia?

do you think this makes you look clever

Kek you guys are all right.

You apparently for being so mad you just had to post.

You are so mad. I'm sure it will decrease in time, but right now what i posted is the truth, you'd need 1-2 years of that influx to get to Sweden levels of bad so chill.

>he isn't posting the original image

This is how are "legal immigrants" act.

Yeah, and how many of those babies will live beyond the age of 25 and have fewer than 8 children with 3 different partners, none of whom are still around?

Just close your eyes. Its not in your state so its ok right?

Think of it this way OP: Do you believe the media 100%? Maybe 50%? Then why should you believe something you see here any more than anything in the media. This is another media platform.



El doublettes confirm

You're a fucking moron. Why would a "beaner" be warning Europeans of the dangers of changing demographics in the United States. Just accept that you said something idiotic and got called out on it like the illiterate buffoon you are.

Abbott coalition got fucked by the media and his deputy PM betrayed him and took over
We didn't lose abbott of our own accord, it was totally undemocratic