Has anyone else seen his most recent video?

Has anyone else seen his most recent video?

This guy's abandoned all principles he once had in turn for sucking Trumps cock for Youtube bux

The guy in the video had legit points and he just steamrolls him with

>"I don't understand"

>excuse me, I'M talking HERE



Other urls found in this thread:


Nah, the caller was fucking autistic. His loud sighing was hilarious.

Being the right's preeminent polesmoker is a hard act to keep up with all the fearsome competition.

What's wrong with his lip. Why does he talk like a retard?

who actually watches this

>"Trump said something he couldn't prove, and that's bad"

He sarcastically asked the caller if there is an objective standard for morality, implying there isn't. I was pretty disappoint in his behavior desu

>"I don't understand"

>excuse me, I'M talking HERE


Where is any of this?

Most of the callers to his show are fucking horrible. Completely unwatchable.

half a million viewers obviously.

not everyone has a short attention span and watches pewdiepie like you, faglord

>implying there is

What went wrong?

>objectivity exists
subjectively maybe.

Towards the every end. he literally just tells the guy hes done. And moves on

Molymeme just saw the light and realized that Lolberarianism doesn't work.

The rabbit hole is quite deep

I don't trust anyone that is just a fag e-celeb

Listen here goy, I know all about life, brb just claiming my government guns/alimony/youtube money

Its worth the watch.

One of the best YouTube channels to be honest. I could do without the men's right activist bullshit but what ever.

Government gibs*

It's not as if he didn't have over an hour to make a point.

The recent cernobitch controversy has opened my eyes to all these alt right dick riding e-celeb faggots

They make their money from maintaining and expanding their audience and brand by any means necessary

All objectivity is lost, beware the snakes in the grass

You're just spamming...We have ID's you dumb shill

objective morality is a concept but in a hard choice between Trump and Hilary you must be subjective. a and b are bot objectively bad but a might be less worst than b.

Molyneux is cult trash. And not even a good cult - too touchy feely.

I know faggot, I'm sperging out trying to make my point


Stefan Molyjew is a faggot psuedo-intellectual.

The type of guy who is more smug than anyone else you've ever met.

>the caller was fucking autistic
My thoughts exactly. As soon as he started going on about the illegal voting stats not being cause to conclude illegal voting took place in the millions is when his autism was revealed in full. This is a clear case of FPBP.

I enjoyed following Bill Mitchell during the election, but yesterday he sperged out about Israel and the Jews. Fucking dropped.

The preeminent, highly distinguished molymeme everyone: youtube.com/watch?v=D1JIaWTyrf4

He did but Stefan is douche throughout the whole video. They caller may be pretentious, but hes got some valid points, and Molyneux tries to deflect by hiding in his linguistic sophistry. Its kind of pathetic really. He gets very hostile

why would you treat a youtuber as anything but entertainment?






Sup Forumstards getting triggered by a cuck getting his ass raped by Stefan
keked irl

what specific point do you think the caller won on.

>watching this cucboi shill for drumpf

>the guy in the video had legit points

No he didn't.

Stefan is also a cuck. Best example of Dunning-Kruger effect.

We don't circlejerk leafs here.

Giving a fuck what a leaf says on Sup Forums


Me too

Turns out he's a faggot baby boomer riding coat tails like the rest


Funny because there is enough of these guys to just constantly go on each other shows and shill each other, basically making each other a fucktonne of money off the back of the grass roots trump movement which is now beginning to look a lot different than it did at the start

Where did (you)'s go?

Fuck dots

The caller didn't have a single point. The part about the illegals voting was embarrassing.

The idea that Trump has some minor lies. Like his relationship with Putin, some quotes, and policy declarations. None are that horribly unforgivable either. Not that bad of a rap sheet - the caller admits that. But when he brings it up, and why we should still analyze him for these things, Molyneux spergs out and brings up Hillary Clinton's lies, the caller's "holier than thou" attitude, and ownership of his own show. Its really strange

Holy shit, man! That's some insane stuff.

Molymeme is the kind of person that postures as smart to dumb people, people see he uses big words and assume he must be smart when in reality he's probably never worked a day in his life and has no real academic credentials

The guy is a freak and encourages people to disown family members who disagree with them

Crying about entertainment as if its anything more than that.

Fuck off /lefty/pol you're a faggot and probably a kike

The caller had Stefan walking in circles.

The caller isn't the smartest person in the world but he had Stefan spinning by calling him out on his biases.

I watched it on 2x speed

i love this type of molyneux video thanks OP for that, besides that kill yourself jajajaja

>Like his relationship with Putin,
Is non existent but hopefully it turns into a full blown American Russian alliance

>""""""""""anarcho"""""""" """""""""capitalist""""""""""" """"""""""""""philosopher""""""""""""
>defends the US president with a cabinet of the most corrupt crony capitalist hacks in history

i wouldnt be here if not for his interview with jared taylor
>inb4 newfag

People like you listen to faggots like this and then spew the same shit to your friends or on here

Form your own opinions instead of being cucked by unemployed e-celebs


>The caller isn't the smartest person in the world but he had Stefan spinning by calling him out on his biases.

You said nothing...Its the art of being a leftist, make arguments that are all fluff and stay away from specifics.

Are you saying Russia is hacking my brain?

You are the kind of good goy that buys a ticket to deploraball to kick ball sack and butt hole of your perceived superiors

Stefan's point stands.

Exaggerating about something that is true is NOT the same as making something up.

The caller was autistic for actually demanding evidence for a specific claim that is by and large correct, and calling Trump a liar for not citing his sources.

This isn't a fucking high school debate class or courtroom. This is politics and marketing.

Does he demand that granny present data to back up her claim to having the best apple pie in the state?

Its entertainment. I don't agree with him on almost anything but race realism


>American Russian alliance
Not gonna happen until the boomer generation in both countries dies. Older Russians hate the US, and older Americans hate Russia.

You are an absolute idiot.

Sup Forums is 18 and up

So you just watch hours of some goy you disagree with for no good reason?

I'd rather read but hey

>One of the best YouTube channels to be honest.

lmao that's mistermetokur

>this guy telling stef *that is not an arguement*

used to listen to him while I worked - just for background noise, but he's shit now

Molymemes transformation from le non violent family man libertarian to full blown red pill has been one of the funniest things this year.

wow that was subtle

>Don't like things I don't like REEEEEE


This is why I only watch Styx

His rant about illegal voting was just stupid.
>takes sample from blog
>says this amount actually voted.
Hmm I should start righting blogs and tossing out phony statistics.
He lost that arguement.

They all start to suck as soon as they go (((mainstream))) not to sound like one of those people but it's usually true

Basically this, a whole bunch of "i was right all along, listen to this and that" and a bunch of finger wagging and bullshit typical of MSM. They essentially replaced the MSM with themselves but are just another head on the serpent. The new mouthpiece of the new political establishment

A lot of them are just overly self-promoting attention whoring obnoxious faggots anyway

His argument is that if I listen to a youtuber I'm being brainwashed. You're both idiots.

Should I stop listening to the crazy ass swede who Viking larps because I might become a Viking? Or should I enjoy his rambling madness


does he upload vids anymore?

Stefan shoulth read more of my bookth on Youthube

Then don't listen faggot... better yet show me a better youtuber I can kill an hour with while at work


every 3 months, it's jimtime after all

I listen to Mistermetokur but he doesn't make content everyday. His election night show was great though

Read a book and stop consuming half-chewed trash from a faggot like Molyjew if you're looking for intellectual satisfaction.

That's basically what I look like.

>not post
anywho, Jesus, 10 years. I'm actually really curious what that shit was like....

I'm looking to kill an hour or two while I'm working...Reading while working is not a thing unless you're a security guard or something

buy my bookth and get into the orangutan outlook.


Sup Forums BTFO by clever argument man

I love watching you retards squirm about Israel as well. The Nazis lost btw

Yes. stefan seems to want to win the argument no matter fucking what. He's not interested in having an honest discussion at all, i often find he derails callers into talking about meaningless bullshit.

Stefan was the only triggered one in this video

Same here. Dad bod for life.

I do this sometimes

Should I replace all my entertainment with audiobooks? Treating these people like anything but entertainment is faggotry

Same shit wiith Alex Jones. He is compromised because he went all in with trump.

>implying winning is somehow bad.

Bonobo brainframe

I bought and read that book before I knew who he even was, complete and utter dog shit

Some guy that lives off alimony telling you how to be a man, there is a book called "unbeatable mind" by mark divine (a navy seal) that is significantly better but alarmingly similar, I think he plagiarised most of the concepts

The war was not Jews vs Whites it was whites vs whites.

You do understand that right

I made it about 5 minutes in. What the fuck is his problem?

>guy calls in to talk on the show
>states the topic he wants to talk about
>Stef: "oh so you're the dictator now? I can't talk about what I want to cause you're in charge (even though the reason I open up the phone lines in the first place is so people can ask me questions)?

Stefs too much of a Donald cocksucker now. I'm sure I wouldn't have agreed with the point the caller was trying to make but Stef was trying to smoke and mirrors his way out of the conversation like a faggot instead of BTFO'ing him the old fashioned way. Can't even watch this hack anymore.

Why are you reading self help books in the first place?

Up to you

You can't deny there are probably thousands of spergs who probably worship this guy though

its lebbit dude i cant really explain it hes become a useful and hes generally alright but damn this fucking thread