Is there any way we can save this beautiful place from Jews and foreigners?
How can we MCGA
Cut it off. Literally. Physically separate California from the rest of the mainland, and let it drift off into the ocean
California is a shithole
Partition the state. Jefferson County is the only valuable place in that shitskin infested hellhole. The rest is too far gone to save.
Nuke LA and SF.
Burn it to the ground.
A megaearthquake that reduces the California coastline to rubble and kills nearly everyone would be a nice start. Inland California is much better.
t. I live in Nebraska or somewhere way too cold or somewhere way too hot.
Sure, LA and San Fran are liberal shitholes, but the rest of the counties are pretty chill.
I live in a completely conservative town a few hours out of Los Angeles.
Surrounded by agriculture and farmers (white farmers, that is.)
We definitely have lots of beaners though. Not too many niggas outside LA.
-Defund sanctuary cities.
-Deport all illegals.
-I actually think you should keep all the libs here, it serves as a containment from the rest of the country.
You do know California isn't the only liberal shithole in the US, right? What about Jew York, Seattle, D.C., etc?
California is the best state barring politics and economics. We have the best weather, geography, and people.
Way too far gone without some serious action. The coastal echo chamber of prosperity won't let anyone think their way isn't perfect.
Callis sexy though we should contain all the liberals in Chicago or detroit
torch it and start over
This is what I'm saying. I think its worth saving
No don't torch it we just need an Austrian painter to run calli
Sorry bro, Cali is lost. The best solution is probably Jefferson State and then the rest of California secedes so they can see how shitty their ideas actually are.
End water subsidies and watch as the local economy collapses. They'll no longer be able to afford the ridiculous welfare programs that are currently operating off the backs of the rest of the country and they'll be forced to implement economic policy that actually works.
>California is the best state barring politics and economics.
California is the best state, if you don't count the most important things of the state.
Also, the people there suck. Bunch of militant SJW fuckwads, Hollywood rejects and wannabes, niggers, spics, and all your generalized hippie scum.
Purge the entire place. Not a damn thing worth saving.
Where I was born and raised. It is now a lost cause. Need to cut it off like a cancerous growth
It's the biggest shithole and a big draw. Let all the libs come here and waste their vote in a 3 mllion + heap of cuckness overkill.
Jefferson's a fucking meme. All the California coastline is overwhelmingly blue, you would just have another Oregon and Washington, with their red inlands and blue-winning coast pussies.
It's too fucking late
War will happen and shitstanifornia will be a shooting gallery
Burn it. Destroy everything and soak the soil with the peoples' blood
light the state on fire and just let it burn
it will provide light and heat for the whole west coast while putting off less smog than it would just letting cali exist for another day
Firebomb the coast.
cut off their water,
cut off funding,
let them secede...
most of u are sum ignorant fags and don't know shit about cali. like the other user it's worth saving.
germany needs this too.
Kek wills it
Only the urban areas
>how can we MCGA
Using an old PC might help.
los angeles is not a cuck town
anyone who says it is, obviously doesn't know shit about it.
in fact its the most non-cucked major city in america
by far the best place to live as far as cities go
sanfransico on the otherhand really is a cuck town
we wuz amiga n shit
I was hoping pol could take the california challenge. I mean fuck after brexit and maga this should be a cake walk.