Masshole here

>Masshole here
Just wanted to get some opinions on what the best state to move to is for better gun rights and less libcucks.
NH has really good gun rights but places there can be expensive from what i have heard, Texas doesn't sound too bad depending on where in the state i suppose but i'm not really sure.
>Thoughts Sup Forums?


I live in Texas, the mexicans aren't as bad as Sup Forums says, but the come and take it/pry it from my cold dead hands mentality is. Our gun laws are great, and the gun culture here is unassailable.

I want to let out a big 'ol stinky and wet fart right on her belly button

TX,TN,FL good options.

If you plan to EVER vote democrat EVER again, just stay put.

>>Thoughts Sup Forums?

order a kit and finish your own 95% receiver, totally legal and you don't have to move.

AZ, FL, TX are all good states to own guns

Nah fuck the Dems, they're a lost cause and have been for a long time. Also thanks for the advice. I'm thinking Texas is probably where i will end up

Come on down to Mississippi, it's not that bad and our gun rights are amazing. Tupelo is pretty nice.

NH is nice, you still get good winters and if you stay out of the cities, it's plenty white.

Hush now, sir! Don't make another yankee invader aware of our blissful presence.

Check out the gun laws in Maine, but land there is dirt cheap by NE standards, and you'll be close to your home state.

>Mississippi, it's not that bad
10/10 billboard

Just checked the gun laws, and no magazine limitations is a plus. The 10 round limitation in Mass is fucking ridiculous although its not impossible to find 30 round mags that are legal but AR's are pretty much illegal unless you already have one.

If you don't want to move far, Pennsylvania isn't bad for gun laws. You have to be 21 to conceal carry with a permit but you can open carry at 18. No restrictions on any weapons other than obviously fully automatic without the correct permit. Also can't hunt deer with semis.

You're not going to be in any AR shootout anyway. I don't think moving to another state is worth it just to be able to carry a larger clip. You can tape two 10 round clips together, one upside down, and you can practice changing clips so you get fast at it.

You could also become a sniper expert instead, think of yourself as trained in something other than regular infantry.

Look at something like a Draganov, or something in .308 caliber with a 10 round clip if that's legal.

Also check out the Ruger charger or other "long pistol" type .22. Accurate, quiet, and cheap to shoot.

You can become a very well armed and well trained patriot without a 30 round clip with a cliche AR-15.

oregon is legit, but they're trying to make it worse

Good points. The carrying laws here are one of the things i see as a big problem though. Only way to carry a weapon outside of its safe is if i had a permit to conceal carry and I can't just leave it by my side in the car or anything like that, it has to be holstered and on the person at all times or it could mean massive trouble sadly

I hear what you're saying. In Vermont we can do what we want, but there's a lot of hippie cultists.


I couldn't remember if it was "clip" or "magazine" that triggers people

fellow masshole, my plan is also NH for same weather/living conditions + gunz and no niggers/newyorkricans

maine has the most lax gun laws ever

I' NJ we have it worse then u do masshole

In Texas I carry my .308 with 120 rounds in magazines in the back of my truck, with my pistol either carried in shoulder holster, or in a good draw location. All with zero permits or any legal troubles.

why not build your own gun?

>Only way to carry a weapon outside of its safe is if i had a permit to conceal carry

I think the conceal carry only if you have a permit, doesn't count for gun you built yourself, build your own gun you can carry it anywhere no prob

Maine or ohio. Ohio has open carry with rifles

Nice, also love NH because its close.

If that's true, I'll take that route if it has to come to that before moving on to a better state

I live in east Texas and the Mexicans aren't bad at all. There's illegals, sure, but they don't cause trouble, they just go to their shitty construction jobs and go to garage sales all weekend.

Yeah, in Houston, San Antonio, El Paso and places like that it's pretty bad, so just avoid those. Fort Worth, Tyler, Fredericksburg and most of the hill country are nice. Dallas is crowded, but its not bad.

IDAHO Master race reporting in for duty.

>99.99% white
>no white guilt
>very few libcucks...those that are here can be shouted down with ease
>very few mexishits (as compared to Mexifornia where the beaners are the majority race thanks to the anti-American traitors in the state and federal governments who not only hispandered to these cockroaches, but willfully allowed them to stay and breed out of control).
>Can buy ak47/etc et al

come home, white man.

Move to palo alto and prepare for the inevitable post-economic-collapse race war during which we make the peninsula white again. it's what sterling archer would do.

or, keep being a good lil shabbos goy who lets himself get driven out of his ancestral homeland.

> t. larper

Hello from your southern neighbor

Sound pretty gud, I'll take that in to consideration as well.

how are the general apartment prices?

Hello Mormon friend. Save me a submissive hot blonde/blue wife.

The Redoubt region. Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho. Approximately in that order.

White, low crime, rural (these three things are all related). Less intrusive government, culture of self-sufficiency. If you're young/able you can probably find somewhere to work as a live-in ranch hand or something similar to get started.

NH is better than the rest of the east coast, but still not great altogether. They will be consumed by the horde in that region the second a crisis hits.

Mountain West is best West