How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

fucking goyim

Thanks for the link faggot

Angry. Why are they forcing to have her son to have a circumcision?

I'm a britbong and we don't mutilate our kids here, so this is a weird thing to see.

I feel sad for the kids who had their lives ruined at birth. It must be horrifying to know that your own parents stole your ability to ever experience real sexual pleasure.

All in all, a really weird thing.

Its natural

i can't remember the case.

anyway, i just wanted to say that circumcision is illegal in Iceland and they don't recognize Judaism as a religion. Iceland has officially declared circumcision a crime against humanity.

based iceland

I feel like circumcision is superior hygienically and aesthetically and it's funny to me how Sup Forums gets so upset about it.

Weird though that the mom wouldn't get to choose. I thought that would legally be her choice the way abortion is.


>half of baby's penis
>3 inches
well endowed lad, the jew was jealous


>a 10-year-old boy


Like a silly man in a silly silly world

no, I prefer my own narrative

Is circumcision enforced by law in burgerland?

how else will they know who's eligible to receive their placement in zion?

You are just conditioned to it since most porn happens in America a nation where they mutilate penises, in reality your head is all dry and calloused, it looks bad.

>Watching porn with dicks in it

I stopped that shit when I was 13, dat's gay yo

Glad not to live in america

In America if you are uncircumcised the girls will think your dick looks gross.

I think they are right (no homo). It seems to me objectively better looking than having the droopy skin.

Good thing American women are trash.

..that's her son???

does he want it

will the court really force him to cut his dick off?

I sorta remember the case. No pity for the woman, just anger. Correct me if I'm wrong:

>Woman needs someone to take care of her and her already existing children.
>Rich Jewish future-husband agrees under the condition they have a child together and the kids are raised Jewish (all he wants).
>Wife agrees and literally signs a legal contract approving for the planned circumcision..
>Man fills his end of the bargain.
>Woman's turn: "LOL NO, I DON'T WANT TO."
>Goes into hiding with kid.
>Law's against her because she literally signed a fucking contract.
>Is put in jail.
>Cries like a fucking brat when she's approving the circumcision procedure or under penalty of law.

Cunt planned to back out on a deal and thought acting like a fucking child would get her out of it when it was her turn to cough up her end. I'm against circumcisions on babies, but fuck this bitch going ahead to using her son as a bargaining chip and then acting like a victim when it's time to cash in.

I think Sup Forums should campaign against circumcision.

Girls don't care. And you shouldn't mutilate your dick for girls anyway.



Well, this makes it clearer.

Thank you for the background info, user.

>I'm against circumcisions on babies, but fuck this bitch going ahead to using her son as a bargaining chip and then acting like a victim when it's time to cash in.

I stand with Israel. Donald Trump stands with Israel. Sup Forums stands with Israel.

The way things are going now, the kid will hate the father. The father will be punished for this, he will have no son.

Good goy


>Mom didn't have custody
>Kidnaps kid to avoid his circumcision
>Goes to court

How goes the starvation Chavez

>thinking that the government has a right to force someone to chop off another persons genitalia because someone signed a contract.
>thinking genital mutilation should be legal in any case

mudslime loving, kike aggrandizing shill cuck

Found the illiterate aussie

where the fuck does he even live, enlighten me

fucking niggers in Africa got computers

This nigga

GOOOOD GOYIM, NEED TO BE ((((HEALTHY AND NORMAL)))))). Don't give the a man the ability to decide when he is an adult. We MUST be like the kike.

>superior hygienically
>exposing your pee hole to every bit of bacteria and if your dick tip touched the toilet seat you can get ill because of not having skin protecting it from outside filth
Sure if you don't know how to fold back skin and rinse away some cheese i guess you could see it as unhygienic. But cut dick is objectively more unhygienic and more vulnerable to bacteria/ect. That flap of skin was there for a reason, to reduce exposure of a vulnerable area with an open hole at the tip.

Iceland stay stronk

You don't help make the moral argument against circumcision (and consequently the work towards making it illegal) when you temporary throw away your morals for personal gain, fucknut.

Ugh that's disgusting

(((CONGRATULATIONS ITS A BOY *Cut, Slurp, Suck*)))

Do you think the whole country is a bunch of dirt with mudhouses or something? Venezuela wasn't always a shithole, people actually moved in instead of out from all over the world. That infrastructure still exists it's not like the scum commies came with a wrecking ball and reduced the country to dust.

You can end up in jail for refusing circumcision? I don't actually give a fuck about them cutting the future rapists but that's pretty crazy.

I'm not defending circumcision at all. But as a cutfag, there is still sexual pleasure, as the prepuce is still intact.

That said, it is wrong and should not be done. But in my case the deed is done. I'm just glad I'll never know what I'm missing, and everything still works well enough.

Based vikingar.

Iceland is also 95%+ atheist, and the most fedora-tipping country on earth.

However, Pharasaic Judaism IS evil.

Good goy!

>this is what cutfags actually believe


Shut up degenerate and learn to respect your betters (aka the jews)

Fuck off kike

Good, circumcision is a commandmnet given to us by God, I don't agree with it being forced but it's better for the boy.

Honest question: Is it actually a usual thing for non-jewish Americans to snip their dicks? Why would you do that shit if not for religion?

Nice pic. *saved*


Don't be a meanie Juan.

Hi is this the current circumcision and penis blog thread? I need to share, guys.

>thought my religious mother was the one who wanted me circumcised
>"No it was your fathers decision. I don't know what it's like to have a penis so it wasn't my place to decide."
>wow that's the most unbiased thing my mother has ever said
>yo dad why did you have part of my dick cut off?
>"user... There's a stigma about being uncircumcised you know."
>what stigma?
>"I don't know there's just a """""stigma""""" about it, user jeez."
>there is no stigma, prove otherwise, substantiate your claims retard
I took some liberties with that last quote, but that's essentially what his "argument" boiled down to.

>the biggest argument for circumcision is "aesthetics"
>tfw the skin where my foreskin should be is red and wrinkled and all fucked up
What do I even do with my mangled dick? Jesus Christ.

>it's easier if I just smash my teeth out. Then I don't have to clean them.
>Yea it makes eating a lot less enjoyable. But g-g-girls say it looks better

How do we even live in the same country cunt

>Here you can observe A FUCKING LEAF shitposting in his natural habitat
>Though he lacks the grace, style, elegance and creativeness that the Australian shitposter often posses through means of sheer autism he will still be able to harvest a nice size crop of (you)s for the winter

>posting the shopped version
How dare you defame based garrison with these comics

Link to story now

Circumcision is entirely optional in this country, in no way is it medically or legally necessary. Ive literally never heard of government enforced circumcision. Is it a state law?

Aesthetics are your opinion
Its been shown to decrease nerves and also keratinizes the penis - the glans should be soft and moist.
Abortion is literally the ending of a potential life, completely not comparable to circumcision.
It isnt superior hygienically unless you dont shower

Sup Forums needs to stop with its anti circumcision crusade, its anti Christian!

Genesis 21:4
And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.

This is a commandment from God, it is mandatory that sons be circumcised on the 8th day. Even Jesus himself was circumcised

Luke 2:21
And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

Now I know what you're all going to say, this is the Old Testament we don't have to follow that, well Christ would like to have a word with you.

Matthew 5:18-19
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

To teach against circumcision is to go against what Christ has preached, those who practice and those who teach it will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I know what you're all going say, but Paul said you don't have to! That's correct, Paul said you don't have to but he never mentioned your son

Galatians 5:2
Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

What he is saying here is if you are circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing, you meaning you the reader. The issue at the time was the Jews claimed to become a Christian you must first convert to Judaism and be circumcised then you can convert to Christianity. This was obviously a big issue but it was solved.

1 Corinthians 7:18-20
Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised.
Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.
Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.

What this is saying here is if you became a Christian when you were circumcised, don't become uncircumcised. If you were uncircumcised, do not become circumcised. This is what it means when Paul said if you're circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing, it doesn't matter come into the church as you are, do not listen to the Jews who are trying to lead you away from Christ all are accepted into the church just the way they are.
What is important is you obey the commandments of God, one of these was to circumcise your son on the 8th day.

Genesis 17:12
And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed.

Notice that it says he that is 8 days old shall be circumcised? The Jews corrupted this by saying everyone must be, not true. It's essential to have your son circumcised now that you have this knowledge but you yourself don't need to be circumcised.

If youre hard it isnt droopy
>literally mutilating your genitals for shallow girls pleasire

>almost every girl thats fucked cut and uncut says uncut feels better

I hate it here


Apparently the boy circumcision was part of a divorce deal. The woman kidnapped the child that's why she was jailed and forced to sign the papers. That's what I got from quick googling.

I think it should be illegal for any parent to make contracts including their children.

No longer pity this woman. Only her child.

Hold out hope for foregen user. They're making some real progress, according to them it'll likely be on the market in 5 years.

Now you just need $10,000.

>Not being big enough that your uncut skin naturally retracts behind the head to look cut, yet glistening when you go diamond.

Poor Amerifats.

don't worry, he can grow it back for the low low price of 5 years of daily suffering.

probably deserved it desu, being white male and all, amirite, MSM?

In Soviet America, foreskin is illegal. Welcome to the Trumpospital. That'll be one million Dollars per snake-bite BLS
>muh free shit

Why are all you faggots so obsessed with dicks? Why don't you think about something else instead of these homo thoughts? You say you're red pilled but 90% of you are probably queer

only droopy skin when flaccid.

If you show a grill your dick and it's flaccid, i got bad news for you

>uncut v sand glans

America is a Jewish country even if most don't realize it.

>I have no argument so Ill call you gay even though this thread is literally about cutting pieces of baby dick and the arguments for or against it

'T taping', bath mate, holy grail of cum

America was always a Judeo-Christian country. Certain aspects of those religions have bled into our culture.

been to america, fucked lots of girls, it isn't true

they probably just tell you that to make you feel better about having a jew penis

also, mutilating your penis just to please women is the most beta thing I've heard in my life, cucks are less pathetic

Only half of men in the country do it. From the people I knew and grew up with, it seemed to be the families that were more religious that did it. I actually had a friend who was Catholic or Lutheran or something, and he thought it was the other way around. Told me my dick was like a Jew's and I was misremembering the South Park episode about it.

Oldie but goody

Yes, it's about circumcision not "oh it feels so good it looks so good" who cares about that? God gave a commandmnet that's how it's supposed to be why disobey God? It's just something I legitimately cannot comprehend

You should be whipped and tossed into prison until you rot for posting that disgusting image

Apart from the royal family

>Only half of men in the country do it.
it's like 80% for white and black americans, only the Latinos are uncut

Ted? Are you trying to send us a message?

In the 1930's 35% of British boys were circumcised, this number would have gone up but the NHS didn't want to fund it so it dropped, by the 1950's New Zealand and Australia both were in the high 90's in fact New Zealand had the highest rate in the western world at one point, higher than America.

> That flap of skin was there for a reason

>>mfw I'm truly the master race because I still have my umbilical cord

Ten year old with a six incher. That is still fucking monstrous.

It's because, in the 20's, Jews wrote propaganda articles that said "help your child avoid the sin of masturbation by performing our barbaric ritual on your child!" Hyper-religious Americans fell for it like a ton of bricks, and later generations did it because "I don't see why his dick shouldn't look like mine".

We do the codes with Christ in the Millennium. His death and your belief in Him saves you in the Church Age. Only the heart for now bud. When New Creation comes after that then He will have completely fulfilled those. If uncut do not cut and some Jews used to restore themselves in Rome. Calm down knifeyboi. Israel is spiritual anyways. You won't transform into a cow. Jerusalem is trampled by Gentiles. These orders aren't even ruling anymore. Are you a priest? Never push buttons on Saturdays? I doubt you have destroyed all your clothes woven of more than one fabric each. Like come on

Where are you in the gore breads?

But it was never even her penis to bargain with. Maybe she should be sued for money but why bring the boy's penis into it?

This is Catholic degeneracy, OHHH I can do whatever I want just believe in Jesus :D and I have to confess and pray to idols and pay my church money or I won't go to heaven D:


Rumours goin round that the 18-25s are twinks now but not one has a tiny dick apparently theyre all hung like bulls

This is not true.

>Jews literally bargaining for the penis skin of their first born

Sick fucking kikes man.

I only post in Christian threads if there was a Christian board I wouldn't even be on Sup Forums desu too liberal for me here

Two-thirds of my friends and their families don't do it. Maybe my town's swamp shamans have installed an anti-kike ward.