/pol Unbelievably btfo

/pol Unbelievably btfo

Do you even know what the word "think" means?

I've got a gaydar, jewdar, and womandar.

This meme is pinging my womandar. Theres some liberal bitch behind this.

I agree. I much prefer coffee to muslims.

>opinions stop being opinions when I disagree with them

So does that mean leftists can't call us racist, sexist xenophobes anymore

I predict op will only post once and you will all bump this

>I know muslims. mexicans, and black people are sub-humans


Yeah, exactly! They're facts, not opinions.

But they're factually wrong. That is still an opinion.

"Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks are sub-human" is not an opinion because it is a fact.

Correct. Its not an opinion those groups are sub human. It is a fact.

Leftist memes are so stale.

>in post modern earth you are only allowed to have inane opinions
r selected people are tedious

I agree, I think we should stop tolerating the hateful far-right ideology of Islam, which is a supremacist religion predicated on the genocide of polytheist Arabs and Zoroastrians.
Islam is basically Nazism with less science and more pedophilia/incest. It's not just an opinion, it's hate.

Came here to post exactly this.

"I prefer coffee over tea" is not an opinion. It's a factual declarative by someone who holds the opinion that coffee is better than tea.

Fuck tea drinkers.

Gas the tea, drink war now.

Right. Saying blacks are sub-human is not an opinion, it is a fact.

Fixed it.