Shitting bricks

> when it hits you that this was always the plan

i'm gonna need you to intellectually unpack that idea for me please

But Africa is already uninhabitable.

Environmental refugees.
Fucking Jews

that's why we will have our glorious wall, britbong.

since around 50% of the world's population is women, they will want to do nothing more than to help the poor refugees. europe is 100% lost in 30 years. tick tock.

Are you legit retarded? Can you actually not understand this?

Sooo....trump 2020: electric boogaloo then?

>female thoughts
>intellectually unpack

really made me think

african arable soil is eroding for a few reasons:
1. niggers cut down trees for firewood and nigger population is exploding because we feed and cure them

2. global warming is causing erosion and dryer climates which means niggers can make EVEN LESS food.

the saharan desert is expanding each year and the nigger population is exploding each year

within 100 years, all the niggers are going to try and walk into europe.

if you accept climate change and push for forced steralization and the banning of all african aid to combat climate change then this might be avoidable


this...this actually makes too much sense.

guys i'm scared.

that's a better prediction than most of Sup Forums's and more interesting than "le which celebrity will die next".

>Climate change causes our country to fuck up
>goes to other countries which will cause the same shit
Why are these people so fucking stupid?

The Jews are going to push too hard and cause World War III. Their greed will once again lead to their demise.


and is completely plausible as well

You mean Africans? No need not to be with all that foreign aid.

So niggers terraformed(is the the right use of this word?) their environment in a destructive manner and now I'm supposed to welcome them on my tax dollars and the expense on property value/crime/ect?

Convince me I should care about climate change when niggers suffer from it the most and it give us the chance to grow oranges in Alaska.

I love you, Japan.

send them to Mongolia and Kazakhstan

meme magic this

>a few years
A few centuries

Prepare for the average diameter of white vaginas to double.

Anthroformed maybe

Terraforming makes the environment more earthlike. What they do in africa is more like uncontrolled human destruction. Gonna be a humanitarian crisis in africa no matter what happens. They don't control their population growth at all, they don't build up infrastructure, they don't take care of their environment or resources.

It's going to be a total shitshow.

It doesn't matter if you're convinced. They'll just let them in by the millions. Whether the people want it is irrelevant and you have no say.

Fuck. I was trying to figure out why they were pushing the climate change agenda so bad... this makes sense.


>all blacks go to the U.S.
>all whites go to Africa
>get a brand new lease on land that is full on nutrients, full of oil and rare gems and materials
>Africans get a used up shithole full of Liberals who stayed

Kek are there actual female Sup Forumsacks? Always feel like its just a bunch of cucks LARPing.

>bimbo saying stupid things that pol thinks are somehow prophetic: the thread

>Anthroformed maybe
Thanks, that makes more sense because i honestly forgot the definition of terraforming and was just too lazy to look it up.

The fucked up part is Gadaffi was legit going to help his farmers by building man made rivers. But hes dead and his country is blewed up so... Yeah.

If these politicians are actual humanitarians they would make that area livable rather than cramming as many as they can into our borders. This is an obvious attempt to pull in more voters for the left wing by literally importing them and their families here.

i believe there are some but they dont make it apparent because of the stigma

I thought this was obvious, perhaps not the within a few years part, but that it was coming sooner or later.

There are no girls on Sup Forums, bitch. The only genders are anonymous, and people who should be.

Climate change probably will make Africa and the middle east uninhabitable but it doesn't mean we have to load all of the animals on an ark.

The farm able land in africa is still abundant and capable to be used, niggers just lack the intelligence to use it.

Whites in africa would be the founding of a new empire.

This has been wellknown for a long time

its scary

The elites want it though because it means cheap labor.

Did I hit a nerve? Kek you must be either a fat roastie or a LARPing cuck.

>this was always the plan

Wait... You sound like a racist. Are you a racist?

The Chinks are working on colonizing it.
The blacks are beginning to miss white people.

Yeah man, intellectual unpack.

This is a motherfucker, and it fits in the puzzle.

Is the UN even actually considering this? Who the fuck knows. But if white disenfranchisement/genocide theories are true, this would be a viable plan to do it.

>They have nowhere else to go
>We're murdering them
>We have no choice

And the numbers will be larger than Syria, by a long shot.

Make no mistake, they all would all to come here for gibs. Who wouldn't? And the third world massively outnumbers the first.

Meanwhile our population is shrinking, and theirs is growing.

I've been telling you hicks this for a long time, the climate is changing, and this is going to affect Western countries not just directly but indirectly from the retardation that is going on in the "developing" world.

Your face when you now realize environmentalism has always been used to further globalism and "progress"

Wow mind blown. Thanks you climate change cucks.

I'm a golden retriever.

I hope Trump drops some nukes on the third world.

Environmentalism is a fundamentally good idea by itself.

Globalists have co-opted it, and fed hysteria as an excuse to consolidate global power.

Don't mean the climate ain't changing, I know we want to deny it(and I understand why Trump denies it completely) because of the implications.

But we need to push decentralized national efforts at alleviating this, because if this very real problem isn't dealt with, they WILL take power no matter what.

by who?

teddy roosevelt passed one of the harshest immigration laws of his time, he's not a globalist

>2. global warming is causing erosion and dryer climates which means niggers can make EVEN LESS food.
>the saharan desert is expanding each year and the nigger population is exploding each year
>within 100 years, all the niggers are going to try and walk into europe.
28% of africans have AIDS. They might be, God willing, reducing their population very soon.

Or guys stay with me...we don't let them in and they all die

There was a old article about on the EU or UN website from at least 6-7 years back that said they where going to bring in a bunch of African migrants in millions to lower the wages over Europe.

Cant find it right now, but it is out there somewhere


Me too desu, it's just going to be another excuse for niggers to flood into the west in tidal waves (population explosion) and another excuse for leftists to let them.

Damn you might come to USA

>Or guys stay with me...we don't let them in and they all die
well if it was that easy than why did Europe let in all those Syrians and North Africans into their continent? Oh yeah.

If this is a new concept to you, you really need to go back.

Look at his room temperature IQ organ donor right here. Look at him and laugh.

I live in the ME and its literally snowing outside. Weather here is much more "habitable" than Texas.

that's still one hell of a swim, leaf


Good point. Implying celebrities wont demand your navy bring them to your shores

I'd like to think our populations would form shadow organizations to end this particular threat.
>Heart attacks for everyone! you get a heart attack, and YOU get a heart attack!

OP I wouldn't doubt that was the plan. My thing with climate change/global warming or what ever is the same logic problems I run into with the whole "The Earth's overpopulated" crowd. BY WHO'S standards. On the climate most scientist say they don't buy it and the only people that push do so from a political POV. *The overpopulation thing is a little more obvious since those making those claims of course live in overpopulated CITES that they never leave unless it's to go on vacation to another overpopulated city. But again people push it fom their political feelz and not hard science with multiple opinions and evidence to back it up.

Rich countries will be able to handle climate change better