For teaching me to ask for reason and evidence
in an argument
so propaganda won't shit up my brain.
Thanks Mr. Molyneux
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Something went terribly wrong in the American education system.
So you're an atheist now?
He's a cool guy, but a little bit too annoying sometimes.
We have both the absolute best and absolute worst education institutions in the world.
it really didnt, if you take white american test scores we are top 5 in the world in everything compared to tiny states like singapore
foreigners dont understand just how bad niggers bring our averages down. not only talkin schools here, without niggers we would have the crime of luxembourg or something.
Yep! Can't prove or disprove it
You were supposed to learn that at school.
Not an argument.
Why would (((they))) want to do that?
why the hell does this guy say "not an argument" to everything. I mean literally. Like this guy literally takes out his tissue-covered keyboard, wipes away the lotion from his fingers and goes mad with his edgy bald head ready to have a fedora placed on it and spurgs out "not an argument." Like he literally goes there and like he literally just flat out literally freaking says it. what a fuking faggot. like literally
Not an argument
There was no premise being proposed in which to argue against.
Not an argument.
Hmm... not seeing an argument here... no sir-ee...
This is true. We gutted the core curriculum. Logic and critical thinking skills are discouraged.
Anyone else watch his most recent video? He gets SO salty when the guy starts disagrees with him. It's also kinda weird that he isn't concerned with some of the accuracy of what Trump says.
you sound like a fucking retard in the video
what does Sup Forums think of Bill Whittle?
Is he red-pilled?
Its called the honey moon phase. Right now everyone is giving Trump a free pass. However come 1 year from now things may change depending on how Trump handles things.
He is right on some points, he is a major cuck in others. Also a lolbertarian
>"I'm too smart to have a mother"
>"My brother is evil because we used to fight as kids"
>"Leave your family! You're too intellectual for them and they will abuse you!"
> "Please donate to my channel. It's how I make my living"
He's not as profound as you guys pretend that he is.
He's a fucking mong
His latest video is pretty spicy
No argument here you get TOP NOTCH Service at Stefo's garage.
Plus, everybody can speak English*
*finger pointing and visual menus available
Up until the 00s they DID teach it here. You analysed media in year 12 English and compared the same topic across different news sources for bias. It was compulsory and served well. Now that same unit is identity politics.