Beaner hate thread

Beaners constantly go around stealing shit, assaulting people, and generally fucking shit up everywhere they go, if they are not otherwise literal faggots. They are as bad as or worse than niggers in areas where they comprise a large part of the population. Even the ones who seem decent at first are only acting in accordance with what they think will get them something. It's like they are incapable of empathy or having a moral compass. These ""people"" are some of the most violent and egotistical sub-humans in America.

beaner hate thread.

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they takin over...they takin their land back.

Califag here. Mexican neighborhoods tend to be dirtier than White neighborhoods. You will most likely find graffiti, loud music, and many cars parked on the street because there are like 3 families living in one house. Heck, I've even seen chickens running around in the sidewalk.

BUT, Mexican neighborhoods are still astronomically better than Black neighborhoods, which are complete dysfunctional.

Do not fuck with the Mexicans of the SEA (South East Asia)

Thanks ameribros for taking our worst citizens :)

good for you mexico.


hi. can i have butthurt (you)s?


The attractive women are fine to stay. We will seed their good genes back into whitedom.

You still have plenty of trash

Beans are tasty.

fuck you faggot you stupid fuckiong assohlke

there ^ , ^

As do you.

You should add most enjoy saint seiya and dragon ball z too much.

tacos are good

Ok virgin faggots,

Mexican Wizzard here.

wtf do you think you are doing in my watch??

cant get the latina piussy?

the real question here annon is:

why the fuck do you live with them?

fucking poorfag.

You are a poorfag no bettet than them.

You cant get out of that shitty neightbourhood becuase you are a loser

you have a lot of gay ppl in berlin.

i want my trash back pleae

I agree, build the fucking wall once and for all.

Also qt illegals holler back.

>these damn beaners stealing are land xDD

w/e you say, ese.
pic related
It's you.
Look at this stupid monkey.

>Mexican cuisine

Yes, but why? That stuff from the 90s is like crack for us

The thing is white people made the lands prosperous and self sufficient, shitskins do the opposite.

not gonna happen, trump already backed out kek
>be hans
>get trucked

its funny how you think your deluded reality is the reality of normal ppl.

enjoy you life snowflake

i mirrra ezte pendegete nisikiera havlask chilando

>You will most likely find graffiti, loud music, and many cars parked on the street because there are like 3 families living in one house
wtf this is so true.
>I've even seen chickens running around in the sidewalk.
okay this is not THAT common but still

you can come to my house anytime, i can pay for your trip and all your expenses, and you can come and fuck all the beautifull latinas you want.

cuando vas a lso tacos y no hay salsa ni verde ni roja de cual le pones?

nice proxy Putin FBI hacking isis

At least hate the mexicans and caribeans, the chileans, argentinians, uruguayans and south brazilians are the only good hispanics

Thanks for the offering for a trip to the iFEISTA! sausage factory but i like women who are white, skinny, and don't look like a leather handbag.

>hipanic is not a race

tell me more please

my city is 100 years old, 90% white.

but ofcourse you dont know that.

you know why?

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Someone post the webm of the person getting their face flayed while they futilely attempt to stop the attack with what's left of their arms

Because mexico is an irrelevant shithole no one thinks about?


My "deluded reality" is the perspective of a Southern California resident, and I can personally attest to the sheer shittiness of spics, as I'm sure can any socal resident who's honest. You're people are stupid and violent, instinctive animals and I'm glad you're still in Mexico. Just look at you - everything you say is barely coherent, and I doubt it gets any better when you speak spanish.
>thinking "fucking latinas" is what life is all about

hate stormcucks. KYS

The shit part of Buenos Aires (around 80% of it) is exactly like that, every house has its walls and high fences because they're savages against each other.


so you dont want to fuck pussy? why?

>beauty is in the eye of the beholder
>mfw this meme

You guys love The Simpsons.

>i'd still be comfy up in Seattle

Utterly unremarkable

walls everywere

its called construction.

and yes, we dont need wood, we hace a lot more cement and steel than the usa

cogia una zorra pelirroja latina con piel mas blanco que lo mio. Some of my best friends were white mexicans.

But growing up in phoenix, most mexicans are straight up azteca campesino ultra spics. It's horrible

They look really whitewashed mate.

Tell me do all the beautiful latinas have a high amount of white in them? That seems to always be the case.

Behold! The mexican woman in her natural state!

>so you dont want to fuck pussy?
Look how much of a stupid animal this guy is.

U don't make a campaign based 50% in the México wall if they r not relevant to u

i have been there too, i have been in paris, hono lulu, newyork, chicago, the grand cannon.

Yeah you live there, and you think you know mexicans, but theay are not, they are American Citizens just like you.

Yup, driving from city to EZE is like going through Baghdad.

I can't talk shit though since Philadelphia isn't any better

Cholos are shit, they are the equivalent of white thrash

you do realize only the absolute lowest caste campesinos come to our land right. The castizos stay there because they are already middle class or higher.

look how ugly they are

lol a picture of an usa citizen "machete" as an example of a "mexican" ty harder please.

i present to you this beauty, you are allowed to fap while i am here.

California LATINOS are the most seld-important, insufferable group in this state. They only care about their own and the illegals, they're Mexicans first and Americans second.

Well, they are relavent in the sense they won't stay the fuck out of my country and thats something you can't ignore. The flies swarming the shit outside don't bother me like the ones coming in through the my window.

Literally the only reason people talk about mexico is when we try to decide the best ways to get them the fuck out.

Is that slang for cartel?

so you are a virgin, who just hate everybody becuase you cant fuck pussy?

its easier to fuck pussy in mexico, come here.

i dont know what you vigins make a fuss about it


Seattle is a shithole senpai-a-lam

funny thing obama deported more mexicans than any other president.

and there is no wall. its a double fence now.

>its easier to fuck pussy in mexico, come here
You're all pussies. That's why you run from your country.

>ty harder please.
>so you are a virgin, who just hate everybody becuase you cant fuck pussy?
This still makes you look like a stupid monkey - like your thoughts never reach levels any higher than
>fuck the pussy
>fuck the pussy
You're only showing just how underevolved Mexicans really are.

>tfw spic
>tfw can't go back

were are you from?

what? it's a really basic term for mostly spanish blooded americans. mestizos are more aztec blooded.

look at all the carteles and savages of mexico, almost all mestizos or lower.

look up how the spanish caste system works

>telling someone who just tried to step across the border to turn around is deportation

Ok thanks obama I'm glad you warp the definitions of things so you look better to the public even though your numbers are literal lies. You haven't deported anyone IN the country, not really, ooh but I'm supposed to be impressed when border control does their job and stops them from entering?

castizo means half blood.

if you know a single human being with 100% pure genes, you can wina nobel prize.

>look up how the spanish caste system works
I'd rather not think about you at all.

mixed blood
kinda white - kinda Hispanic ( from Spain ) bit of brown

even monkeys can type, and fuck your ass.

are tou done? mon ami

>half blood
We got a word for that here. Nigger.

you are welcome kiddo

n-no its niot

I like beans and such.

>You will most likely find graffiti, loud music, and many cars parked on the street
yes, it happens all the time

>there are like 3 families living in one house
don't know what to say for i have only been to burgerland once and it wasn't in tacoland 2.0 (southwestern US)

>Mexican neighborhoods are still astronomically better than Black neighborhoods, which are complete dysfunctional.
there's nothing on this earth that can compete with the degeneracy and destruction niggers cause.
>Detroit intensifies

I'm a white Californian, ancestry is English but you don't see me waving a British flag and demanding all the human trash from England be allowed to flood my state

Now get your nigger feet off the oval office desk and get the fuck back to Kenya and hide.

The 20th approaches.

is that so?

Anchor baby here in the military, fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>there's nothing on this earth that can compete with the degeneracy and destruction niggers cause.
Mexicans try really fucking hard you gotta give them that. They are just outclassed in gorilla warfare.

i hate spics you fucking retard, but if you're going to not sound like an actual downs syndrome dumbass you should probably know basic vocabulary, history and other things.

I grew up in maryvale in phoenix, i know what it's like to be around only chicano scum

vayaaaaa vales verga

didnt your daddy take you to fuck a hoocker when you were 18?

virgins are such sore losers

Mexican intellectual here whites are literal niggers don't even flush tp they throw it in the trash like savages

Dont worry, mexico loves you.

and i am sure your mom love you too.

Stop this please.

The thing I hate about them is how ugly they are. They're always like 4 feet tall, disgusting faces, always covered in dirt and wearing shitty baggy clothing. Always laughing loudly like fucking animals too.

They're so god damned unaesthetic. Makes the whole area you're in look like fucking shit.

Wtf I hate mexicans now??

>literally defeating the most advanced civilization in the entire american continent in just 2 years

europa is really the master race

>i dont like pussy
>i love dick
>i hate all women
>i hate other minoritys becuase i am beta fuck who cant have any white childrens


There is only so much room for so many genes on dna strands. When you mix with a lesser being the offspring produced aquires neither of the mental or phsycal advantages their parents had. Essentially downgrading the superior partners genes in a single generation.

Mixing with spics doesn't make them civilized unless you breed out almost all of the shitskin blood. Mexico was one giant race mix, with whites doing to dicking to their women, and the result is an inferior people with an inferior mind and an inferior country to show for it.

Half bloods are a mistake. No one is 100% pure but the more you nation is with white genes the better your people and country are as a whole.

come back home dad

we miss you

Or maybe i was making a joke about middle/upper class citizens being cartel members and didn't give a fuck about mexican slang or culture when i made the joke?

Ya'll sure got pissed over it, hilarious.

if you show me your DNA test, with 100% pure aryan genes.

give me your paypal and i pay you money for you to live like a happy neet playing shitposting and faping all day for a whole year!!!

come on its a once in a live time offer

>all this tryharding
>implying this women aren't super rare
c'mon man, every fucking woman here is a damm goblin or a fat lard. seriously stop trying to make mexican women look good, they don't.

No fag, you are the reason we exist.

philipinos were also natural asians and now they all seem to have spanish names. All because you conquered lands with your dicks.

You and your entire country should be put to a genocide incursion for the crimes you have committed against history.

I won't say anything about all Mexicans, and I wont even bother trying to reply to that half assed attempt at the English language, but the thing is that only shitty Mexicans come to the U.S. Girls like your picture don't come to the U.S. They stay back in your country. So we get all the ugly fucks.

tienes razon wey lol

where im from its dickies work shorts, high socks and huge shirts with bedazzled looney toons characters on them. it's hilarious

race truly is real because i immediately could tell the two on the left are aztecas and the middle right is more castiza, the far right looks right out of espana. pinche liberals ja

i see, bad joke, level up your bantz. i agree with your previous comment here though

>at some point he thought they wouldn't be fucking entitled degenerates
can't deny we have lots of morons, because we do, but the illegals as well as chicanos, especially chicanos, are toxic as hell because, well, you know: your govenrment propaganda, welfare, muh crackars took our land n shiiiieeet and da crackas wanna round us up and kill dawwggg and the degeneracy promoted in your country like nigger culture, which the majority of them are prone to at least givea chance since: it's cool because they say so n shiiieett