>Why do Jews hate white people so much Cause you people are generally degenerate with the veneer of not being degenerates which is worse because you are capable of being better.
>Why do Jews force multiculturalism, feminism, usury and degeneracy upon western nations? Dude, religous Jews aren't Marxists.
>Why can't white people have a white country? Because Kikery.
>Whats with the faggy sideburns? Im a Chassidshe-boo
How do I answer Xtians and Muslims who claim Oral Torah isn't valid?
Adam Smith
Fuck off, kabbalist pig
Brody Smith
Have you ever been inside an oven?
How would you like to make it your new home, cripplecock attention whoring yid?
Jaxson Torres
about the kabbalah, what's your take on it?
Ethan Harris
I killed 2 of your subhuman race last week after i 'found' shabu in their pocket. i loved it your race cries like babies each time
Matthew King
Kabbalah is the basis of Judaism.
If you believe it is "demonic" as anti-semites love to claim, show me proof.
Juan Morales
begone kike
Ayden Brooks
Hahahahaha a fucking juden-rat calling whites degenarate? You subhuman sand-niggers are the ones who own Hollywood and the record companies that push all that filth. Back to the fucking oven.
Hudson Sanchez
nah I don't, it kind of seems like a number magic thing. I don't really get it. I read somewhere that it comes from the eastern Russian jews, does it come from an earlier time? from Israel?