SOLAR VS NUCLEAR (there is a clear winner)

Concerned Australian here. Ever wonder why the autism epidemic is hitting hard? It's fucking nuclear energy and microwaves. Don't believe what scientists and politicians tell you, nuclear energy is bad. Nuclear waste has no long term solutions.

SOLAR IS THE ONLY WAY. Solar energy is the future.

>inb4 launch nuclear waste into space
That won't work.

Other urls found in this thread:


Your so right OP. I sometimes feel sick in the middle of the night for no reason. I'm pretty sure my neighbors are using their microwave at this time and are some how sending the waves into my apartment? I think they are doing this because I accidentally locked their cat out of the whole appointment complex one night.

Has anyone else had this experience before? How can I stop it?


So why would non nuclear countries like Australia still have an "autism epidemic"? Could it possibly be that some other change, perhaps a cultural change, is effecting this rather than a technology change? Coal releases much more radioactivity than nuclear (under most conditions) and China does the most coal, yet no one is diagnosing Chinese children as autistic.

We can unravel "autism" if you'll like but inevitably you'll find anti depressants and aging mothers as more of a cause and over diagnosis of aspergers from Marxist psychologists at the expense of white boys all to make those aging, depressed mothers feel better.

There is no aspergers and autism means serious brain development issues at a young age. There is literally no spectrum there.

Lastly, whilst solar is better for micro generators (hint, if everything has a power source less things will demand power as a whole), nuclear is better for powering a city. Fossil fuels at the moment are spectacularly clean, but it's like using oxycodone instead of heroin, you're still an opiate fiend.

I know what you mean about an epidemic. For example, right now, this thread feels super fucking autistic.

The best thing to do is to put your microwave up against the wall, turn it on max power for 60 minutes, and then leave the house for an hour. It's best to do this against any walls that may connect to a children's bedroom, as they are most sensitive. This will for sure make their children autistic.

Nuclear is the only way.

They simply made a time machine out of their microwave. You feel sick because you are aware of the timeline shifts.

Dude I'm not fucking retarted. Why would I do that at all. I don't get that much from CenterLink and can barely afford my apartment. Let alone the power bills going up.

Real solutions only please.

Thread is officially fucking N U C L E A R

>concerned Australian

Something doesn't add up here

Yeah guys, don't listen to scientists. Listen to some guy on the internet. Now that's a man you can trust.

>inb4 launch nuclear waste into space
>That won't work.

Then why not just launch autistic people into space?

The goverment has been sending autistic children into space for years.

>SOLAR IS THE ONLY WAY. Solar energy is the future.

fucking kek

Do you like wasting money or something?

I am fully for solar/wind energy but right now it just doesn't cut the mustard. it's shit without the subsidies.

Even when it breaks even with conventional energy you still have to deal with the intermittent black out.

That is not acceptable in a modern society.

If we can meme Trump into office how come we can't meme a way for macular waste to be removed?

>tfw not nuclear anymore

yeah all the pollution is neatly put into barrels that can be stored underground. That is alot better than smokestacks blowing it into the atmosphere that you breath.

The irony of a fucking Australian posting this.

It has no solution because you cunts refuse to store it in the safest place on the planet which is deep in the Australian bush,

Fuck you cunt.


What now?

ah yes, it's the microwaves that make uranium so dangerous.
Thank you professor shitpost.

No thanks, we don't want giga radioactive niggas and mutated emu warriors.


But seriously nigger, have you heard of fusion?

i unironically think Nico is a cutie

and ...microwaves? Explain yourself.

Without subsidies, Wind/Solar is nothing but a meme energy source.

Burning cow dung and whatever else consists "traditional biomass" sources still exceeds wind/solar in terms of wind/solar output despite the billions of dollars in subsidies we give them

I somehow thought they would be more gentle when storing this shit. Its literally just dump it. What could go wrong?

Is this picture supposed to suggest that nuclear waste is simply hucked unceremoniously into a giant stone hole?

Wouldn't it be fuckin' sweet if it were, though?

Just from the standpoint of efficiency, I question these photos. Most nuclear storage facilities use space as efficiently as possible.

>be australian
>rich in uranium deposits
>don't have any power plants
>wonder why your dollar is less than a loonie
LMAOing at ur life!

What does France do with all their barrels of waste?


>It wont work

they already bought into the green fantasy. Thats why they had a huge blackout a few months ago in South Australia.

pro tip. It's only going to get worse

Drive down the street in anything that can be called a city and scan for wifi.
I turned wifi on while standing on a singles spot and I picked up, no shit, 20 access points.
That is just wifi, its not counting bluetooth, am/fm radio, cb, long wave radio like ham(planets), gps, all types of the cell phones, and other crazy shit we put into the air wave.

>muh wifi is safe tests
you mean the test that was paid for by wireless router companies and performed in a fully shielded room with a single access point 20 feet away?
these things are installed right next to peoples heads, faggot. Also the test doesn't take into account the fact that its not just 1 router 20 feet away, its hundreds of routers everywhere you go.

People suggest that launching nuclear waste into space would be a massive hazard, because on their way up, one shuttle exploded and a lot of the smaller rockets explode like one in three.

Solar and wind are both viable additions to the power grid. If connected nationally, a nationwide solar and wind network would compensate for itself to some degree in places without much wind or sun, but you still need nuclear facilities, especially at night. We should be researching mass power storage to further reduce our dependency on nuclear plants during solar/wind blackouts.

Travel by rocket is only slightly less dangerous than hitting Niagara Falls in a barrel.

That is not a really nuclear waste storage site.

This looks like it may be for chemicals in a uranium mine if anything.

They raise them into adult frenchmen.


Nuclear all the way.

It's a shame that people have to be paid to do the right thing, or even to benefit themselves when it isn't their idea. I relish the thought of being independent of utilities.

>SOLAR IS THE ONLY WAY. Solar energy is the future.

Heavy nuclear energy user here. linguist search way to ensure we still get that's nuclear waste even in 2.000 years (two thousand, will be France will still be a thing), kek.

I agree about solar, the actual problem is more about the way we conveice solar panel and shit like this involving "rare earth", we also recycle them bad.
Only time and money will do the trick, afaik.

>Solar and wind are both viable additions to the power grid. If connected nationally, a nationwide solar and wind network would compensate for itself to some degree in places without much wind or sun, but you still need nuclear facilities, especially at night. We should be researching mass power storage to further reduce our dependency on nuclear plants during solar/wind blackouts.

I can't take a word these green faggots say seriously.Even if I suport "green" energy and non solar/wind energy I'm hated. I seriously hope everyone that consideres themselves modern environmentolists would get murdered

nuclear fusion shall put fission out of business. solar for small buildings/homes

this is the only answer

Sup Forums getting mad that the future is green

>don't have kids if you're over 35, ideally don't have any if you're over 30 (men and women)
>don't have kids if you're fat
>don't have kids if you're not physically active with a shitty processed healthy diet or take medication
>don't plant your child down in front of electronics from 6 months old

autism gone senpai

I don't know about that. Texas wind energy seems to make a lot of headlines and homeowners are starting to take on a loan to get solar installed. Pretty big movement happening here being privately subsidized.

I've been told for the past year or so that solar/wind was the cheapest source of energy. are you telling me that it was a lie?

>nuclear energy and microwaves


as long as it's privately funded I couldn't give two shits how it goes down.

old fashioned reactors leave a lot of waste that have radioactive isotopes /w a long half life

fast breeder reactors however use those long half life isotopes as fuel along with the ones conventional reactors use. the result is very little waste that can all be stored onsight until its rendered inert in a hundred years.

an other bonus is that old waste can be used as fuel in these reactors, because of the fact they use up isotopes that the old reactors left behind.

fast breeders are also pretty small with no gigantic steam chimneys that are iconic of the old reactors.

there are a large number of other benefits, but those are the biggest ones. the USA almost switched to these however a nuclear commission headed by bill clinton shut them down for political brownie points, as the public opinion was against nuclear at the time despite the facts

if you're interested in educating yourself check out

nuclear waste will be usable as fuel within 2 decades. This is the most retarded post on Sup Forums right now.

>That won't work.
why not?

I legit think it has something to do with cell phones on our pockets so close to out crotch

>nuclear waste will be usable as fuel within 2 decades
they already are. there have been conceptual plants with working prototypes since the 80s, that can do this

this. I'm not a sceptical person usually but this freaks me out. We have to be speeding up the rate of mutation or something with all of this. Even in my room there's like 9 different signals of varying strengths from all of the places around me

Yes tell me what the fuck is going to happen with all your nuclear power facilities (let alone your nuclear weapons arsenal) when the day comes that Muslims take power in France? This is inevitable and probably not all that far away, a scary prospect and one I don't hear anyone addressing.

Iran already has nuclear power. Its too late to stop muzzies from getting nuclear power.

So, clearly you're very angry about this. Let's talk.

Alternative energies will clearly have the highest subsidies as of 2013 (if this chart wasn't just thrown together in photoshop arbitrarily - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt) simply due to the fact that they're all still in the developmental stage. It's not just pumping money into a bottomless pit, though. Solar energy in particular is now more efficient and cheaper to install due in part to the subsidies. The point of funding these projects is to create a system large enough to matter. As the system grows, the construction and research costs will be higher, but the goal is to reach a point of technology and efficiency where the research will drop off, and the grid will be so large, that only maintenance will be needed. If we were currently building new nuclear reactors, the costs would be much different. That isn't to say that nuclear is bad; it isn't, and it's evolving as well. There's just no need to be angry about solar and wind power.

Iranians are the tolerable muzzies though

Too bad the ameritards broke their own deal with them and basically shot themselves in their own foot.

I've heard it's not cost efficient since it adds another stage of complexity to the fission process. Keep in mind I didn't read your 406 page book, but I bet the new reactors under construction don't use the fuel recycling process. Have you heard otherwise?

Your phone shares frequently bandwidth with microwaves faggot


Nuclear power and nuclear weapons are two different things.

Everything under ultraviolet is not ionizing FAGGOTS
Only ionizing waves can cause mutations!!!

Tolerable is a strong word.

sure, but its the first step. we know iran already has the plans for centrifuges used in nuclear weapon production and most of our efforts are in preventing them from making them as they're easily hidden underground

You know microwaves aren't nuclear right?

Yes, having no clue what the fuck Iran is doing is so much better than having them open up in exchange for some economic concessions. No deal that completely gets rid of their nuclear power is, at this point, acceptable. It's as if you don't understand diplomacy

he did say AND microwaves

It's more costly to change course for any entity only focusing on the bottom line. Eventually, it won't be a choice, anymore. At that time, they will have a huge store of free fuel in neatly stored canisters. CEOs will likely lose their jobs paying to convert current plants to use waste or build new ones, but the ones that take over will have decades of free fuel at their disposal.

solar/wind energy is the biggest meme I've heard this year.

Is this the famous 2016 curse I've heard about?

>I've heard it's not cost efficient
sure, but do you want to get rid of it or not?

I just don't think it's a huge priority for energy producers. Mostly because uranium is such a small portion of the operating cost and because we're only a decade or two from thorium reactors. Not saying it's a bad idea.

>decade or two from thorium reactors
Of course we are. Why would the people wanting money for it lie?

I also hear we're 20 years away from immortality.

Yeah, I know it's in the meme category like "solar FRICKIN' roadways xDD", but that's only because reddit is full of faggots. China has plans for thorium reactors by 2040.

Ah! I misunderstood you, sir. You're simply trolling. I misread that. Troll away, sir. If you have something more constructive than calling someone else's ideas memes, I'm all ears, but it seems like you just don't like it because it will get responses. Well played.

That's ME in the box, sir. Well trolled!

I'm sure China is free of even more corruption and cronyism than their energy startups in the west

I've seen prototypes of reactors the size of a car that will run on it and can be placed in remote areas. It's good technology, and we may as well use all that waste.

Oh shit niggers lets learn

Autism is probably due to computers affecting childhood behavior. I have based this on nothing.

needed to do some uranium glass collections

Launch that shit into the sun

is autism a mutation?
Wouldnt being a mutation (broken evolution) mean it gets passed on to the offspring. Last I checked, autism wasnt genetic.

Autism is the human genome's response to our currently fucked society. Carcinogens cause some genetic mutations. Society is cancer. The genetic immune response occasionally creates a being that can see only truth, and is repulsed by all things cultural. Also, sometimes they're really good at math and music.

Fuck that ending

a-user.. you're gonna make me blush :3

>Ever wonder why the autism epidemic is hitting hard? It's fucking nuclear energy and microwaves.
>SOLAR IS THE ONLY WAY. Solar energy is the future.

>Nuclear energy has been around for decades
>Autism has only started exploding at the same time solar energy capacity has been increasing

Also, solar energy is clearly the past -- it's been around since literally before the Earth existed

no dickhead homofags/transfags/autism are all the result of the jews who put growth hormones and copious antibiotics into pork/beef/chicken. fuck, no one even lives within line of sight of a nuclear reactor, dumb kangaroorider

>tfw solarbunnies realize they have no electricity at night
but mah batteries

I wouldn't be shocked if this were a contributing factor. Witnessing social degeneracy and a subconcious repulsion to it lead to an internal rejection and a detachment from that society, projected as antisocial personality or poor social skill. Where are the highest autismo rates, btw. California?

I meant the current social order. It all goes against instinct. I am the degeneracy you speak of. The societal cancer mutating autists is the one that bombards us with rules while condoning the destruction of the environment and expecting us to be grateful for the opportunity to live in such wonderful times.

>Yes tell me what the fuck is going to happen with all your nuclear power facilities (let alone your nuclear weapons arsenal) when the day comes that Muslims take power in France?
nuclear facilities, they can maintain it.
in case of breach, the main radiation will be around the nuclear plant.
a part of it will be vaporized into atmosphere, we can't predict the amount or the flow.
(last time we were "lucky" with japan)
>scary prospect and one I don't hear anyone addressing.
Everyone is in agreement, if we turn into caliphate, they turn everything to retarded country.
ISIS redpilled plenty, we'll adress the problem rite in time.

Autism is caused by fucking with our food too much you dumb cunt.

Processed anything is worse than fresh anything, its that fucking simple.

Also these traits arent bred out, the welfare state enables retards to procreate much more effectively than true natural selection would.

I got a bad feeling about all of these so called 'alternatives'. Alternative to fossil fuels is assumed but they all require the fossil fuel infrastructure to manufacture and distribute.
Jevon's Paradox and impossible to budget or forecast because their manufacture depends heavily on the price of oil among other things.

Assuming fossil fuels deplete this century to below an EROEI of 1, the price of manufacturing and maintaining a replacement infrastructure on 'renewables' approaches infinity. You can't build more solar panels and wind mills with solar panels and wind mills. You can't build nuke plants or refine the ore with nuke plants alone. If all grids went to nuclear power sources radioactive rocks would deplete and cost of ore quickly rise to infinity.

All we are doing now is accelerating the depletion of fossil fuels and eventual die off of the human race. If business as usual carries on that will be this century.

That's probably the next best option after hydro electric for electricity generation but transportation will start to break down about teh same time grids start browning out.