How to improve the second amendment

Firearms in the USA are not serving their purpose anymore and need to be replaced.

Let me explain,
When the founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment in 1791, they intended for firearms to be used as tools to keep the government in check. If the government ever did anything to hurt the people, then the people had the tools they needed to take that government down.

>>>Fast forward to 2016
Firearms in America are used for one thing, for Americans to kill other Americans and commit massacres. This is NOT what the founding fathers intended to happen when they wrote the second amendment. The second amendment must be changed to account for the very different world that we live in today.

I am proposing a few things;
- Rewrite the second amendment so the only people who can own guns are the police and military
- Confiscate weapons from the general public
- Make weapons and ammo manufacturing a serious crime punishable by long prison terms

Simple things like that would put an end to all the pointless deaths that occur every year because of firearms in the US.

If you are concerned about self-defence here are some viable alternatives; taser guns, mace, batons, airsoft rifles, paintball guns, the list goes on and on ... You do not need to kill someone to defend yourself. Also, training in MMA tactics and conversation could help in restraining or talking down an attacker.

I want to have an intelligent conversation, if you don't have anything intelligent to contribute please keep scrolling.

Other urls found in this thread:




Wasn't pretty much everyone on that show armed?

Fucking Canadian telling me how to improve my country.

Fuck off.

You want to improve 2a?
>Repeal NFA 1934
>Repeal Hughes
>Repeal 922r

There's my line for compromise.


You know even the MOST conservative estimates of defensive firearm uses still happen multitudes of times more often than violent crime with guns, right? And that's even if you used 'gun deaths' (suicides, justified homicide, etc) instead of actual crime.

But I'm sure you know that and don't care so you can push your agenda.

Fuck yourself. MAGA


As soon as we out rank fucking Belgum in mass shooting, you can still fuck off with your gun-grabbing.

The only way to MAGA is by changing the outdated second amendment

We use the guns to defend ourselves from the now-freed blacks, who would obtain guns regardless of any laws passed against them just as they do now. Perhaps it's that passive mindset that got your wife raped by Somalis leafboi


>- Rewrite the second amendment so the only people who can own guns are the police and military

You forgot to add, and criminals.

Gun control is not about guns, it's about control.

The government officials that tries to take our guns will lose their necks.

This thread was retarded the last time you made it. DAY OF THE RAKE SOON.

This tech is mostly driven by amateur Americans that really made it work a little.

You are a disgrace to the leaf

Delete mexico and then we can talk.

No matter what people will smuggle shit in from there and we'll have no way to defend ourselves from them.

Also, it gives more power to the citizens so that's cool.


Get triggered leafbitch

>this thread again
You don't deserve an intelligent conversation if your viewpoints and sham of an "argument" is retarded bullshit.

We can improve our country by building the northern firewall.

the 2nd amendment is too restrictive in its present state. the founders intended for people to have the same firepower as the state, so we need to allow all civilians to own any weapon that they desire

This is a troll post

Holy fucking shit can you fucking stop. Fucking leaf can't do anything right so just fucking shitposts all day. Fucking kys.

I want this desu

>Gun control in america
>Thread always started by a leaf or some other foreign faggot who has no say
Dont you get by now that one of the reasons you are worse than us is that we have better gun rights?

Its called leafposting now

get rid of your photon torpedos and laser beams then fagort picard

I am concerned about your awful gun laws because guns from your country illegally come into my country and are used in violent crimes ... Even though our gun violence is a fraction of yours, it would be even lower if you controlled your guns properly.

>If you are concerned about self-defence here are some viable alternatives; taser guns, mace, batons, airsoft rifles, paintball guns, the list goes on and on ... You do not need to kill someone to defend yourself. Also, training in MMA tactics and conversation could help in restraining or talking down an attacker.

3 large men are breaking into your home. You do not know if they have guns, knives or other weapons. They may want to rob you, rape your wife and daughter.

Choose ONE to defend your family:

A) A real gun
B) A paintball gun
C) A taser
D) Your bare hands and novice MMA skills
E) pepper spray
F) A baton

Your family is on the line here. If you choose anything but A then you are a liar or a fool.

>Tools needed to take government down

ok, lets just go with that for a second. The point is, we haven't, yet, and the subversion is trying to prevent that. What gunnuts are trying to say is that as soon as they are gone is the only time they will be proven right. Some believe mere presence of guns in the general population's hands is defense in and of itself. I tend to agree with that.

I see both sides, but something needs to be done about mental health issues, criminal access etc etc rather than prohibiting citizen Joe America from having a boom stick.

What you suggest not only sets up an fascist backbone to a new government with a new attitude towards it's subjects but pisses off a population, who will then, for sure, use their guns.

Because even if you got alot of them, you won't get all of them.

You should be concerned about your citizens instead.

Guns don't cause crime.

>no sources
>spouting bullshit
>that flag

Come home, white man. Just don't try to infringe upon our rights.

That wasn't even all of them.

I would have my home secured properly so the 3 men wouldn't be able to break into it.

Hey you know that the guns used by the police and military kill far more civies than guns owned by civies?

Any belief that any level of government will either serve or protect you is false thinking...

You'll simply become the second group of faggots they go after...

Now grow the fuck up...and wake the fuck up...

Read this before posting again.

What is with the anti-2A threads lately? You think that shit is going anywhere under Trump? Fuck off.

>I would have my home secured properly so the 3 men wouldn't be able to break into it.
Explain how you would do this.

Do leafs even have inalienable rights?

Steel bars over the windows, steel gates infront of doors, security alarm that alerts police when intruders are on the property ... it's really not that hard.

Ok you must be from mexico then, and your flags wrong
Get your fucking shit together canada, youre a fucking joke, and youll be even worse soon when you get all those mexicans we deport
But dont worry, we'll liberate you and make you great again

The correct response in dealing with people like this is to calmly tell them that there will be no comrpomise and you'd rather kill half of america than give up the 2nd. End of discussion.

It's too late, there are so many guns, illegal or not in the US and now they can be 3d printed too. Passing laws isn't going to stop people that want to get their hands on them, these people could also just find other means to kill a lot of people. It would also create a black market and more crime. The 2nd amendment is there for a reason.

Trumps not deporting all Mexicans, just people who are in the country illegally.. even then, if they aren't criminals they will be able to apply for citizenship to re-enter the USA.

Of course, Stomp out the unconstitutional laws of CA, MA, NY, IL,... very very strongly and allow citizen that were injured by those unconstitutional laws to sue those states for full compensation!!!

>Steel bars over the windows, steel gates infront of doors
Not only are you making your house fucking hideous, youre also turning your house into a death trap. Its also easy as fuck to get past that shit.
>Security alarm that alerts police when intruders are on the property
can your police respond faster than you pointing a gun and pulling a trigger? If not, your family is still at risk of being raped/murdered.

with guns obv

I didnt say he was deporting them all, but that would be nice
I can see alot of them leaving voluntarily after they realize the gibs are over and no one wants to deal with their shit
I doubt mexico even wants most of them back, but cuck trudeau will open his asshole for all of them and use your money

You're still ignoring that my home would be so secure on the outside that no one would be able to break into it. There are millions of burglar-proof houses all across both our countries.

Pay no mind to Ontariostan filth everyone. Only Nu-males are afraid of guns. Please protect your constitution America... for one day you will liberate us all from eternal cuckoldry

The US will pay for any Mexicans if they need to seek refuge in Canada, which they are welcome to. The earth belongs to all human beings, borders don't mean much.

>hey guys this is Canacuck, today we will change the 2nd amendment by removing what it actually means completely!

>You're still ignoring that my home would be so secure on the outside that no one would be able to break into it.
Not really considering the article i posted is literally all about how to get past steel bars on doors and windows. Its literally an explination of HOW to get past your bullshit security. Once said burglars DO get past your security and are IN your home, you have no means of defending yourself, which is where a gun would come in handy.

>The earth belongs to all human beings, borders don't mean much.
Well lots of people think whites dont deserve anything but death
Borders are the only things keeping scum like that out

The biggest threat is minorities embracing the second amendment. So we need to make it that anyone who has ever been arrested for any offense is ineligible to buy guns.

The second amendment was NOT made with Niggers and Spics in mind and we have to do everything to stop them from buying guns.

99% of home invasions are committed by people who want to steal valuables, not commit murder/rape. I highly doubt simple thieves would go through all that trouble to break into an extremely secure house.

Even then, I would have seen the burglars on my home security cameras dismantling the burglar bars and I would call the police before they would even have them off.

>99% of home invasions are committed by people who want to steal valuables, not commit murder/rape.
Are you willing to bet the safety of yourself, wife or kids on an "I think"?

>I would have seen the burglars on my home security cameras dismantling the burglar bars and I would call the police before they would even have them off.
Are you monitoring your home security cameras 24/7? Do you hire somebody to watch said security cameras when youre sleeping?
If you answered no to either of these questions, then you are still vulnerable to having your home broken into.

>leaf talking about US second amendment
oh boy, here we go




you're an idiot

How does criminals even get bullets?

Ive always wondered about this

When they are touched from the outside an alarm goes off on the inside of my house to alert me. I could get my family inside our homes panic room, or call the police and they would come and handle the situation before the burglars could get in if the alarm hadn't scared them off yet.

No one with a felony can get guns
Therefore few blacks can, most mexicans have felony DUIs per their culture, and the rest are illegal and cant have guns
Once we get rid of the illegals and their kids well be ok

>Rewrite the second amendment so the only people who can own guns are the police and military

the 2nd amendment quite literally details that it is for a militia MADE OF AND BY THE PEOPLE.

burn in hell you shit sucking scumbag. your blatant boot licking communist horse shit is appalling, beaver bitch.

Get triggered, shit posting leaf

Actually, we need to air drop a LOT more guns into the trouble areas...

Trying to take guns away from any humans is always a very BAD idea....

Every day with this shit.


>help the second amendment fulfill it's purpose

Finally, I've been saying we should relax laws on the kind of surface-to-air missile launchers that would really help a guerilla army fend off better equipped invader FOREVER!

>fag shit


I agree, they are not enough to keep the government in check. We need tanks

fucking leaf

Are you implying America was like civilized or something when the constitution was written? Have you never heard of gun duels? America is fine you fucking cuck worry about your own country turbotard.

Being this intensely retarded. Do you know where you are? This isn't Reddit.

>Be asleep at 3 am
>Fuck loud alarm goes off
>It was a squirrel
Sounds to me like youre jumping through a fuckload of hoops because of how triggered you are over guns.

We need to drop guns and DVDs of Zardoz all over africa
thats the only way theyll learn

>Firearms in the USA are not serving their purpose anymore
>When the founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment in 1791, they intended for firearms to be used as tools to keep the government in check. If the government ever did anything to hurt the people, then the people had the tools they needed to take that government down.

This is actually true. There are far too many freedom-infringing politicians walking around without bullet holes. They hide behind a massive standing army and government surveillance program, things the founders desperately tried to avoid.

To fix this, the 2nd Amendment needs to be respected within its original context. That means the right not to FIREarms, but to ALL arms. Machine guns, grenades, antitank weapons, self-propelled artillery, and even recreational nukes. Mere firearms are great, but not enough to effectively stop a modern tyrannical government.

>When they are touched from the outside an alarm goes off on the inside of my house to alert me.
Hope a squirrel, bird, or some neighborhood kid doesn't bump into it ever. If the neighborhood kids find out about it, never expect a good nights rest again.

Also, how much of a budget would this cost? What about people who rent and can't do this? What about people don't have the money? Should they have to pay thousands for this sort of defense instead of a couple hundred for a shotgun and some shells?

The Day of the Rake can't come soon enough.


>even recreational nukes
This is the only one I disagree with because it would infringe upon the rights of the people who own the land that is nuked for hundreds if not thousands of years.


Any good landlord has home-defence systems along the lines of what I described.

I'm going to go on a limb and say that home security is the most important thing for everyone to say, so people should cut down on their monthly costs to be able to purchase a system along the lines of what I described, if they can't afford it already.

Can we call abortion infanticide?
Shall not be infringed nigger.

nice guns

This leaf gets it.

You can't call abortion infanticide because fetuses are clumps of cells, not living human beings.

Criminalizing something for a potential use, rather than an actual use, is the very logic of gun control.

>I'm going to go on a limb and say that home security is the most important thing for everyone to say, so people should cut down on their monthly costs to be able to purchase a system along the lines of what I described, if they can't afford it already.
Or they can spend ~$300 for one of these and sleep easy at night knowing theyre protected

2A says arms not guns. Not even firearms.

That means anything that can be considered a weapon is permitted, up to and including nukes.

Deal with it.

When are we going to put our military industrial complex to good use and liberate the leafs from their STUPID FUCKING IDEAS

the day the leaf speaks sense

Yes, like the guarantee that non-whites and blacks are worth only two thirds of whole persons... It's not like society and technology doesn't move on...

>>but no, nothing can ever change, 1781 was the perfect time for people to understand all future weaponry and social problems.


I fucking hate canadian posters so much.

never reply to a leave without sage

Also need an alarm system, or at a motion detector. Your gun is no good if you're not awake to use it.

Unfortunately your government can't deal with it, what with the NFA and explosives storage and licensing requirements.

>3 Balkan countries ahead of us keeping us out of the top 5
I'm not too proud

*at least


>Any good landlord has home-defence systems along the lines of what I described.
So in the ideal world where every landlord is good? Well if we're talking about ideal scenarios might as well say that everyone just gets along.

The situation where your idea works is becoming harder and harder to implement and more and more far fetched. So people have to rely on their land lords for defense? Isn't that basically serfdom? You also think people who are poor and can barely eat, also the people most affected by crime, should cut down so they can buy steel bars and steel gates?

>Sorry Jimmy no supper tonight we need to save up for a steel gate so Achmed don't loot us and rape your sister again bucko.

ITT shit tier bait from a leaf