>That feel when wavering back and forth between White Nationalism and Civic Nationalism
Anyone else know this feel?
>That feel when wavering back and forth between White Nationalism and Civic Nationalism
Anyone else know this feel?
>civic nationalism
both are stupid
when will this meme end?
No. Civic nationalism is inherently white "Americanism".
Non-whites vote left upwards of ~65% in all categories, so any hope of civic nationalism is living on borrowed time.
There's only one way out.
White nationalism is stupid. Nationalism is the way forward.
>mfw I'm biracial and I'm forced by birth to be a civic nationalist
That's the fault of white nationalism, though. Non-whites don't feel like Americans. They need to feel American.
I don't get it? Isn't she complaining about Islam?
Kek has spoken
Which ideology would Kek prefer?
Only very rarely, since Richard Spencer has made some good points, but I am mostly settled on that I support ethno-nationalism for Estonia, but civic nationalism for America.
Half black or what? hapa? If you find a blue eyed blond haired kid and one ofyour parents has blue eys you could be okay
Find a blue eyed Blond haired girl*
Doesnt have to be ten
>almost 2017
>not advocating for the extermination of all non-whites and the utilization of the resources the nigs waste in africa in the upcoming intergalactic wars against space jews
Why do you post here (((Lauren)))?
Also if you're not an American First nationalist you're against the will of the American people.
>Non-whites vote left upwards of ~65% in all categories
thats because of perceived smear campaigns pointing at the red people that they're racist or elitist and dependency on the democratic plantation
>Civic Nationalism
Doesn't fucking work.
This. i was just talking about htis. most annoying meme in history. fuck bacon. yeah it tastes good. now shut the FUCK UP
Starting to think some of you guys are triggered by hot girls. Traumatic high school memories
yeah 2 days and 3 hours portagoose
>false song of globalism
>supports Israel, doesn't drain the swamp
top fucking kek
r/the_donald really sperged out with this one
They won't!
Here in holland, we are taught in schools: oh america, what a melting pot. So succesful. Everyone feels american.
integration/assimilation is a meme, see Europe.
Non-whites don't feel like [Americans/germans/swedes/...] because they didn't contribute to the society and have little or nothing invested in it; they dont mind seeing it all crash and burn, so long as they benefit.
>he thinks there's women on the internet
WEW LAD!!!!!!!!!
>hot girls
not that hot and she's just biting our style and playing our drums and calling it her own
Half black half white. Mom is a light as fuck Jamaican so I'm white skinned (people confuse me for a jew because I grow curly hair and have white skin).
I probably wouldn't be a ethnic nationalist anyways because I don't see it as viable, at least in my country.
That's all because of racism. Don't you want these fat butts on your face?
Human beings are not tabula rasa. A people and its culture shape one another over generations. In other words, after thousands of years of separation, two groups of people from two different cultures will tend to behave differently depending on what types of behaviors led to reproductive success in their different societies.
Races are extended families. Different races will thrive in different environments. There is nothing wrong with this.
The rapid introduction of non-Europeans into European countries, with the welfare state removing normal evolutionary pressures which would otherwise prevent their reproductive success, will result in a society shaped around the way they tend to behave as opposed to how Europeans tend to behave.
A people and their culture are inseparable. Western civilization is European civilization.
Last show Christopher Cantwell said he talked to Lauren and she was going to go to a meetup but then called back and said she wasn't coming because she didn't want to be affiliated with anything considered anti-semitic
I don't trust her, or that faggot Milo.
Cultural nationalism, the third type that's in between the other two.
White Americans are the most generous people on Earth.....and non-whites continue to shit all over us, even without Jewish incitement. I'm done, as are many other whites.
Non-whites want gibs. Look at all polling data showing support for socialism among all non-white groups.
What about the slavic peoples in Estonia?
Most estonians are finno-baltic.
race > culture
Civic Nationalism can work fine if you're not a Democracy, don't tolerate thugs and have a free market.
We'll now that you mention it
It's called hiding your power level you dumb fuck
>doesn't drain the swamp
He is a faggot for the Isreal thing but that was expected. He was outright about his dick sucking of Isreal from the beginning.
i am praying for extreme traditionalist ISOLATIONIST fascism
>a 4/10 leaf Jewess is the epitome of beauty on this site
I remember when anons had taste on this board
I'm not really a fan of Lauren Southern, but that is a somewhat powerful image that accurately depicts the evolution of this board.
Nothing in life is binary. There is some truth in the middle of everything.
>le individual freedums xD
>who cares what other people do?
she belongs in the oven, as well.
all wrong. He wants Chaos and death.
Same here, senpai. Half mestizo here.
I have a theory about the bacon and women's rights and campus sex memes. I think it's all fear of Islam. They can't say it so it manifests in other ways.
Sperging out and calling someone a Jew without evidence is pretty pathetic. Especially since the snake image is more interesting than the person talking about it.
No because civic nationalism is not a real thing
shes not Jewish JIDF
Well said, I like this response
I just don't see her harping about muslims or hate crimes against faggots all day as being helpful
No amount of crying over a fire will stop the arsonist from setting more fires.
I get your point though, hopefully she has a final form or is super-sayan
>Anyone else know this feel?
no I would not
nor would I know what it feels like as an erect penis is wavered into and out of my anus
neck yourself cuck
can I get a (you) please?
Why dont you just be you without the label, pussy?
Civic nationalist publicly and white nationalist privately
I know once we have accomplished the former, our dream of a true ethnostate will be a stone's throw away
Nasty, its got aids for sure
White nationalism might work for Europe. However for American the only real way to institute nationalism it would have to be civic nationalism.
>White Nationalism and Civic Nationalism
White nationalism is fine civic nationalism is a fucking new meme being brought around on Sup Forums to try to put a split between us. What we need is nationalism ethnic nationalism is fine but it must within reason. I am specifically talking about the US we have to many inbreeds and to much breeding of other whites which isn't horribly bad but the number 1 thing we need to fix is the immigration influx and stop it completely and import more whites. If we did this we will out breed asians/blacks whatever non whites again. We also must tear down enclaves where immigrants have built up these Non-white only areas. Knock those down and have those non-whites forcefully integrated they will eventually be breed out of existence or become just a small minority like it used to be that it wont matter..
We have a major problem where we have misunderstands with foreign countries in trying to debate this. The US is its own type of culture for every white person to come where as in other countries like Germany they have issues with Russians or how each individual country in the EU has biases against other whites. They need there own nationalism not what we need.
How can you establish an ethnostate in a mixed as fuck racial country?
To answer your question, no. I would be perfectly fine with plain civic nationalism if my people weren't being ostracized, conditioned to hate themselves, and facing extinction. Ethnic nationalism is necessary at this point.
RIP merica
If there's an ethno-state, how will you have a beautiful wife like this?
>Sperging out and calling someone a Jew without evidence is pretty pathetic
never done that stop straw-manning. you still haven't shown me one interesting thing she's said or done that warrants all this attention
>Non-whites don't feel like Americans.
Non-whites don't want to be Americans, they just want the benefits of being Americans, mostly the financial benefits. They actively chose to not become Americans and you can see it by them self-identifying as *-Americans (or Hyphen Americans). The leftists and RINOs also encourage that behavior of course, for their own reasons.
If you want to fuck a monkey so bad, move to Africa.
Got dang thats one gross ass monkey, shit nigga
being anti semetic is a career ender because jews own the media and powerful positions with the flow of information or power
No. Civic nationalism means my children will be surrounded by chinks and jews because they do good enough on the SAT.
I will shoot for white nationalism in the US, if it is achieved elsewhere I will probably leave this land of niggerball and Hollyjew
You're genetically inferior, the average IQ of a Jamaican is 71.
Guys stop falling for the civic nationalism meme, there is a reason there is no succesful black/brown countries, and it's not going to be any different in your civic nationalist america
Maybe I will. I will establish a mixed-race nationalist state there.
Black people are unattractive.
and thats higher then a pure-blooded negro because Jamaicans are a little mixed
pure-blooded niggers are literally as dumb as Gorillas
Nationalism is preferable to globalism but both are retarded.
My loyalty is to my church my home and my family. Goverements can go fuck themselves.
Confederated Constitutional Republic when?
My betrothed. Perfect skin.
The globalists hate Israel for being a nationalist Caucasian state that's manipulating their powerbase, we should be actively emulating Israel and making out own nationalist nation not destroying out last, best hope for peace.
Delet this
The experiment was already tried, for reference google philipines & middle east
Yeah, the result is know. Pic related.
it is the tastiest pork product.
>this civic nationalism meme
>trying to lump us all in a group
half chink here
Kek is the god of chaos. He'd like libertarianism.
How do you think your civic nationalism is going to work out once whites are a minority?
God bless you.
Do it. Please. Get the fuck out. Take some groids with you on the way out the door.
"white" isn't an ethnic group
ledditors pls leave
>locked character
i look at her and wonder how much more black she could be
none more black
Civic nationalism doesn't really work since most blacks claim they don't even like living in their host countries no matter how well they are treated and how much the media kisses their asses. It's a learned behavior at this point and it's only a matter of time before they get even more extreme and have even bigger chimpouts and crime rates. Of course ALL white people will be blamed despite scientific proof they aren't responsible for another persons actions.
I love it. Darker is better.
The Spanish and Portuguese tried that multiple times. Pro tip: they all turned out to be shit