HaHaHaHaHaHa Gun nut BTFO
Gun-loving conservative columnist accidentally killed after letting teen boy hold his firearm
>letting teen boy hold a loaded weapon without first putting the fear of God into him
imagine killing your father with the thing he loved most.
damn that's going to fuck the kid up.
He went out the way he lived. With a young boy fondling his loaded weapon.
What does this prove? That firearms accidents happen? Yes, they do but there are less than 1000 deaths from them annually, and a good chunk of those are probably actually suicides. The reason this article exists is to allow leftists to confirm their own biases and revel in the death of an enemy. They don't care about facts, they want to feel smug and superior, even if it means someone dies and they gloat about it.
You don't ever hand someone a loaded gun.
They're just mad they didnt get to grab his gun first.
Press F to pay respek
What a fucking retard.
I have held many a firearm even when I was a kid.
But every time one was handed to me it was emptied by the owner.
Niggers are gun nuts too.
Cant say anything about guns now.
Why are Americans so smug about having the most gun crimes?
Because 97% of the time nothing of value was lost in a gun crime.
Sounds like most Sup Forums threads about black on white crime.
>Why are Americans so smug about having the most gun crimes?
Hint: we don't.
>letting someone who doesn't know how to hold a gun hold a gun
I mean, you couldn't expect much else.
>Sounds like most Sup Forums threads about black on white crime.
That's shit the media actively ignores and downplays that though. They're ignoring a real problem the left could fix but it would cost them a sizeable portion of their voter base and the power of the racial victim narrative.
Anti-gun stuff, especially dumb shit like this is actually pushed hard by the media. Why?
>handing a kid a locked and loaded gun
stupid people win stupid prizes. nothing of value was lost
Yeah don't give the kid your fucking a gun...
Breaking News:
Drunk teen drives over child in parents car.
Hahahahahaha cars and alcohol BTFO¡¡¡
>nice job faglord
Truly worthless, you can't even fucking shitpost.
it's just proof that all kids should be taught firearm safety at a young age.
Liberals dance and sing when there is an accidental gun death.
But they don't like it when Gays die of AIDs.
Sometimes what you love may kill you.
Guns can be used for good. AIDs is just an incurable fag disease.