Why hasnt anyone in the world made a homemade nuke yet? this seems like a legitimate threat considering 13 year olds are building nuclear reactors now (multiple kids on youtube have made 1)
so why not a uranium bullet?
Why hasnt anyone in the world made a homemade nuke yet? this seems like a legitimate threat considering 13 year olds are building nuclear reactors now (multiple kids on youtube have made 1)
so why not a uranium bullet?
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to build a nuke you need a fuckload of explosives as primer. Then you need a fuckload of plutonium, not just uranium.
You have to design the bomb in such a way so that the primer explodes at the same time "crushing" the fissile material into itself.
Good luck with that. I suppose an experienced hadji could do it, but it would take a long ass time and probably wouldn't work the first time.
>burger shartucation
building a reactor is much easier than building a bomb, you need to enrich material and then build a detonator to set off the chain reaction.
its much harder than you could think, only a few COUNTRIES have managed to build one
retarded burger..
you need warehouses full of centrifuges to refine unstable uranium atoms. Each centrifuge costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and cost hundreds of thousands more to run them on electricity for weeks. And where the fuck are you going to get your hands on thousands of pounds of unrefined uranium?
If you had all the materials then building the bomb itself wouldn't be that hard (assuming you were at least on the level of a small terror cell that had access to machine tools and moderately trained individuals). It's getting the materials that's the bottleneck.
Making a runaway supercritical mass is difficult. Not as difficult as rocketry, but it's an involved process to get the right isotopes.
Making crystal meth isn't difficult, but the supply dropped off like crazy after pseudoephedrine got locked down. It's a similar situation with nuclear weapons. In both cases there's a key ingredient that when made unavailable also makes your chances of production mostly unavailable.
How come nobody has stolen radioactive material and used it in some way to kill people yet? I remember an incident in Brazil twenty years ago where some retards looted an abandoned hospital and killed some people unintentionally with caesium chloride because it was in a shiny capsule.
Wouldn't it be much more frightening if ISIS retards somehow killed dozens of people over a few days without people knowing where they got the radioactivity from? They could even kill up thousands of people much more efficiently without having to use fire weapons or other stuff.
They're not building nuclear reactors with uranium or plutonium dur.
>so why not a uranium bullet?
i just cant, are you for fucking real kid?
I think bombs can be made out of the radioactive sludge around nuclear factories
hello FBI
Your thinking of a dirty bomb, the issue with highly radioactive material is that it's very hard to hide and get.
you are the most retarded person i have ever come across online. i legitimately think i just had a aneurysm
OP doesn't seem that smart, but you're just outing yourself as worse. gun/bullet type nuclear bombs are the simplest design and were the first to be widely used.
t. jill stein
they are real, they called dirty bombs
hows it feel to be wrong
Perhaps you're right, but then again people in a shithole called Brazil justhad to loot an abandoned hospital to get radioactive material. I'm not saying it would be easy to get it, but it doesn't seem very difficult to at least spread radioactivity on a local level.
Dirty bomb aren't nuke. They are just bombs that disperse nuclear waste upon explosion.
dirty bombs are possible likesaid
they're not atomic bombs, just crude devices that spread radiation
You can buy that shit in Bulgaria on the black market
>but it doesn't seem very difficult to at least spread radioactivity on a local level.
Yeah, it wouldn't be. But for the effort required to get enough nuclear material to make a worthwhile dirty bomb it'd likely be more effective terrorism to just get a bigger/more bombs.
do you honestly think this retard didn't mean a bullet made of uranium?
dirty bombs aren't made out of radioactive material found around a generator you fucking clod.
>do you honestly think this retard didn't mean a bullet made of uranium?
I think OP is a troll, but no, what would that even mean in the context?
I think you're just trying to cover the fact that you didn't know that a "uranium bullet" was a reasonable suggestion when talking about homemade nukes.
you could logically do it, its like the poison laced bullets in ww1 and ww2 what you would need to do it is make the bullet from scratch, include lead and uranium powder laced with the lead and your pretty much good. Maybe im not sure i just thought of it.
Actually I was referring to the firing pin mechanism used for the fission bombs
I know a thing or two about nuclear bombs buckaroo
Besides all detonating and manufactoring problems already discussed here, Nukes have minimal critical masses to be reach otherwise they simply wont explode.
You can make a miniature "nuclear reactor" with a couple medium quality uranium pebbles.
You however need several kilos of the stuff to make a bomb, otherwise your "bomb" will just stay where you dropped it liberating heat and irradiating anyone unlucky to be next to it.
You're probably right on that one.
For those interested what happened in Brazil is called the Goiania accident. The capsule contained 93 grams of caesium chloride and killed four people. I'm pretty sure it could have killed dozens of people if used for that purpose.
because you need dozens of facilities like this just to produce part of the fuel
>considering 13 year olds are building nuclear reactors now
13 year old white kids are smarter than adult muslims is why
Silly leaf, you only need a barrel or two of radioactive materials to make a dirty bomb.
what about this
since energy can be turned into matter, why cant a nuclear explosion be reversed? why cant all th fallout material be recycled into another active bomba
Someone did it for a class project, he got an A, but the FBI took it for reasons.
I read in the news a black whizz kid built his own computer, let's hope he stays one of the good guys
>you only need a barrel or two of radioactive materials
Because that's so easy to comeby.
>where you going to get uranium
Same place they mine it. Underground.
>Radioactive boy lives!
>google the radioactive boy scout
>September 27, 2016 (aged 39)
Well thats a bummer
This seems to be fairly common desu
They have. 2017.
Satellites can track unshilded nuclear material don't be a faggot op
Radiaction isnt as immediatelly lethal as you think. You either have too little or too much, no middle term. Unless you got massive amounts of highy radioactive material, you wont do anything else besides increase someones chance to have cancer into the future. The people on brazil that died with the glowing capsule had literaly EATEN the shiny powder, and one of the even survived. Neighbors might have cancer in the furutre. Large amounts is extremelly hard to get.
Lets say you are an terrorist in the USA.
You need to either get to have access to a nuclear plant or a hospital radioactive machine, which might take years and is a stupid plan.
Or you can raid it, and fight the police force.
After that, you got a single capsule of a high quality radioactive powder. You cant go into any airport without triggering 200 different alarms and the police might be after you. Also you also already certain to die.
Then you can go on a party and throw it into people. To actually die they need to be exposed by a large amount for at least a whole night. Congrats, you killed like 5 people and made other 90 have cancer in 10-20 years.
Or you can buy a gun / make a bomb. Which one is easier?
Which isotope? That's the stumper raw uranium isn't fissilble
I hope you guys are really on this shit. it's not exactly difficult to put together a dirty bomb and retards are letting explosion and violence prone muzzies all over the place so they can feel morally superior. idk if they're just too stupid to do it, or if it's an issue that actually has people really on top of it, but this is what I feel is going to be their next big move.
no bomb is big enough to be worth it (exept an H bomb)
to avoid investigation, the police stations should be vaporized in the blast zone
What? Are you seriously this dumb? You don't turn matter into energy you release energy with fission. The reverse of it should be fusion with is much more harder to do.
Extreme pressure and extreme heat. Think stars extreme
Technically i believe you can. Enriched uranium breaks down into other elements (usually also radioactive) and energy. If you take this energy and those elements and press them back with a lot of strength, they WILL return to uranium. It is a process called fusion.
HOWEVER. To fuse 2 atorms of hydrogen, the easiest one to fuse, into one of helium, you need the temperature and pressure of a smaller nuke. It is called a hidrogen fusion bomb, or H bomb.
To fuse shit like copper, iron, etc back into uranium, you need a the energy of a fucking supernova. Really. All heavy metals in our world were forged in the inners of ancient stars long gone.
I found this government documents given to the people who built the nukes
Im having trouble understanding some of it
> Doesn't realize how well cop shops talk
> Even bank robberies draw attention of whole states in a few minutes time
> Implying nukes wouldn't be met with nukes
>All heavy metals in our world were forged in the inners of ancient stars long gone.
all that we know is made of star stuff.
>And where the fuck are you going to get your hands on thousands of pounds of unrefined uranium?
Uhh... From the fucking ground.
>tfw no nukez
t. Achmed
Ive got another idea:
The solar bomb
A nuclear bomb powered by the suns rays
wew lad
It can't be that hard. Get some nuclear shit chuck it in a steel case get some o' the ole tnt and stick it around it and away she goes mate.
but seriously, what is going on in this video?
I'm gonna jew my microwave so I can turn it on with the door open and take out my everyone on my block if someone doesn't give me a (You) right now
>dirty bomb.
A dirty bomb is not the same as a nuke, dumb Bong. It's just a bomb with some radioactive material
Read the description.
Or are you one of those Burgers who needs the Simple English version?
>or just make a bomb with a toilet roll and a stick of dynamite...
getting uranium took 13% of the USA's total electricity production back in the day. Pakis stole the blueprints, kikes bought them from the black market, chinks sucked Russian dick for them. It's not easy.
What is hentai?
Whats the point of building a reactor if you dont have any high atom splitting substances to extract energy from?
They enrich uranium only at two facilities in the USA besides maybe a university. You get the ore mainly around the continent divide. You can claim 20 acre plots and if there's gold there is usually uranium. When I was 18 I found one of those enriching locations by pure chance. I was hi for 4 days driving around that state. My cousin wants to build one at his house lol. I'm told him he is crazy but he already knows. The Russians use old heavy water designs on most of their reactors. Those things are child's play!
Kek. Theyre just blowing up Plutonium to see what happens.
You think with all the money we're sending to ISIS that they'd have their own nuclear research division.
Throw gas on uranium and it's kapooey is what the sand niggers believe... They just can't find uranium cause they to busy fucking Obama and goat pussy ;)
>Those things are child's play!
This kid made a little reactor and all he achieved was rendering his parents' marriage non existent.
It actually takes several physicists and doctors that specialize in chemical, biological, energy, and nuclear engineering to get the proper "components" in the correct configuration in order to even begin talking about how it would work theoretically. Then you have to have trials, access to detonation devices, and finally, a finely tuned enrichment methodology.
If a group of people fitting the description above actually formed a "big boys club" to sit around on weekends to have armchair discussions over drinks on how that all might actually come together, then the government would already know who they are, and have at least one "mole" in the group role-playing as a fellow engineer.
Honestly, there's not many that know jack about shit about any of that; and I think we all want to keep it that way. There's a point in time when you reach a level of doctorate THEN research in your relevant field of study that the government comes to your graduation ceremony, offers you a job that you'd "be an idiot to refuse" just to keep you as an untapped resource prior to you playing one of 10 or so parts in that whole ordeal.
And yes, these people are often restricted from being all in the same room all at the same time unless there is an imperative otherwise.
Pic somewhat related. Your government knows more than you think, and have already planned every scenario out perfectly. That "look" that new presidents get when they first get ready to take office? Yeah; it's the sudden realization that the world is a much more scary place than they could ever imagine.
Not because of the possibilities of evil doers that exist, but that there is a group of people that know that, and have countermeasures already in place.
If a group of kids showed even the slightest inclination to be able to contribute to such an effort, they probably wouldn't be heard from again.
kek building a farnsworth fusor to sustain externally powered fusion isn't really difficult as there are guides online
Any two-bit loser with enough money to buy equipment and time to read instructions can do it nowadays, hence the plethora of increasingly-younger children that have built them. They are not useful for any power-producing role, but are useful for generating neutrons
>There's a point in time when you reach a level of doctorate THEN research in your relevant field of study that the government comes to your graduation ceremony, offers you a job that you'd "be an idiot to refuse" just to keep you as an untapped resource prior to you playing one of 10 or so parts in that whole ordeal.
This is what happened to Oppenheimer's students. They'd know enough to be dangerous and then get drafted into the military and stationed in Alaska.
This. 239pu doesn't occur in usable quantities in nature. It has to be made in an existing nuclear reactor. Only some types of reactors are suitable for this production, and over the decades the international community has basically pushed these types out of existence. You're not getting pu239 without either a) stealing it from an existing stockpile, b) building a nuclear reactor and operating it for several years without anyone noticing.
what if I discover a new way to create an energy, more powerful than anything ever created, but out of things no one would notice
a power stronger than a supernova
>13 year old kids are making nuclear reactors on youtube
Source? I've always wanted to try it, maybe discover a new battery for my iPhone.
Apparently piling together a bunch of material for a fission pile is the same as building a fast-breeder reactor these days.
I don't think anyone on youtube has even made a fission pile
I think OP is taking about farnsworth fusors
Idiot the emergency broadcast signal is a special frequency capable of shutting down the atoms
Scalar Energy aka Zero Point Energy is such a power. [Unproven]
With Scalar, you could flick a switch and convert the earth into pure energy.
A Japanese death cult in Australia already did it
Good lord.
not a nuke, it just one big bang
You have to read other sources, our government strictly denies any evidence of a nuclear blast to this day, but the rumours are it is true.
The japs made a homemade bomb in in the outback and detonated it.
but hwere are the japanese people now, are they under arrest?
Most homemade nuclear reactors are fusion reactors (hydrogen -> helium) that require more energy than they produce.
A lot of scientists have said for awhile, fusion reactors wouldn't have proliferation issues as fission reactors do.
These 13 year olds aren't getting uranium to make their reactors at all. That is under tight control.
cia had to put him down. he knew too much.
Watch it my friend
fission reactor is the one with the tanks and control rods and water cooling right? and fusion is the big metal ball device?