explain this
Explain this
Israel is America's best friend and we love them.
What's so hard to understand?
Israel is America's best friend and we love them.
What's so hard to understand?
No refunds drumpfags
Have fun with 8 years of ZOG neocons
This, ISRAEL #1! (outside of muh 'Merica)
>Vote in Democucks and get flooded with spics
>Vote in Republicucks (and yes, that includes Trump) you get kike dick sucking
I love Norway and I love Israel!!!
The real funny is that spics hate Jews with the heat of a thousand suns
Timeline A- Trump opposes the most influential group of people in the world and gets jack shit done for the next 4 years or ends up dead.
Timeline B- Trump befriends Israel and they get a shit tonne done ***SPOILER YOU ARE IN THIS TIMELINE***
Do you think Israeli Jewish people and Hollywood Jewish people adore each other?
fuck Americans are stupid. Cant see five fucking feet in from of your face
Russia didn't hack the election, Obama is trying to start a war so he can declare emergency powers on the 20th and stay president, it likely won't work for Obama but we'll see
wtf I love Israel now
This is the fucking dumbest thing I've read all week.
And moslems!
whether we like jews or not, israel is our greatest ally in the middle east and absolutely necessary.
>they get a shit tonne done
Literally the only thing Trump has done so far is appoint a bunch of jews and millionaires. I voted for a nationalist, not just another neocon stooge.
he was a jew subversor all along, just like mike cernovich and molyneux and lauren southren
I love this timeline. We get gefilte fish and liberals and muslims BTFO.
Fuck drumph and fuck liberals. Fuck America. Fuck it all. Edgelord.
I hear Israel's full of Jews.
Pretty spooky.
Trump's support of Israel was always part of his campaign.
whats to explain
they got exactly what they voted for
israel is a STRATEGIC partner as we should treat them as such, but keep an eye out because theyre jews
>greatest ally
You're laying it on a bit too thick but mostly you're right. Israel is definitely necessary and useful for the white nationalist movement, and also a good chess piece for right-wing politicians to move around. Sup Forumsacks who don't see this are kinda dumb honestly. What do you expect Trump and Geert and all these other people to do? Say, "less gibs for Israel" or even a lukewarm response would lead to allegations of antisemitism among other issues.
Honestly, Sup Forums was always fine with Israel, we knew this when we elected trump