Brit/pol/ - AMayzballs Edition

>Paki nonces are still running amok

>Sharia May accused of Blairite interference; "The state is being cobbled together to fix permanent Tory power"

>'There's no war in France!' Milkman mocked for urging Britain to accept Paris migrants

>Corbyn to Theresa: "You're not Henry VIII"

>Senior Civil Servant: The Tories lack the courage to acknowledge the scale of leaving the EU

>Why is Labour so worried about a crackdown on voter fraud?

>Lib Dems: £450m Brexit savings claim is a fantasy figure

>Labour's New Year Vow - a UKIP fightback

>Israel accuses Britain of leading UN resolution that told them to stop bulldozing Palestinian children

>Number of 5-11 year olds suspended from school for racism up 33%

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So Theresa May is the conservative John Kerry? that's what I got from yous guys last thread

What are you doing?

It's past 3 and you're still up? Go to bed.


B A S E D Mummy May is like a more nat soc Trump.

I've got nothing to get up for.

Wat? Why?
We're sucking up to Trump before he gets in.

I'm going to be drinking til saturday morning at least desu

> Based

More like the Saudi's and China's cum sock


Stop falling for anons trolling you for being a gullible Yank and read something that's actually sourced

She's Angela Merkel

Last thread's descriptors had a good deal o flip flopping, which Kerry made a name for himself doing in '04


nice pic OP

have a bump

>She's Angela Merkel

she wishes. she's a shit minor functionary with no clue who blundered into a position of power. In five years we won't even remember she existed

>tfw Muslim population is rising at a rapid rate and no one is doing anything

Who else here ready for

1 0 0 0 Y E A R T O R Y R E I C H?

>Tfw just bit my tongue while eating some Haribo
Won't get over this for hours for fuck's sake.


The absolute fucking state of Brit/pol/

>mfw for the past few days I've been going to sleep at 5am and waking up at 3pm

brit/pol/ back in July was fucking cancer



how hard did you bite it you mad cunt

What did they mean by this??

Is the queen dead lads

>what did you mean by this

I hope not, waste of a perfectly good holiday.

The fuck is wrong with these cretins

let's consult kek

I was one of the very chewy ones. I couldn't help it.

She is alive


>tfw this song is absolutely scratching my itch



Post more ancap mays



mm thiccy baby would love to bury my face in her thighs

bows and arrows against the autistic lightning

Why am I so angry at this picture?

Now imagine what will happen to the rest of Sup Forums in six months when they see that Donald Trump is not actually a conservative, but an unprincipled attention-seeker whose policies will be dictated by whichever Wormtongues can whisper most sweetly in his ear.

But then it's easy to underestimate the stupidity of Americans.

Can gookmoot just get rid of yktd already


What about this one, famalamadingdong

have a USA one instead

knock yourself out

>thighs like two fully grown yorkshire pigs
>no tits


I know lel


is anyone on brit/pol/ really worried about getting van'd for being right wing? I mean really, do you honestly think you're going to get gulag'd for moaning about dirty pakis on an imageboard? Nobody gives a fuck, there's a thousand people more extreme than you posting on dodgy websites every day. It's all starting to smell like 'boo hoo I'm a victim' to me when nothing has ever happened to you, grow a fucking spine

It's truly insane. Absolutely no one stands to gain from this. Do the leftists truly believe that muslims will spontaneously support feminism, gay rights, religious freedoms - all the things that liberals supposedly believe in?
Western civilization is actually committing suicide without any pretense whatsoever. Even the extremely degenerate late Roman empire made a half-assed attempt at driving the hordes out: no such gesture is found in the modern west.

People have been v& for being big meanie heads on Twitter, but I doubt it'll happen here.

>an unprincipled attention-seeker whose policies will be dictated by whichever Wormtongues can whisper most sweetly in his ear

At least he was smart enough to load up with anti-establishment advisors like Flynn.

>First Family is black
>(((British))) schoolchildren aren't Britons
>Pakis waving American flags but they've never/will never wave a British flag

What did I miss?

We already won Shillary is irrelevant now.

"omg I have Corbin fever!"

Russell Howard stand up central..

One of the main promises and what everyone was chanting at rallies is now irrelevant?

well even taking the worst of the worst examples of people who were dumb enough to go full 14/88 on twitter under their real names, it's wrong that they got convicted at all but nothing actually happened to them really. When you think under a real police state people get disappeared for speaking out of turn, it's fucking pathetic to see people going 'ooh I'd criticize Islam but they'll come and get me! I'm so redpilled!'. Things aren't even close to being serious yet but people think they're brave for spouting basic shit. I dunno. Just have some perspective please

I guess you have to be reported for the cops to do anything, and normies don't come here

>I kind of lied to you guys, it was a good slogan to use to get your votes but now that we've won let's drop it ok?

What a load of old bollocks, if Hillary had won and done something like that so brazenly you would have been calling for her impeachment

You forgetting the redditor who got fined for calling a local paki a monkey?

The fucking state of this country lads.

Been thinking about trying to set up a new party, but only really consider it when I'm drunk.

Do it lad, I'll join you

what's your manifesto

I'm losing an argument in another thread lads. What should I do?

Link i wanna sees

I never cared much about Hillary getting locked up or even the wall in the first place.

Point stands that making America great again is top on the list and fact is spending a lot of time and capital on jailing one corrupt hasbeen wouldn't help.

Defend this, fuckers.

I'd rather nuke it

close the thread and retreat for a few hours

hate it when that happens

Call them racist, mate.

>Saville Town

No wonder, it's full of nonces.

No, I don't want you to see me lose my dignity.

>what is a concentration camp?

I'll bite. If he's renigging on his promises, what do we have left to make America great again? Mitch McConnell is trying to stop Trump from even draining the swamp. So, what the fuck is he going to do to make America great again? I don't get my fucking wall, I don't get to repeal obamacare? WHAT DO I GET?

ill help ya lad

Come on, show us! We'll back you up, senpai.

Europe is going to look like Israel/Palestine in a few years. Going to laugh after how much they cried about Gaza when you're dealing with your own Muslim insurgency using human shields.

My money in Chinese and East Asian stocks will have grown as large as my erection.

like I said, I know it's wrong that the law catches the odd retard, they should mind their own business. I'm just saying I'm tired of wankers spouting off and acting like they're some kind of underground resistance when you could find the same shit in the Mail comments section. Just be honest and trust that enough people are doing the same that they can't get us all, you don't have to LARP as some edgy revolutionary.

The orientals have their own problems with a by-the-book demographic collapse. In general the world will be darker in the near future.

You can lose your job for saying Sup Forums tier stuff openly

All right. Here's what I got:
-Complete Brexit/ensure sovereignty of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.
-Remove funding for foreign aid and use the money to improve the UK ( avoids other nations becoming reliant on us for survival).
-Gut immigration, only high HDI countries to be allowed more than 1,000 immigrants per year (official policy is to reduce the brain drain from poorer nations).
-Extend ancestry visas to great grandparents, but must be native British on both sides.
-Codify the right to bear arms, free speech and the Monarchy as integral parts of a British Constitution. The Monarch will become both a protector of the Constitution and a true head of state with vital roles in the government and army.
-The Constitution would protect the Britons, State religion and restrain the growing power of Parliament and the powers of all offices.
-Removal of all current firearm restrictions within the United Kingdom and reinstate them as follows: Must have been a British citizen for at least ten years/be ethnically British, must not have been charged with a serious crime (such as murder, attempted murder and rape), no history of violence in the last five years and not have a serious mental illness.
-Begin Commonwealth outreach program by giving current British nationals the opportunity to return to their ancestral homelands and agree to give aid to high HDI Commonwealth countries.
-Should an immigrant (or those who are descended from non native Britons for at least five generations) commit a serious offence, they will be sent back to their country of ancestral origin.
-Schools must promote British values, traditions and beliefs. If they do not all funding will be pulled immediately and those who instill foreign beliefs be blacklisted from teaching for at least five years.

Hi MI5, I wonder how you can sleep at night jailing people for using the wrong words, scum of the Earth.

Only nips. Chinks are doing just fine

>Allowing people to carry spoons
Get a life

And I hope you'd also tell green energy to fuck off

-The reinstatement of the death penalty. Serious criminals, if not deported, are to be executed by firing squad, hanging or lethal injection. Less serious offences are to be served in labour camps to make use of society's worst. Punishments for minor crimes will remain unchanged.
-Cut taxes and implement protectionist policies to protect British industries, Commonwealth countries will receive a lower tariff and occasional exemption from tariffs for certain markets.
-Restore the powers of both the House of Lords and the Monarch, meaning both Houses must attempt to cooperate. Should neither house agree/compromise, the Monarch will decide whether a bill will become law. The Monarch may reject a bill if they believe it is not in the interests of the native people, and call a referendum on whether to pass it.

Still undecided on the name, probably the "British Royalists" or something like that.

It's probably best if I just kill myself tbqh with you. If I need help from two strangers just to save face in an argument on the Internet, there's no saving me at that point.

SE Asia will follow the path of Japan and Korea and, aside from Indonesia, will be free of the Islam that will crush Europe.

Asians will be the new whites. Europe will be the new Middle East. The USA will be the new Brazil. Africa will be the new Asia.

desu i was just gonna observe but its ok matey

absolutely, but only because everyone else pussies out and accepts it. If all the people around you just stood firm without indulging this victim rubbish then what could they do? Sack everyone and go out of business? I just fucking hate watching people play the victim when it could be so easy

They aren't actually:

Annex The north sea scandanvias shitty military coulden't compete and lods of oilz

This isn't happening. Even AfD rates higher in Goymany than UKIP does in the UK. And they're more extreme in their anti-immigrant/Islam stance.

One can dream, lad.

>dissenter identified
>kill-sat in geo-stationary orbit
>firing in 3....2....

Hey check on your queen I hear she's kicked the bucket

Decent manifesto. Personally I'd join Ukip and try to get it headed in the right direction, rather than forming an entirely a new party

Empty dream. You've got a perma-cuckservative majority. Labor is suiciding by Corbyn, UKIP is only eating up ex-labor because Tories are lower scum than the GOP.

BBC misreported that

If they ever open up their borders its fucking over.

Foreigners (particularly whites) run through the female population over there with so much ease.

Never have I been around so many passive people as I was in Japan. There's no way they will ever compete with foreigners when it comes to women if they truly embrace immigration (even in a money obsessed society).