Please, Allah. nuke Orlando FL

University of Central Florida's finest, everyone! Ever wonder what the most hated, liberal, cucked, mudslidemed nig nog and nu-male county is in the beautiful sunshine state of Florida? Orlando!!!!! Yes!! Religion of piece always being flashed around up there! I heard is too pig-pussy to take the 18-Wheeler of Shariah peace on I-4 and show them tolerance

I personally live in west palm beach, but I know this die-hard Clinton supporter and Islamic Apologist who does. He's always touting a holier-than-thou "ism" leftist ideology. I didn't care to crop his username out in case anyone felt a little righteous tonight and did some Deus Veulting shit posting

Salute to all of my fellow Sunshine Sup Forumstards

Other urls found in this thread:

>Michael Muhammad Knight bro ya fuck ya

Muzzle leftist faggot working for vice "mussies for satan"

"Violence Against Muslims and People of Colour Is Terrorism Too"

>Killing the Ones You Love for the Love of God

>Slave rape, marital rape, and plural marriage might be unpleasant to consider as part of Islamic sexuality, but they are deeply embedded in our established sources. But I do not believe that Islamic tradition is frozen in stone.

>The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: Fuck white people. I'm not talking about "white" as a biological category. I’m using the term more in the sense of what it means to have privilege in an unjust society.

I live in Jacksonville and think that Orlando should be nuked.

Fuck Orlando.

Amen, only getting slimier as we speak. lets rename it, "New Sweden" for its shame in recent society

Islamophobes, Go to Sleep

Soon, Ill make my ancestors proud and secure my race

We have mudslimes here in Jacksonville, too. I see them all the time when I go grocery shopping -- I think like 20-something years ago we took a few thousand in as refugees.

They need to go back. I hate it.


isnt your football team owned by a Muslim too?

What??? wow, on a scale 1/10 how intense is it up there? you always got a solid pol conctact down in the palms wit me, friend. Little to no muslims at all unless they've got underwater hijab, scuba edition. Now, das Zionist Jewden is more common here + Raton (more there) All of the kikes are vitriolic rats 40 year past their expiration date still collecting holohoax reparation checks.

>tfw seeing young proud white nationalist employed in their safe haven

Dude we are overun in jacksonville 2, it all needs nuking

> In other words, this unapologetic hallucinogen-chugging, pro-queer, pro-heterodoxy Muslim feels closer to conservative Muslims than ever, and owes a small part of that to you hateful trolls.

We might as well be driving the trucks ourselves, it's all our fault.

>isnt your football team owned by a Muslim too?

I regret to inform you all, hanz is fucking right.

>Shahid Khan (Urdu: شاہد خان; born July 18, 1950),[2][4] also known as Shad Khan, is a Pakistani-American billionaire and business tycoon. He is the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League (NFL), the English Football League Championship team Fulham F.C., and automobile parts manufacturer Flex-N-Gate in Urbana, Illinois.

Yeah fuck Orlando and fuck UCF

quick fun fact, also owns 60% of the Saint Louis Rams, too.

hows USF treating you? heard its a clean campus, structure and people wise

>We might as well be driving the trucks ourselves, it's all our fault.

another decade and the guilt complex will have cemented into most whites. It reminds me of a certain cunt spewing the same radioactivity