Why is the British Police Force so garbage?

Look at this, they are literally running away from the suspect. How cucked are they?

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>says Sweden
Nigger your police would run up and try and suck their cock.

Sweet Jesus, that is just sad

>Sweden yes!!!

This thread is now a swede police thread.

I always wondered, do British police have guns? I know some of them at least do, are they specialists of some kind or is it a process who gets to have a gun and who doesn't

Do they have SWAT teams and such for hostage situations?

What happens when a guy is pulled over and the rozzers know he is a dangerous felon, has a warrant out for his arrest and likely armed and dangerous? Do they arrest him immediately or talk it out first?

I'm going to ask a legitimate question

Why do Swedes make threads making fun of other countries when we all know what's going on over there

Is the cuck crisis in Sweden exaggerated? What is your defense? Honestly, what the fuck can you say?

>british police aren't even allowed to carry firearms

> Sweden

It's most likely a mentally ill persons who obviously is armed.

Unlike your sharia ran country we don't kill people if we don't have to.

Faggot ass faggot


They didn't used to be. Look at this old archive footage of Bobbies bashing the heads of reds at a National Front meeting.


Starts at 0:57 but the whole clip is worth watching.


>UK literally has sharia courts not even fucking joking


>Swedish Police Officer

You're missing the point, the man with the knife probably lived, unlike america where he'd probably be horribly shot down.

Generally British bobbies try to de-escalate the situation, and are actually forced to do so, instead of the American way of just shooting them dead.

They're actually trained this way.

When Sweden legitimately can call you a cucked nation, you know you've fucked up.

What is google

Yes we have armed police but it goes by role,

There's pcso's which are community officers

Pc's which are the ones in the gif

Then armed response

They all do the same stuff its just different training.

Terrorist hostage takers get the sas and anti terror squads and normal hostage takers get armed response and pc's

Fucking anglos christ thats sad

What about DCS? Like DCS Foyle?

As for the dangerous felon question there's been times were they have shot people without saying anything cause they believed they have a gun. Generally a pc would track the criminal until armed response came

>car radio
What did they mean by this?

Fucking cherry picking, here's a video where they actually do their job and execute it perfectly.



I assume that would just be forensics and there just technician's and shit not really important

> let's bash the uk with fake news

Are you projecting mohammed

they used to be badasses with HUGE fucking clubs that could easily smash in skulls.
there was no need for firearms for them to fuck people up.

now they are cucks with pepperspray and tiny telescopic batons that are inferior to sticks.

I don't get it, what is the problem?

they are dancing with the knife wielding nigger instead of killing it.

But why should you kill someone with a knife?...you fucking degenerate

ask the nigger, you shitskin defending degenerate.

Red pills like there are not good for my blood pressure.

Nothing to do with race, you want live in a police state?

>cops armed with staplers come and take you to sharia court because you haven't payed for your BBC-electric jew tax lease
Oh fuck, are these teabiscuit munching niggers not aware of how absolutely cucked they are? Better not have any sharp spoons in your household.

I hope your queen gets RPG'd by some muzzo shit you fucking pansies :D how do you even call yourselves men anymore?

It says "man" but all I see is a dirty fucking nigger.

>shoots bullet into leg
Yes, it's always a GREAT idea trying to hit a small, quickly moving object like the leg instead of shooting the chest which is a far bigger target.
The cop got lucky. If he missed, chances are he could have hit a bystander with that bullet.

>niggers attacking people with knives not deserving death

keep baiting, lol.

also, the drunk man in the lower example is clearly white.
it's understandable that the cop would attempt to save his life.

>niggers attacking people with knives not deserving death
No, it's a sin

>horribly shot down
after which society no longer bears the burden and expense of supporting him

Lad our police are pretty shite for the most part 2bh

>protecting your life by not letting someone stab you to death = sin
