A Challenge to Atheists

I do not believe in your concept of 'nothing'.

If your concept of 'nothing' is true, prove the existence of 'nothing' to me.

Other urls found in this thread:


prove god exists

Prove nothing exists.

>I do not believe in your concept of 'nothing'.
(1) What do you believe?
(2) Prove it
Otherwise, you've got nothing.


checked. atheism is just another tool pushed by (((them))) to destroy the catholic church. if you are an atheist you are literally a brainwashed retard, and probably a liberal.

sure thing, as soon as you finish providing proof that your magical sky daddy exists.

Nope. If you show someone an orange, then tell them to close their eyes, then hide the orange, then tell them to open their eyes, even if they cant see the orange, it is still there.

You just tricked yourself into believing in 'nothing'

See my other response.

You have been duped by the most talented of illusions.

>atheism is
Non-belief in made-up gods. If you said anything else you're either ignorant or a liar.

>just another tool pushed by (((them)))
Since you fall for the lies of others so easily and gleefully, I'm guessing you're stone-fucking ignorant.

>to destroy the catholic church.
With the Vatican boys sex ring run by the Cardinals and the tens of thousands of pedophile priests ass-raping hundreds of thousands of children all over the world, I would think the Catholic Church is doing most of the heavy lifting in its self-destruction.

>if you are an atheist you are literally a brainwashed retard,
Atheists don't attend weekly brainwashing indoctrination sessions

>and probably a liberal.
I'd much rather be a liberal than a brain-dead belieber.

> catholic ""church""
Keep sucking the Pope's cock and thinking it's what proper christians do.

I can't understand you with that muslim foot in your mouth.

Creationist/theist logic at it's finest.

>you can't prove nothingness exists
>therefore atheism can't be true

ok, then prove god exists
>I don't have to. Bible says so.

Literal retards.

An Orange can only disappear if it existed first. There was proof of the Orange existing before it got hidden. There is no proof for afterlife or god and you can not compare people denying the existence of afterlife to people denying the existence of something that once existed.

There is no need to prove the existence of nothing. Why? Because nothing only exists because there is no proof of something else. "Nothing" does not say that your god or whatever is impossible, it only says that your god or afterlife doesn't exist until there is proof of it.


Athiest Logic:

You cant prove God exists,
Therefore god cant be true.

You are literally choosing to believe 'nothing', when you are already in Something.

We already have evidence for 'something', its called existence.

It is therefore up to you, as a bekiever in 'nothing' to prove that 'nothing' exists.

I'm an atheist and no I can't prove 'nothing' exists.
Now what?

You say 'once existed' he still exists because there is still something called existence.

It is up to you to prove existence doesn't exist.

Show me proof of 'nothing'.

>I'd much rather be a liberal than a brain-dead belieber.
Fuck off, cuck. You're missing the whole point of christianity.
t. Atheist

fedora faggots BTFO

What do you mean prove the concept of nothing?
If I have airless container, held in a vacuum state.
Would you agree there is nothing (no thing)

Then you are insane.

OP doesn't believe in the concept of the number 0.



How would you hold it in a vacume state without nothing?

You would need 'something'.

You are the 'something', containing the 'nothing' in your head.

You need to 'open your mind' and let 'something in'

0 is a circle.

Prove 'nothing' exists.

No, I mean in the container. Would you agree there is no thing in the airless container?

Hold your hands out flat, palms up. They cannot hold water like this.
Hold your fingers together, curve your hands, and press them together. Now you can hold water like a cup.
Where did this cup come from? Your hands have not changed, they are still hands. The answer is that the cup came from the "nothing" between your hands.

Find a mountain made of solid rock. You cannot stand inside of it.
Carve out that rock with tools to make a room (cave) within the mountain. Now you can stand in the mountain. It is "nothingness" that makes a room, and that is useful.

That is a circle.

Nope, show me this 'nothing' without a container.

Show me this 'nothing' you speak of?

That sounds like 'woo'

nothing can exist

something can exist

From these two, all reality can be quantified.
The universe is binary. Even when entangled, reality splits into one of two when observed.

Exactly, it only exists if you choose to BELIEVE in it.

If you don't then it does not.

>Theist Logic:
>I cant prove God exists
>I've got nothing.

Atheist Logic:
There's nothing to disprove since the theist never met his burden of proof (proved his gods exist in the first place).

This guy gets it.

>mfw falling for the bait.
Did you even read my post?
"Nothing" is not a state of mind. "Nothing" only means that there is no proof of something else. If there ever comes proof of something else then "nothing" ceases to exist, but until there comes proof of something else then "nothing" is what's going to exist.

that's physically impossible, senpai as energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
It just is. But if you want to look at nothingness from a relativistic, applicable, and scientific point of view, I can explain nothingness. One that fits into our rational universe. In an abstract sense, imagine energy can be destroyed, and the container just goes away, leaving the pure nothingness. This is magical thinking, in the same way as you think of a god.

We already have proof of 'sonething'. Existence. Therefore there is no rational way to believe in 'nothing'.

If everyone in existence believed in the idea of 'nothing'. The universe will disapear.

Existence is not proof of "something". Existence means that there is a chance for "something" existing but it is not proof.

How would the universe disapear?
You're saying that our belief in the universe allows it to exist?
So, if this is true, and belief is what allows things (parts of the universe) to exist. I can believe a turd into your mouth?

I have already told you how to see nothing.

If you shut your eyes and claim the whole world is blind, you will never find knowledge.

So are you saying that you don't exist?

Only if everyone else believed that too.

You are powerless as an individual, but as a collective, we are God.

Atheists don't even understand this question.

The "nothing" is found in their heads.

If i shut my eyes i would see my eyelids.

How can you find that which you already know?

I exist. You exist. we have proof that both of us exist. There is no proof that god exist. Therefor he doesn't exist.


So, to test your theory, you will set up impossible experimental constraints, rendering it untestable?

1+1=2 is right.
1+1=3 is wrong.
1+unicorn=fartfignootin is not even wrong.

Learn to use logic instead of pulling things out of your non-provable ideology.

I wouldn't assume choice is what we wish it to be.


Only either 'God' or 'nothing' can exist. Since 'God' is the absense of nothing.

If you can't prove that nothing exists, then God exists.

that makes sense because everything is God.

Prove Nothing exists.

Yet you choose to believe in Nothing, you wish for Nothing and you have it.

Choose God instead, you will feel whole.

You still need air to breath in your nothing room that is not nothing

>Did you ever Saw god?
>Do you have any VALUABLE proof
>No, therefore there IS nothing
>Next thread

No that is literally reverse. If you cant prove that god exist then nothing exists.

This.. the default is something , the burden of proof lies on the atheist

You just made a claim that everything is god.
Prove that.
I already gave my proof that nothing exists,
in a relative sense, within our universe.

Perfect nothingness can be easily conceptualized with zero, in the universe of mathematics.

If you are applying "god is everything" to our physical universe, you have to prove that with provable premises for any logical person to accept.


Pick one

OP, think back to before you were born. Nothing.

I believe there is both. both something and nothing. both are needed to get a grasp of the situation.

ive been replying to much to this shit. goodnight lads


Imagine you are dead and are nothing, now a big bang happens

Prove that I was nothing.

Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. I am made of both. Therefore i am eternal.

Show me God without the Universe.

Why do you want to take away the universe? We already have that by default.

Woooo. Soooo profound.

Have you ever been unconscious? That's what "nothing" feels like.

Definition of purgatory.

I think I won this debate.

Nope because i have seen someone who is unconscious, and they were still real.

Led you back to the comfort of chiding mockery didn't it?

I just gave you proof that god exists in a relative sense.

Now accept god into your mind.

'Kay, now I know you're baiting Ahmed.

But if God created the Universe He must have existed before it, therefore God is the default.

Nothing is a theory. It doesn't need proof, it worked mathematically.

What are you talking about?

Do you deny that when you see someone who is unconsious they dont exist? That it is just you imagining their unconsious body?

The universe is eternal, it did not need to be created, It just is.

If you say everything is god, it doesn't make it true.

God is a theory, it doesn't need proof. Only faith.

It can be shown mathematicaly with 1 divided by 0. You can CHOOSE the answer as either 1 or 0.

An orange divided into 0 parts is by default still a whole orange.

If you say nothing exists it doesnt make it true.

Nothing exists in math

We use 0 all the time. It's an abstract concept, but it works.

No one questions the existence of nothing.

Therefore the concept of 0, doe not actually exist, unless you choose to believe in it.

Nothing is a human concept which means "the absence of everything".

I hope this clarifies it for you.

I do. 0 is just a circle.

Show me this nothing please.

Oh i understand what the concept is.

I just don't believe it.

If you believe it, prove it.

There are zero apples in my apartment.

Also God is also a concept, but means 'the absense of nothing'.

Life is about choosing one or the other.

I choose god because I exist so have no proof of nothing.

You still have an appartment. Therefore something.

I defined to you what nothing means. as a concept, nothing objectively exists as a concept inside your head.

A similar question would be, "Prove that a circle exists!". but a true perfect circle is a concept, since nothing in the universe forms a perfect a circle.


God isn't a theory, God is an idea or a hypothesis. Theories have evidence that support their existence and make predictions about what we should (not) find if it is true. Theories can be disproved by the strength or failure of these predictions. You cannot disprove God because of its amorphous "qualities"

The definition of god is not "The absence of nothing". in fact, the absence of nothing is a meaningless term, because nothing is absence by itself.

What you really mean to say, is "the opposite of nothing", which in this case, the opposite of nothing is not god. the opposite of nothing is something.

I hope you realize how stupid you sound, btw

Therefore there are 0 apples in my apartment. The existence of 0 is proven.

Yes, but 0 apples exist in his apartment.

Nothing is objective. It only exists in math.

Nothing is not an object. You are using the word incorrectly.

Atheist" is not a title, and atheists do not believe in nothing; they simply do not believe in supernatural entities that theists refer to as gods. And they don't need a title. "Atheist" is a description that was automatically created as the natural opposite of the word "theist."

Existence is a perfect circe, it is an eternal pattern.

>I defined to you what nothing means. as a concept, nothing objectively exists as a concept inside your head.

I defined to you what god means. As a concept, everything objectively exhists as a concept inside your head.

This isn't what anyone in this thread wants to hear, but it's the truth (unless you're a Kantian).
Hume proved in an Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding that scientific induction is just as unprovable as religious belief.
The only reason to prefer a scientific worldview, by Hume's account, is that scientific induction seems to comport better with human understanding than miracles.

That's not true at all.

People "believe" in science because of it's ability to make predictions.