Should homosexuals be punished?
Should homosexuals be punished?
Killed, yes.
They already are. Why do you think they're gay?
Fat people should be punished.
Faggots should be punished. Gay men live their life with dignity and only slightly reference their sexuality now and then in a jokey way.
the real question is how should homosexuals be punished?
Everyone will be punished
just wall off the inner cities. drop all blacks and fags in there
24/7 pay per view shows escape from NY style and put all the funds in the public treasury.
i'd pay to see that shit
Mental Illnesses are not crimes.
No but we still lock up schizos that attack people.
Those calf muscles are huge
I just want them to shut the fuck up.
Will take all the gays, and all the dikes and pair them together in otherwise solitary prisons for x amount of time.
Nature should take its course by then
Line fags up and kill them 1 by 1. Trannys are ok though
>Trannys are ok though
>"people" with an even worse mental illness and even higher rates of degeneracy, promiscuity, and STDs are ok
Theres nothing gay with liking/fucking trannys you faggot
>fucking a guy in the ass
>not gay
Porn has turned white males into such sissies they worship cock now. No wonder non whites continuously fuck their women while they watch.
Considering how well the huge Sup Forumse penis thread just went I'd say no
>A man fucking another man pretending to be a woman
>Not gay
Stop this meme. It wasnt funny when it first started and it isnt funny now.
>No but we still lock up murderers
Yes, with forced heterosexual rape.
>tfw tranny with no sex life or diseases
>no diseases
>forgets about the brain disease that made you a tranny
> looking at photograph
What this picture suggests, is truly terrifying.
You know not to ever touch a penis right?
Well, it was mostly in reference to the mentioning of STDs. And as far as I'm aware, you can't be fucked into being a tranny. Unless you wanna cite the wachowskis.
I think those sick freaks would actually enjoy punishment.
So we need to just gas them all
Do you think that photos exist in some crackable server somewhere?
That one guy in the back.
"What the fuck is that faggot"
Sorry, I'm broken. I like dick. Though, only man I've ever really pined for is one of my best friends who ain't gay, so I'm happy to live alone for the rest of my life.
I mean that any man willing to touch you sexually will probably have HIV. And you'll get it instantly if you buttsex.
Don't apologize. You should seek the help of psychiatric medicine though. Not many people will tell you this because it doesn't signal the virtue that the majority subscribes to.
I don't really subscribe to hook-up culture. Nor do I live in a city, so my risk of exposure is pretty low to that, even if I did leave my house to do more than go for a run...
As far as medicine goes, I've tried a bunch, but I've either had bad side effects or I generally was just paying money to feel no different. What can you do, though? The only real treatment is to kill myself, shock myself to near death (no thanks), or just dress up like a girl, pop pills that I get for free basically, and pretend I'm okay with life.
>he uses chocolate bar wrappers and sheep's intestines as condoms
Can gays get zika? How many whites get it? Is Charlie Sheen a fag? Xq28 gene. Cleaner than hetero. Hetero started it all. Didn't end well without Christ whom was hetero's opposite am I right? Surrogacy. Sodomy is being a rapist asshole
I wonder who is behind this LGBT shit.....
I mean the practice of medicine, not necessarily physical drugs.
I've considered shock therapy to address my laziness (likely anxiety-induced) but I'd have to self administer. It's not as bad as you imagine it is. Try talking to a doctor of psychiatry who isn't PC-bound who won't tell you "nah this is natural, goy". See what he says.
Lold at the idea of fucking a girl with a Mr. Big on my dick.
Are you a bot?
>Hetero started it all.
because that's what we all are after birth...
Well, I have to admire the honesty. When you face your difficulties honestly and don't try to insist you're a woman I find myself very empathetic. Shit has got to be tough.
That's what pisses me off about liberals. No, Im not transphobic...but I sure as hell am anti-bullshit madeup shit.