This is going to be the biggest state funeral the world has ever seen.
she was a terrible monarch
We'll find out in the morning (Greenwich time).
I am actually emotional about it. She is living history. And she never made a mistake.
I don't even like the fucking queen but it will be a huge symbol of the past fading away just like Britannia herself is.
Also fuck fireworks.
She's not dead, it's fake news
Except for having a son who probably raped girls and/or boys on Jeffrey Epstein's island.
The age of god emperor trump
Kek kill the queen and end the monarchy
God save a woman who was born with everything and never gave anything back to the British people except photo shoots and made her kids do the occasional charity work.
Why is everyone in the UK obsessed with these people again? It's like the Kardashians except whiter
Do you think Elton John already has a weepy ass song written for this occasion?
>she never made a mistake.
>Let her shitty Island become overrun with shitskin invaders
>Allowed the Church she is the head of to become filled with atheists, faggots, and dykes
>Allowed the UK to lose it's economic sovereignty
>Never made a mistake
Kek has shown his will.
Fuck the monarchy
He'll choke on frogs and thus be slain by Kek before he can sing it.
I'll be disapointed if he didn't
If meme magic kills the queen consequences will never be the same
they are covering it up for now, the pound will crater and they want to be prepared for the riots. the have an hi-tech android queen who can pass for real in certain circumstances and they might trot her out to stall for a while
We mean it man god saves
> Be British
> Biggest celebrities are regal, respectable royals
> Be Amerigun
> Biggest celebrities are niggers, half niggers, sluts, etc
Stay mad faggot
So it gets 'leaked' by a known troll account, there's literally no indication she's passed away despite having a bit of a cold a few days ago, and the gov. have no reason for keeping the info under wraps.
The pound will tank anyway, why delay it? If you're so sure, short sell £££ and reap sick gains.
People won't riot, they'll be fucking thrilled they get the day off.
This is nothing but conspiracy nut wankery. I'm out.
There were talks of a D-notice /before/ the troll tweet.
Someone came here to say it too.
Smells like disinfo and sliding, if she was really dead there has to be a million protocols ready to be activated, you could never hide it.
The Brits right on this, though we're not any better most of the time
Can this stupid dusty cunt please be dead?
No i'm not
Nothing will top Titos funeral
1953. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: 'The Crowning Ceremony'
Acting like she did that. She had no control over any of that dumbass. I'm sure she felt sick inside being forced to see her country having to suck dick to Europe and muslims. Monarchs are automatically hige traditionalists and conservatives you know?
Well, except for the cuck who is king of Sweden but he doesnt count.
You are fucking retarded
This please.
i wanna cum on da queens face
She's literally not dying until Prince Chucky has bit the dust.
>t. doesn't understand how the government works
Which, going by your flag isn't a surprise.
I'm sure it will be good
it's gonna be a sad day OP, damn pro Republican movement gonna try again
The Queen’s Speech
Christmas Broadcast 2016
fake, clearly a double
I'll miss her. ;_;
>queen has any power in 2016
1 less reptilian shapeshifter in the world
Completely underrated.
We get bong shit and they make millions being unfunny on TV here because they have an accent and dress slightly different....