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Fuck off.
No. I'm staying here forever.
You know, you're bad for the working class citizen. If you are ever in power again, and the citizens see your crimes, history will repeat itself.
Those were Leninist. I support worker self management and workers council based control of the means of production. The state can fuck off when it comes to controlling the economy.
A horrible fate awaits communists who betray the people they pretend to serve.
(Picture from Hungarian revolution, 1956, the people against their communist dictators.)
You're not going to pull your "My version of Communism has never been tried" nonsense?
Its been tried. Look at Yugoslavia and anarchist Ukraine and Spain plus Rojava.
Leninism = State ownership of the means of production
Try telling that to actual Slavs. They look back at those days with disgust.
You're out of touch with people you think you serve.
(Not that you're in any way important.)
I have WORK to do now, so this is my last comment today. Believe me, I could go all day.
Some of them do. Tito is still remembered fondly by some Slavs.
>OP right now
>They look back at those days with disgust.
From what i collected here, many former Yugoslavians still cherish Tito regime.
USSR was socialist just not a good type of socialism. It didn't work so I have a more plausible one. How is not being dogmatic bad?
>inb4 le spongebob gif
They never seized the means of production in Venezuela.
is this another one of our ironic counterculture attempts
Seems like dying is the one and only thing communists are good at doing.
And liberating people from dictatorships and USA imperialism. Like in Cuba.
No it's /leftypol/. They couldn't contain their autism in their containment website so now they're shilling here.
You mean liberating yourself from food and starving to death by the tens of millions? Seizing the means of production means the farmers are just going to kill their livestock.
it was a raid by plebbit some week ago, the cancer never went away completely, probably leftypol jumped on the shill boat and continued making these threads.
Then isn't it the farmers fault for killing there own live stock.
"Revolutionaries" were raiding farms. So the farmers killed off their livestock as their possessions were going to be stolen and redistributed by men who know nothing of agriculture. This and idiotic ideas like communist agriculture, killing off birds that ate locust, and bringing desertification by destroying all your trees led to deaths in the tens of millions.
Meanwhile in capitalist countries our poorest die from obesity related deaths. As in our poor eat too much food.
user do you realize in the 50's you would be tried for treason over this shit?
I personally think this is still treasonous, if you are so fond of communism get the fuck off American soil and go live in a communist nation.
You should be shot in your forehead with a 10 gauge slug, to be quite honest with you fagalag.
I don't see why you would want to confiscate the farm if they don't hire anyone. In that case its not exploitation.
>Meanwhile in capitalist countries our poorest die from obesity related deaths.
Poorest in Africa are dying of obesity?
>inb4 muh perfect form of capitalism is not being used in Africa!!!!!!
>10 gauge slug
I could go live in china. Or Cuba. There both pretty nice. Also:
>I believe in freedom of speech but only when it doesn't hurt my feelings!
Yes because when a socialist country is poor its always socialism that's to blame. When a capitalist country is poor there has to be another explanation.
If you think the promotion and adoption of communism is merely free speech you are one ignorant motherfucker, and I would pull the trigger myself.
Its not but you have no way of knowing If I'm serious. Or just another troll.
>Poorest in Africa are dying of obesity?
Nope it's Aids related deaths followed by lower respiratory tract infections, diarrhoeal diseases, malaria, and then strokes.
Bump. Capitalists are cucks.
fact gomrade.
Nice argument my friend.
>hurr durr state capitalsim
Your argument?
>inb4 name successful socialist/Marxist state.
Protip you can't because in theory it seems nice but practice is a disaster.
If you faggots like Socialism so much, why are living in Capitalist America and not Socialist Venezuela. And don't give me that not real socialism argument either because we both know you're full of shit.
Ukraine (anarchist)
Cuba (doing fine compared to other Latin american islands)
Its not socialism because there are private company's. Give me an argument.
Thomas Sankara Burkina Faso
If you like Capitalism so much why are you living in nanny state America and not free market Somalia? And don't give me that not real capitalism/free market argument either because we both know you're full of shit.
>it's not socialism because there are private companies
I literally just fucking asked you to give me an argument for it without saying not real socialism. It is fucking socialism you dumb fuck because there are always private companies regardless of whether the country is Capitalist or Communist. All you lefty faggots arguments consists of not real socialism because your retarded system never works.
I don't like Capitalism, but it's a hell of a lot better then Socialism. And the Holocaust never happened faggot.
>there are always private companies regardless of whether the country is Capitalist or Communist
I don't know what socialism is: The post
Socialism is literally the abolition of private businesses dumbfuck.
>I literally just fucking asked you to give me an argument for it without saying not real socialism. It is fucking socialism you dumb fuck because there are always private companies regardless of whether the country is Capitalist or Communist. All you lefty faggots arguments consists of not real socialism because your retarded system never works.
Now that you had your temper tantrum let's stick to the facts:
>Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production;
>there are always private companies
therefore it's capitalism.
Thanks comrade.
i'm not socialist
Far left "succes or suicide"
Betrayed by commies and than purged by Franko. Faillure!
Has commie leanings in the past, but currently, less of a faillure than Catalonia but a faillure is a faillure nonetheless.
>Ukraine (anarchist)
I don't think so, it uses trade to export Oil and gas to the EU, has rise in nazisme and communism at this time because of factors like George Soros. Faillure.
Failed and disbanded
Stuck for decades in the 50s because of US sections and one family controls all.
Current GOP is rising because the US is lifling sections.
Cuba might be the least deathly in this list 1700 killed but currently they have a lot of citizens living poorly and in despair. Not successful.
Would've been funny if you named the USSR they killed twice the amount of people the nazi's did.
China wasn't a wise option either.
>Has commie leanings in the past, but currently, less of a failure than Catalonia but a failure is a failure nonetheless.
Communism turned Albanian into an actual industrialized country and not a semi-feudal shit hole in under 5 years. The collapse was due to a USA backed cou so it didn't exactly fail by its own merit.
Commie fag
>Failed and disbanded
Many people in slavs still remember Tito fondly. He made a working communist country.
>worker self-management
Ah, such a great idea.
You do realize there's nothing stopping you from opening a business and running it democratically, or with a worker's council or whatever other bullshit you want, right? Have you considered the possibility that businesses run in this manner don't exist, not because of an evil worldwide capitalist conspiracy, but because this style of government is functionally impossible to sustain?
>Stuck for decades in the 50s because of US sections and one family controls all.
>Current GOP is rising because the US is lifling sections.
>Cuba might be the least deathly in this list 1700 killed but currently they have a lot of citizens living poorly and in despair. Not successful.
The Castro's got rid of a USA backed dictatorship. People are poor but at least they have education and healthcare unlike other latin american islands.
That restaurant failed due to inconvenient operating hours. The capitalism system discourages co-ops. Plus it worked in Yugoslavia and it worked in Catalonia.
Oh good thing Yugosalvia still exists then? No it doesn't exist.
Oh I see, 500.000 people killed by tito's regime, sounds like a huge "success"
>identity politics
>Communist symbolism
>There both pretty nice
Capitalist USA exterminated North American Natives
It worked at least economically. He killed a whole lot less people than other communist eastern block county's. It doesn't exist now because of a pro-western (USA funded) coup by Slavic nationalists.
Triggered shitskin ahoy
Yes because a natural disaster is totally socialism's fault
>A pic of a haitian favela after a hurricane went trough
Haiti is capitalist, so thank you for making my work easier
>The castro's got rid of a US backed dictatorship.
After Cuba switched to communism and accepted USSR nukes the US pretty much put a stop to the development of the whole of Cuba.
>People are poor, have education
Central planning of economy and resources gets you that.
Education is not nessercary a good thing look at the "gender" and other studies in the US and Europe, you had more knowledge before you started than when you left.
Learning craftsmanship provides way more value to a nation than a useless degree.
Cuba is ganna change to capitalism once the castro's lose all their power.