>the land of the free
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That's bullshit there is not even one censored media in the us. same here it's orange but there is no censorship
Jews, Jews, Jews.
>Nordic countries, Germany, Amsterdam
>freedom of press
Why are you complaining on /pol about lefty censorship then?
aren't they not allowed to write stories about immigration in scandanavia? this is based solely on europeans posting infowar tier articles and saying msm didn't write about it.
Also Japan wtf? There is no censorship there other than what their social customs make it unreasonable to publish
Clearly there were huge glaring issues with their data for that, mostly ideological. Germany doesn't not have a "good" freedom of the press when you can literally be arrested for reporting on crime accurately.
Bullcrap map, sage
"reporters without borders" , so globalists then. freedom of the press is extremely overrated.
Lol it doesn't work on iPhones that whore is still showing her pantsu
it's basing its "freedom" on how much conservative media there is. If its been completely abolished thats lots of freedom.
png troll me one more time and its serious sanctions time
research done by Swe "we don't have propaganda" den, yeah sure
wtf is freedom of press anyway? in most Europe countries you can write what you want
What methods did they use? This is meaningless without a explanation of how the values are determined
wait what ?
that's fokin bullshit
there was censoring back in the 70's but now we're pretty free to say whatever the fuck we want here
>unironically believing in liberalism
The press should only be free to speak truth. Lying is against reason and therefore not in line with human's rational nature. After this election, do you really want freedom of the press?
>now we're pretty free to say whatever the fuck we want here
that is the problem, you should be free to say only what (((they))) what you to say, this is why Sweden, Germany, and such countries are so high on the list
>"reporters without borders"
>Canada and Sweden top
Oh I'm laughing.
>non green countries
Nuke yourselves
watch it get darker under trump
Do they even have press in Eritrea?
Do you really not understand how your position wouldn't work? They already say the press is speaking the truth, and they call everything else fake news. In order to find out if the press is telling the truth, you need an institution to determine it, which will become full of government people, which will then become a propaganda machine, labeling useful information as truth and harmful information as falsehood.
>Germany and Sweden both green
>Sweden is literally so corrupt that you can be fired for disagreeing with the press narrative
>Germany is known to bribe reporters not to report stories
>It's even illegal to publish news that is more than even mildly conservative.
This isn't a map of "freedom of the press", this is a map of how conservative/liberal the media is.
>forgettable literally who countries
Nuke yourselves
Freedom of press is traditionally defined exactly like you said, the ability to write whatever you want. Usually it's in reference to communist countries which have the government control the press. You're right, most countries under the traditional sense have freedom of speech.
Nowadays it means something else, it's more tied with liberal viewpoints, i.e. conservative news websites like Breitbart is considered "fake news" run by a secret Russian government, so by some logic or the other it's a violation of freedom of press.
>Germany has better freedom of the press than Clapistan
>Except you can be jailed for your opinions like thinking the holocaust was a hoax or fabrication
Really makes you think.
>Sweden, aka a one-party state controlled by an oligarchy of supercorporations
>Well placed in freedom of the press
We have Government News that are considered the gold standard and if News disagree with them they are seen as right wing.
It's mostly the dominance of government news, that's the problem.
I have read that America's "lack of freedom" as shown by such scores is due to media consolidation. You know, the 6 companies that own >90% of our media.
You make up your own definition to combat your cognitive dissonance.
Very similar to how communist countries handle criticism about freedom etc tbqh. If you read abou it you will notice the similarities.
stop associating everything with the opposite ideology, and for once have some self anaylsis
Isn't that the same for green countries though? Or isn't the press in Germany controlled by (((them)))?
"Government news"? lolwut, that's like the definition of propaganda
>go to jail if you use the wrong words to refer to someone
>Free Press
Fucking good one
What do you propose is the reason "Reporters without Borders" classified the US as Satisfactory instead of Good? Freedom of the press is written into our constitution.
Yeah nah. Our press is almost Sweden tier
The countries rated good have hate speech laws, because of that they should be put in the "difficult" category. The US does not allow repression of the press in it's constitution. This map is a prgrressive propaganda piece.
Do the countries that ban holocaust denial need agencies and a bunch of people to enforce it? No. I'm proposing something similar. For example, it would be against the law to claim that Russia hacked the election.
> cuck op try to be edgy
> other countries saying themselves those numbers dont match
kek kys retarded faggot
Not really. Journalists are pretty well protected here. Hell our libtarded government actually demanded rebel media be given un press credentials after they tried to ban it for being "hate speech"
>believing (((SOROS))) funded organisations
>German press
This chart isn't freedom of the press, it's how liberal the press is.
>american reporters write what ever they want with little to no sources
>people start complaining saying they have no integrity
>US only has "satisfactory" rating
man it really sucks to not be able to write what ever you want and be able to claim it as news
By freedom of the press I assume they mean how free the press is to lie to the public and suck muslim dick
>no freedom of speech
>"good" free press