Japanese Cosplayer had changed her cloths in handicaped toilet

Japanese Cosplayer had changed her cloths in handicaped toilet.
She is now blamining as hell.
Is this political connectless?

@marubon181 twitter.com/marubon181

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>She is now blamining as hell.

>She is now blamining as hell.
I don't understand. Are you saying she's being blamed for doing something wrong by changing her clothes in a handicap restroom?

"Who should I apologize to?"
"To all hadicapted ones over the world?

i donut understand the weeb lingo i watch my japanesse porntoons with subtitles on

she has now been blaming as hell.

Can you translate, Yamasaki?

she dindu nuffin

Nice moonrunes, kid.

Japanese user had attained their kek on Sup Forums board.
They are now checkining them as hell.
Is this hip to be square?

@pbateman181 twitter.com/pbateman181

hadicaped restroom is for handicaped people not for cosplayers who change clothes.
so she has been blamed now on real time in twitter and 2ch etc.
her friend cosplayer even blaming

Just use your assigned gender's bathroom.

send dick

That still doesn't make sense
Are you saying that she's been harassed or asked to apologize for her actions?
If so, that's dumb, you're allowed to use the handicapped stall as long as there isn't a handicapped person waiting to use it, which is almost always the case

One she bean paste is my nasty penis of ancestors

cosplayers are degenerates

GOD DAMN. I blew a gasket reading this.

Try Google translate again.


I don't give a fuck about grown adults dressing up in childrens costumes you faggot gook

>her friend cosplayer even blaming

she is just trying to make herself look better by saying her friend did something wrong.

>hadicaped restroom is for handicaped people not for cosplayers who change clothes.
That much is obvious, but was there someone handicapped waiting to use the restroom? If not, who gives a fuck? It's nice to have extra space to change.

Learn proper English faglord

>political connectless

bathroom is not for cosplayers clothing
moreover, it is very crowded in comike term.
she is violating cosplayers local rurle. so her peer cosplayer even blame

I don't get the argument. Did she kick a handicapped person out or prevent one from using the washroom?

wot fuk?

if a person in a wheelchair ain't waiting outside then who cares?

>that jawline

Either bullshit or is only be suited for "prince" trap cosplay.

Okay, surely there is a dressing room.

So if I got this right, people are mad at the cosplayer for changing in the handicap restroom because it's frowned upon to use it without being handicapped?

"hadicaped restroom is for handicaped people not for cosplayers who change clothes.
so she has been blamed now on real time in twitter and 2ch etc.
her friend cosplayer even blaming" JNN

>using the handicapped restroom while not being handicapped

Death is not enough for these people.

I used the handicapped bathroom quite a lot when I was in uni. I didn't interfere with any handicapped people since there weren't any around to use them. I also made sure the toilets were left the way I found them.

Anybody who complains about it is a faggot.


I'm dying

if there are none handicaped that moment
but relying on that logic, if every cosplayer started to cloth there?
how about that?
so that is useless excuse


Who among us hasn't used the handicap restroom when the gent's has been full?

I think you mean she is being guilted

And who gives a fuck really, you all are so uptight

So what did the cosplayer fucking say they were using it or did someone snap pics?

>so that is useless excuse
Japan, that doesn't make fucking sense.

you've never been to comiket have you?
imagine 40k nips and like 5-10k foreigners cramming into an arena the size of a football stadium with booths and stands, and markets set up everywhere. You literally can never stand still. Lines for the bathroom can be over an hour. There used to be CLOUDS of humidity in the early comikets (from sweat)

8 time comiket attendee

she blamining as hell

(3rd-person singular) was blamed [as hell (preposition)]
(3rd-person singular) has [now (adverb)] been blamed [as hell (preposition)]
(3rd-person singular) is [now (adverb)] being blamed [as hell (preposition)]

wtf r u saying fish-head?

how is a women playing dress up and using a restroom to do so political in anyway?

Be nice, we want more regular Japanese posters.

Your entire country is an outhouse, it is literally impossible for it to be full with your current population.

if all cosplayer begun to cloth in handicapted WC, what will be happened in the future?
she is only special person you think?

>political connectless
I'm laughing so hard.

Nipon are literally the best posters.

I use the handicapped toilet all the time. I masturbated in one once too. Unless there is a handicapped person waiting for it why would anymore?

I enjoy miso eating even out of container ..old is best three year OK

What about my post wasn't nice? I just said I didn't understand.

There is a misconception that Handicapped washrooms are on reserve, that is not true.

Anyone can use the Handicapped washroom at any time, it's just another washroom.

If someone has a handicap that actual requires the handicapped washroom needs to use it, they should go priority.

It's stupid for a third washroom to remain empty in a crowded area, waiting for the 1 handicapped person in a crowd of 100,000 that may use it.

The argument is stupid

there is not such as a real japanese user, they are all filthy gaijins english teachers

Cosplayers are very special people

It's not entirely unreasonable.

Under normal circumstances it's fine to use the disabled toilet because there's almost never anyone waiting to use it, but if you're at an event and all cosplayers decide to use it to get changed then the 1 single disabled person at the event wont ever be able to get to the front of the queue.

Although this all could be solved by providing change rooms to supplement the bathrooms at events that are going to have 100+ cosplayers...

Goddamn, you chinks even misspell the same way you misspeak.

what if i'm cosplaying a handicapped transgendered male. this why you lost the coral sea

gas the handicapped.

Well, they can just let him go ahead obviously.

>not handicapped

>This is the biggest issue in the city of Japan
Japan has it good

>changing clothes in a public toilet

Japan must be nice. I try and touch as little as possible when I have to use one here


Kill them all Yamaru. Kill them all and restore your father's honor.

Wut? Go home japan your drunk

Holy shit Japan your engrish is so fucking kawaii :3

The argument is that the handicapped restroom is for, surprise, HANDICAPPED people and just because it wasnt in use or waiting to be used on in this moment doesnt mean its an okay to just go ahead and use it. At conventions were there are a shitload of attention seeking weebs other people might see this person leaving the handicapped restroom and just think "fuck it, I'll use it too".

Fuck that person and those who defend them. It's like using the 15 item or less lane when you have 50+ because theres no real enforcement of the rule and I mean hey there was no line right now so whats the big deal? The big deal is that its the 15 item or less lane you inconsiderate ass wipe.

Yeah, for a nation renowned for its ability to out-queue the british you wouldn't think it difficult. Maybe they have some retarded cultural pressure on disabled people to not have to announce that they're disabled and needa pee, although now I type that that does sound kinda shitty.



first of all, comiket janitor is banning changing clothes for cosplayers excepting designated place place.

tfw I use handi toilet all the time. Sometimes it's the only one with a Western toilet if you're in the sticks.

But each cosplayer would individually check if there is no handicapped waiting at the moment.

hold on guys i'll try to communicate with him, I watch anime so i know a little something about Japanese!!!

[spoiler]Learn english faggot[/spoiler]

u wot m8

Nice doubles, Mitsuhide. I also like your airtight slippery slope argument.

>send dick

I swear Nipons are top quality posters.

I forgot you animals poop on the floor a lot

>Fuck that person and those who defend them.
Go fuck yourself, you flamming faggot. Both sides of this debate are entirely reasonable positions to have, just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they're shitheads.

Yea that's fucking stupid. She didn't do anything wrong

bost benis

>gringo values

maybe a functional missfunction once a day.
not so fast John Smith the english teacher

>expecting designated place place

>if you're in the sticks

A slippery slope and a false equivalency in one god damn posts. Christ.
>mexican intellectuals

(((handicapped restrooms)))

nip posters

You ain't gonna be so tanned boy after live in the shade of the wall for few years



use the proper term.

>if all cosplayer begun to cloth in handicapted WC, what will be happened in the future?
Probably nothing because the number of handicapped people around who are desperately going to need to use that is going to almost certainly be a handful. If she needs to change and ahs nowhere else to do it then fuck it, otherwise that's space that could be used by other people left vacant on small chance Wheels-chan is there and needs to take a piss.

The person who did this is now blaming as hell.
Is this political correctness?

i've never see anything other than a larger stall for people who may be handicapped around here, and i always use it because I like to have more piss room

As Mark Twain said, It is better to take what does not belong to you than to let it lie around neglected.

actually, she is complaining about she is blamed.

I never knew Mark Twain was a nigger

Always enjoy a good nipthread


Cosplayers are handicapped though so its okay.