New York Police Department Has Changed Policy To Allow Sikhs To Wear Turbans, Terrorists!!
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Sikh terrorism is only a thing in India.
Retard, they're bro tier.
This is good, i like multiculturalism!
Sikhs are good people
inb4 the massive
For all that don't know.
Sikhs and Muslims hate each other's guts and have waged war for hundreds of years.
Consider these men the Muslim Extermination Unit. These are muslim killing mystics!
Sikh's are dope.
Carry a lil' knife around with em to cut uppity Muslims. You know, just in case.
>tfw I'm okay with this
If you have no problems with turbans, then you also agree with Hijabs on the force
Theyre just NYPD officers, calm your hatred. They will treat muslims the same as they would treat you
Can't wait to hear reports of Muslim inmates showing up at jailhouses with gash wounds and missing fingers or ears
sikhs are bro tier never forget. when SHTF sikhs will be by your side. know to different the turban from the rag.
fucking muslims
Kikes hate muslims, are they bro tier?
When will this fucking DUDE SIKHS ARE SICK!!!! meme end? They are stinky shitskins who are just as violent as muslims if you look at them the wrong way.
Muslims should never, under any circumstances, be treated the same way as an ordinary human being would be.
Muslims ought to be turned into dhimmis, as a result of which they would be barred from any and all law enforcement related employment.
Cool. Sikhs are bros.
It seems like you want more support for Black Lives Matter. I dont think thats in your best interests
A hijab wearing female cop will be spit on and insulted by a Muslim man from Saudi or Pakistan.
I'm Sikh of these based bros being confused with Muslims
M8 it's best if you just STFU and educate yourself on these muslim hunters.
U wot m8?
They're alright in my book.
So, if you're a member of KKK, will you be allowed to wear a hood?
S-sikhs are bro-tier tho right guys...?
>history of killing Muslims
>are clean
>don't push their religious beliefs onto others
>work hard
Don't see any reason to hate them desu
>hurr sikhs are bros XD
Kill yourselves.
>took his hat off
fuck off.
Could this effectively be unconstitutional according to the Second?
Taking off your turban is an offense punishable by 1000 years in the dark void.
That sikh gave up 1000 years of torture to save the boy
Good thing no one cares about his shitskin religion except his fellow shitskins.
Thanks for outing yourself, shitskin. It lets me know this entire thread is Sikhs circlejerking about themselves.
Ragheads of all types and varieties gtfo
In my gurus scripture it states that he who is most vulnerable is has the biggest viper tongue
if sikhs are bro tier why do they need special accommodation?
this is how it begins
soon enough you will have female officers in burkas
Took you guys long enough. We're a progressive nation so we made sure to allow turbans and hijabs a long time ago.
I think we're still working on that.
Meh, canada and new york have quite a few.
Not as many as they have muslims, but about a million when you take both countries.
Its just a northern thing.
Your guru's scripture means jack shit.
What happens now, shitskin?
Stop being mean to him. He never did anything to you.
>u wot
I advocate for open discrimination against Muslims.
>sikh posts on Sup Forums
>everyone loves them
we're just a bunch of racist white supremacists right
So you want to break the law like a nigger.
Got it
I fail to see the problem.
I'm sure those officers are Sihk and tired of being mistaken for Muslims.
Sadly some people here obviously are
Sikhs blew up planes in Canada
Their turbans are entirely different. Sometimes I think American education isn't just a meme.
Sikhs are based. I don't give a fuck.
Sikhs are alphas. They waltz in and cuck the locals into accepting their traditions.
We let the fucking bastard go this year after a mere 30 years in prison. Each year in prison for a male prisoner costs tax payers $110,000. I normally don't advocate for violence but we should've fucking killed him.
Its gonna be hilarious when one of them shoots a nigger on video and libs blame it on white supremacy.
White boys are too weak genetically speaking. You wouldn't be able to oppose Sikhs' alpha demands even if you wanted. It was destined that you would submit.
>insert bro tier meme here
We cant all be mongols.
They got mad when a black officer shot a black man. They just want reason to riot.
fuck off, reddit, holy shit
>Sikhs, who are bro-tier and bred for generations to kill Muslims
Pick one, and ONLY one.
When ever a Sikh boss man tells a white man to jump, the white man always asks first "how high?"
Sikhs blew up planes in Canada
He took up residence in my country like a parasite looking for a healthier host. Lord knows his shithole of a homeland is a testament to the collective ineptitude of his people and he can only make any successful Western nation worse off by displacing natives and driving a wedge between the nation and the state.
>lone incident 30 fucking years ago
Gotta do better than that lad.
Why'd he do it?
Isn't the hijab to protect modesty or whatever? But she is wearing false eyelashes and has contour makeup on? I don't understand these people.
Yes and? It was full of poos anyways.
Hindus in india were massacring Sikhs so they decide to go blow up an air india plane in Canada full of innocent people.
Jesus christ you are one edgy little fella.
Sikhism was invented to fight off Muslims. It's fine
Why does it matter what race the people in the place were? And they weren't all indian anyways.
Some Sikh grandpa took his turban off and used it as a rope to save some dumb drugged out white bitch who fell into a river
Good for them at least i will know who the cool cops are now.
If only you guys knew just how BASED these guys are. They live to slaughter muslims.
After your country gave him permission to...
I love the irony of the Sikhs being kebab removers meme, especially when the guy in your picture served in Bosnia
Let that sink in for a bit, he served in Bosnia, on NATO's side
Sikhs fought against kebab removers (the Serbs), to DEFEND kebabs (Bosnians)
>mfw Sup Forums doesn't know simple geopolitics
No it wasn't. Muslims helped create Sikhism and the first guru made pilgrimage to mecca. Almost 150 years later a Mughal emperor killed the 4th guru and then they started fighting.
Fucking BASED desu. The sikh breveik
That wasn't meant for you. I was trying to bait. Continue on. I personally don't see the the hate for poos as they are bretty gud at bants.
>once to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and three times to Afghanistan.[4] Sajjan was wounded during his service in Bosnia
Time in Trashcanistan re-enforced his kebab comprehension
You're insane. Some people on that plane were probably Sikh anyways considering how many we have.
Sikhs want to create an independent Sikh country in the Punjab
They terror attack Indian things to try to force the Indian Gov. out
Sikhs in America overwhelmingly voted for Democrat. Idk why you niggers worship them though. They hate Republifags and conservashits
This cracker didn't stand a change against his superior.
Minorities in general vote for Democrats because that party offers them too many good deals to refuse.
Why would they vote for a party that is now for the white working class and christian traditionalists?
The West lost its way after we became drunk with success. We proved ourselves so superior to you that we decided to take pity on you. Our altruism is our weakness, and it's the only reason he's not in chains.
What an awful thing to do and what a brave man protecting his GF like that. She's pretty cute too.
Maybe they'd vote Republican if the GOP stopped advertising ONLY TO WHITE MALES.
My neighbor is pretty conservative and he has a turban like theirs.
jewshill op pretending to be one of "us", believing his own lies that we're stupid.
*teleports behind you* "heh, nothing personnell kid"
I want this citu nuked one day just for how terrible we've been. Honestly, I'd want Kek to do something on New Year's Day that will create havoc.
CLICKBAITING: Republicans have found yet another thing to be professionally offended over!
Boy got uppity, probably demanded that Sikhs no longer wear the turbans. Well, he got put in his place.
there's less than 200 sikh nypd officers, who cares
There's nothing good about chaining up other people. Do you have any idea how many wars European countries used to fight among each other before WW2? Do you have any idea how many died? Things are much better due to western altruism.
>American first religion second
fucking based
Most immigrants are actually social conservative but still vote for left wing parties.
We need larger Sikh communities in the West. Mandatory migrant quotas that consist of mostly Sikhs. Then, encourage mixing between white women and them. Afterall Sikhs are based!
That's true. He is really bro tier and helped me shovel my driveway last week. I should offer him a beer one day.
We have about half a million in our tiny nation. We even have a Punjabi hockey night in Canada for them.
Sikhs are fine
All officers should wear a proper uniform. That includes the hat.
Conform or get the fuck out